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IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

Salaar Rage

just wait and see
Jan 14, 2023
Information :

1. Your name IRL - Mohith
2. Your age IRL - 21
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - 8 to 9 hrs
5. Your Discord - mohimohith
6. Your Nickname - Salaar Rage

7. Your ID - 78012

Additional information :

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A.1- In my entire experience with orgs, Gangs is the most I have spent with. Different gangs different ranks even Under deputy at times in some of the orgs. I have completely handled the gang operations and made sure the gang i am part of is active all the time in city. I headed many gang operations including store robberies, FZ raids, Gang raids etc.

A.2 - Lately, Gangs in the city have been inactive and some of the blame unfortunately goes to the leaders who are heading the gangs. I have seen the mistakes that they are committing and learned from those.

A.3 - I feel that I should take this opportunity to effectively lead a gang and complete a term successfully using my experience and my solid connections in the mafia in city that I made during my time with gangs.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
::- Firstly, I will make sure that only the top 3-4 ranks are able to hire members into the gang and ensure they are hired after a proper interview. This, to me, is the main cause of gangs getting disbanded.

::- I and my deputies will make sure that we are attending all the events in a day engaging all the members of the gang. This keeps the gang members excited and also pushes the other gangs to be active.

::- I will make sure that after each event all the members of the gang are awarded good bonus. This is to make sure they are motivated to participate in more events keeping the gang active all the time.

::- I will put my best efforts and hire the best of the best turfers in the city and target 100% turf before the end of the term. Maybe, I will list down the interview questions (including roleplay situation related questions) in our gang email and no compromise if someone is not able to answer the questions.

::- If I get the opportunity, I will not allow 0.1% toxicity in the gang. If it comes to a person being toxic, I will not even think twice to fire them from the gang, even if it is an experienced members or a high rank member.

::- I will REGULARLY conduct meetings for gang members to remind them about the gang rules and about the roleplay terms that need to be followed during store robberies and FZ raids.

::- Lastly, I will help a certain rank gang members for doing ghetto clapping and robbing people in the ghetto area. This brings more of roleplay experience for the gang members and the citizens, more crime in the city and more work for the LEOs.

16- Leader
15- Deputy
14- Under-Deputy
13- Warlord
12- Captain
11- Caporegime Turf
10- Regime Turf
9- Graffiti Head
8- Smuggler
7- Gun Slinger
6- Graffiti Artist
5- Gangster
4- Shooter
3- Thug
2- Rookie

1- Freeze


Sam Stark

Dec 9, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Sumit Sharma
2. Your age IRL: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hrs rn (i was inactive recently if i get term i can be 8 - 10 hrs)
5. Your Discord: amy_is_destructive
6. Your Nickname: Sam EverHart
7. Your ID: 107093
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
a) I think i gained enough experience in gang so i wanna help crime by becoming Marabunta leader
b) I think my experience in gangs taught me what to do as leader and not to, preventing warnings or disbandment from being issued to Marabunta.
c) I think by making sure Marabunta run properly, i hope to improve the server, promoting RP and rules.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
a) I will try to do 100% Turf and most active Gang.
b) I will try to give my best to every players, there will be no biased so they get good experience from my term
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