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IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

Nick Rune

Jul 1, 2021
1. Name : Atharv
2. Your age : 23
3. Time zone : GMT 5:30
4. Average online per day : 3 hours
5. Your Discord : coopxpert
6. Your Nickname : Nick Rune
7. Your ID : 1402

Additional information
1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
A. Guiding New Blood:
Imagine stepping into a bustling city, a newbie eager to carve your path. But the streets hold secrets, unwritten rules that govern the pulse of this concrete jungle. That's where I come in, a seasoned guide, ready to unveil the tapestry of gang life. Forget brute force or blind obedience. My focus is on empowering newcomers, equipping them with the knowledge to navigate the intricate dance of the ghetto. We'll delve into the unwritten codes that bind the community, the unspoken language of respect and territory. You'll learn the art of strategic alliances and the importance of fair play, forging bonds that transcend mere numbers. We'll master the art of the hustle, turning every event into an opportunity to earn and grow, from the adrenaline rush of turf wars to the calculated precision of store robberies. But this journey isn't just about survival; it's about building a brotherhood. We'll tackle forgotten events like encashments, injecting fresh energy into the routine. And to celebrate your victories, I'll introduce bonuses, a tangible reward for your dedication, your spirit that fuels the fire of our gang.

B. A Leader Forged in Experience:
My vision isn't built on empty promises. I've walked the path of a leader before, bearing the mantle of High Command in multiple terms. Those experiences, etched in the crucible of both legal and illegal encounters, have honed my skills in event management and turf control. I've seen the pitfalls of unchecked power, the chaos that erupts when rules crumble. With that knowledge, I vow to be a leader who champions fairness. No more favouritism, no more blind eyes to rule-breaking. My gaze will be vigilant, ensuring that every member, from the newest recruit to the seasoned veteran, plays by the same set of principles. We'll build a culture of integrity, where respect is earned through conduct, not connections.

C. Building an Active and Thriving Gang:
My vision isn't just about individual growth; it's about igniting the collective spirit. I remember the sting of rejection, the struggle to find a place in this concrete jungle. Now, I extend a hand to those who stand on the threshold. My gang will be a haven for the new, a platform where potential can blossom. We'll train together, honing our skills in tactical combat and coordinated maneuvers. We'll conquer events as a united front, our strength amplified by the pulse of brotherhood. And for those who thirst for knowledge, I'll be an unwavering mentor, sharing the tricks of the trade, the secrets of maximizing profits and navigating the ever-shifting landscape of the city. This is the vision I bring, a tapestry woven from experience, passion, and a deep belief in the power of community. Join me, and together, we'll write a new chapter in the story of this city. Let's build a gang that's not just feared, but admired, a force that leaves a lasting mark on the soul of this concrete jungle.
Remember, this is just the beginning. Within this blueprint lie countless possibilities, waiting to be explored and shaped by the collective spirit of our gang. So, step forward, brothers and sisters, and let's paint the city with the vibrant hues of unity, respect, and unwavering dedication.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
A. Earning Your Stripes: A System of Merit:
Forget the days of empty promises and arbitrary promotions. My system will be transparent, built on the bedrock of merit and measurable contributions. We'll open an email log, a digital canvas where every member can showcase their dedication. Every event, every victory, every obstacle overcome will be documented, a testament to your unwavering commitment.
This log won't just be a record; it will be your ladder to advancement. Promotions won't be handed out like candy, but earned through sweat and skill. I'll scrutinize these logs, a silent observer who recognizes true potential. And when the time comes, the deserving will be rewarded, their ascent a testament to the system's fairness.

B. Beyond the Battlefield: A Legacy of Unity:
My vision isn't just about power or dominance. It's about building a legacy, a community that transcends the fleeting glory of turf wars and event victories. We'll be more than just a gang; we'll be a beacon of unity and support, a force for good that inspires others to rise above themselves. We'll organize charity events, extending a helping hand to those less fortunate. We'll mentor young players, nurturing the next generation of leaders. We'll be the embodiment of sportsmanship, celebrating victories with grace and accepting defeats with dignity.

Range Juzo

Jul 15, 2023

1. Your name IRL: Aayush
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: aayushbhargav
6. Your Nickname: Aayush Lyz
7. Your ID: 69592

Additional information

1. Leader of... Marabunta Grande.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) Hello there everyone I’m back I want Marabunta again because I see no one can control the gang like I did I want to bring marabunta come on top so everyone knows marabunta will be in good term with good leader and be the most active gang I want to give other gang the fight which they want I want to bring the ghetto back with my ballas people and we will if I get it.

2) honestly have a amazing leader in everything organization will be good and I think marabunta or any gang did not have this after my term I feel my gangs is going down because people are not caring about it a lot so let’s make marabunta on top again.

3) honestly who knows me I’m chill guy which I don’t want family problem in my gang which I don’t like people fight because of family things in gang and I like everyone to learn 1 or 2 things from me which will lead them in good position if they want leadership

4) I want everyone to have good behavior in gang and have fun also and play the events for fun and it does not matter in my gang if you high command or lower rank we all are human beings with same rights but little bit of power to use in org but not allow to use it for fun everyone should be equal in my gang and having fun with each other.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) Learn the rule good because it will be better for you

2) Not recruiting everyone who does not know anything want to join the org pass my interview which all my high command will ask

3) Not breaking rules for fun or for stupid things so the gang gets warning

4) The gang will improve the role play so other gang do the same I hope

5) All through those varieties of months, I discovered that proper RP is rich in criminal companies of the city, however gangs lack it enormously. i'd recommend gangs to create more RP situations in-among every different, as an example specific gangs creating a financial deal or protection deal and growing greater lore inside the metropolis that manner. even though alliances already exist, what i'm advising is a bit more complex and deeper than that, if gangs play with whole on RP, even some situations which come to be on forums and aren’t rule breaks, could be dealt in an RP scenario (If a situation is a rule wreck it have to bypass on forums of route). there may be continuously tension between gangs and gang leaders, but I suppose that tension ought to come to be a healthful competition if gangs are inclined to exercise greater RP, alternatively of getting conflicts with every extraordinary OOC and having dialogue board wars.

Thank you for reviewing my application.
Solid Regards.
Aayush Lyz.

Teja Chowdary

EN02- Marabunta Curator
Dec 2, 2022
The following players have been selected for Marabunta interview at server time 14:00 on 16 December , 2023

Nick Rune- coopxpert- 1402

The Applications For Marabunta Leader Is Closed Now

Green Kethiees

Dec 27, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Kethiees kumar R
2. Your age : 29
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4hrs Minimum
5. Your Discord : oigaming#7576
6. Your Nickname: Green Kethiees
7. Your ID: 127862
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I’m a Streamer who streams Minimum 4hrs daily and I want to keep my Subscribers engaged to watch my stream, we can attend events in Server, own business Etc
2. Being a leader of specific organisation I want to take it to Number 1 position fighting and engaging with other gangs, ofcourse ill do it since I’m a streamer and everyone wants me to do it That is to make my organisation NO 1
3. I don’t have to wait for my leader to come online and make a store robbery or FZ or any kind of robbery since I’m a leader and actively online and I can make it both for my live and organisation development

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1.To increase RP level is to engage with new people who is joining our organisation .
2. Don’t stay as Group, Our whole Gang is a Group so Stay Together
3. Teach Others what should be done and what should not be

4. Respect Each other and Lets be No 1


Minister of the state
Nov 19, 2023
1. Your name IRL: naveen kumar
2. Your age : 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4hrs to 6 hours
5. Your Discord : naveen0551
6. Your Nickname: its shridhi
7. Your ID: 116171
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I want to become the leader of organisation because so that i can help the other player those are intrested in gangs and i want to help them for doing thes stuff they want so that they can enjoy there life in the city
2. There are alot of organisations in the city but i want to become the leader of this organisation because i know i can do it i have been worked as a high command in other organisations as well and i have the leader ship quality i know how and when to deal the people i mean when we have to strict and when we have to be calm
3. There are alot of things happens in the city i want to turning every event into an opportunity to earn and grow, from the adrenaline rush of turf wars to the calculated precision of store robberies We'll tackle forgotten events like encashments, injecting fresh energy into the routine. And to celebrate your victories, I'll introduce bonuses, a tangible reward for your dedication and the loyalty .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

To increase RP level is to engage with new people i ll introducing the logs sytem in emails in the logs for there intrest i ll also introduce the bonus system all my criminal partners can post there event in logs and they ll get the bonus this will increase there intrest in the gangs and it will help to inprove the roleplay in organisation and also make them more intested do to the crimes and make the city more exited then before i ll organize charity events, extending a helping hand to those less fortunate. We'll mentor young players, nurturing the next generation of leaders. We'll be the embodiment of sportsmanship, celebrating victories with grace and accepting defeats with dignity.
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Need a Job
Feb 12, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Andrew Johnson
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone: (GMT+1)
4. Average online per day: 5hours to 6 hours
5. Your Discord : miele1
6. Your Nickname: Andrew Silver
7. Your ID: 99971
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Reason 1. I want to become the leader of Marabunta because it is a great organization and I Believe that I can be a good fit for a Leader as of I know the Rules I know English very well and I have lots of experience in all of the Gangs.

Reason 2. I will make Marabunta the Number 1 Gang in the city, I will make it very active will go to all the events like clandestines, Store Robberies, NG Raid ETC. Also will get a very active graffiti team to do graffiti everyday

Reason 3. I can keep calm in stressful situations i can help new guys in the city with any troubles and for them to make new memories in the gang also I always treat my members as my own friends so they can talk to me any time they want.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.
I will Introduce a pretty good and fair Bonus system so that everyone will get payed fairly for their work. Will change the Ranking system the rank names and also so that people are able to get ranked up according to their work and everyone will be watched to know how active they are and what rank do they deserve. Will make the Gang do lots of robberies to make Bunta more famous. Will have meetings with the gang to let them know what their performance is what they need to improve, if anyone is breaking rules I will discuss with them what happened and try to teach him the rules so he does not brake it again, listen to some suggestions members have to say about the gang to overall make the gang the best gang on the city and more importantly make it like 1 big family

Hasbelkaderr Mithat

Dec 11, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Hasbelkaderr Mithat
2. 18
3. GMT +3
4. Average online per day: 8 to 15 hours
5. greez27
6: Mithat
7. 81804

Additional İnformation
1. Leader of Marabunta

2. * First of all, I have been in all illegal and legal organizations before, I am experienced and knowledgeable, I know how the business works.
*If I become the leader, you can be sure that I will rp in accordance with the rules and with high quality, since I know the ghetto and gang rules.
* Finally, I have been under deputy in all gangs and deputy in some of them, so I think I am now in a position to be a leader. Moreover I have never received a ban penalty before and I have no penalty record.
* I am very confident in myself, I have a lot of people around me and friends, I will be the most active gang in the city.

* Its under my leadership i will ensure that my gang is active then every other gang in city.
* There may be some more innovations and updates to the events, and new robbery and gang events should be added.
Also, I will always give bonuses and rank up to those who show activity.

4) Under my leadership i will ensure that everyone gets regular bonuses and rankups.
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The Lord

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝
Sep 13, 2023
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Aryan K
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 5-6 Hours
5. Your Discord : scotch_99
6. Your Nickname: Lord Guns
7. Your ID: 98598
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I feel confident and comfortable to become the leader of marabunta street gang because I am very knowledgeable in the RP rules, turf rules and leader rules. I have been in the city for quite a while now and I have 5 years of experience in GTA RP over my time I have been in many different cities taking high command and leader roles in legal and illegal organisations and as soon as I came here to grand RP I felt very comfortable and learnt the rules swiftly. I have experience in this city and I am the deputy leader of families in the second city.

Creative RP
I would like to change the way that we see RP by implementing new strategies and ideas to the grand RP community. Hosting new types of globals not like the common rev death match or megamall takeover but to entice the community to join my criminal organisation.

I would also like to keep my gang very active like most gangs these days are very inactive and members do not show up to event sor backup calls. I would like to implement warning systems like I have in my family to keep it active and working into my gang. 3 warnings would be a kick. A warning would be handing out to one after either not showing up to an event, ignoring high command or refusing to help the gang at all in any way shape or form. I think this system would help to make families the best gang in the city as all or at least most of our members would be actively willing and excited to participate in events and to entice people into turning up we would offer generous bonuses depending on events.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.
I had Implemented a well thought out test and initiation incorporating ghetto rules to better facilitate a proper and respected gang/community of the GrandRP server. This test would include a a quiz and an activity with hands on experience to get members ready for the gang. I want to create groups within the gang meant for specific tasks and expect high end results. These tasks can range from squads meant for spraying all the way up to bigger groups to participate in events. These groups would include well trained members who specialize in certain areas but are highly trained and capable to complete all other gang activities. The groups would be sorted with titles created by a ranking system. I know quite a few people of influence within the GrandRP community and this I feel also will help other organizations come together and create an all around better role play experience caused through negotiations like business and quality within events. Teaching new members under my leadership will allow members to learn from the vast knowledge I have acquired from my previous Co-Leadership experience.

Hexton Froster

A ruthless veteran of the ghetto !
Jul 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL
Arosh Rayhan
2. Your age
3. Time zone

+6 GMT
4. Average online per day

9-10 Hours
5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname

Hexton Froster
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of...Marabunta
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A- I want to be leader of Marabunta because I have been leader of Families before and I had a term of 3 weeks and 2 days with 1 warn in total but for some ooc issues I couldnt complete it as its not important as my life. I took a break from RP from last 1 year but now Everything is fixed and Im free for almost 2 years as I have completed my education so I can complete the term with 0 warning I believe that.

B- I can be a good leader as I have good leadership skills and there is no event I have leaded and we didnt won it. Its very unlikely that threw out my term I will not be the most active gang in city. I have 1 months to prove my self and its enough.

C- I have changed and improved my social skills in this year I have matured over time from last year and I know how things wrok in grand rp, As I was a admin before I know what a curator will expect from a gang leader. If I can get a chance to give interview you will know how much exp I have and How much skill full Im.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

First of all I have I will make gang active while maintaining a good roleplay environment. Also I will divide the gang members into sects like real life and give them different work. I will make my turfers join us in the vents too for having maximum chances of winning. As a leader I will be communicating with my gang members often and openly so they dont get any issues in my gang. I will try to maintain a friendly environment too while doing maximum amount of events and activities. It would be a great term trust me. Try giving me a chance I wont let my curators down.

Tomi Meller

Senior Crime Curator ✨ EN2 PC Checker 🤩
Senior Administrator
Jun 16, 2022
The following players have been selected for Marabunta interview at server time 19:00 on 28 December , 2023

its shridhi - naveen0551 - 116171
Hasbelkaderr Mithat - greez27 -81804
The Applications For Marabunta Leader Is Closed Now


en2-Kuzey Verstappen
Jan 18, 2024
1. Your name IRL Kuzey
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone +3 GMT
4. Average online per day 8-9
5. Your Discord .greax.
6. Your Nickname Kuzey Verstappen
7. Your ID 109139

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- to make the organization a more working-friendly place.
- to make the organization best organization .
- to be able to work more closely and amicably with other gangs
- I want to show the Marabunta's power to all leos.
- I want to see how I can make this organization better.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I will do more illegal activities to up the quality of this gang. Like a hostage situtations, store rob and fz raids.

- I will try to manage this gang as possible and I will bring everyone to this gang.

- I won't give unfair rank to anyone. People who participate in events, people who have good communication with other members will have a high rank.

-------------MY GOALS FOR MARABUNTA TERM-------------

----1.Complete without any warning

----2.be stronger than other gangs and dominate them

----3.%100 Turf
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Mohammed Error

Not Here 👀
Feb 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Mohammed Abdellah
2. Your age : 16, 17 soon
3. Time zone : GMT+2
4. Average online per day : 4 - 12 hrs
5. Your Discord : evil.404
6. Your Nickname : Evil

7. Your ID : 14809
Additional Information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).
- Have a lot of experience in illegal orgs so i was HC in all gangs before.
- The gang's distinguished location so Marabunta Grande Gang located in good place in ghetto.
- I like the blue colour and Marabunta Grande Gang has this colour so it's good thing to me.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
- Choosing people who will join well to be sure they won't brake the rules.
- Make store robberies, gun robberies.
- Attach all events.

- Be in ghetto, highway most of the time.
Some features in Mohammed Error:
- Old enough in the city.

- Have a lot of experience.
- Have a staff of Turfers, Leaders, High Commands.

- Have a experience to lead gang so i'm from the leaders in my fam ( Error404 ) from along time.
My Ranking System

1. Freeze
2. Newbie
3. Gangster
4. Shooter
5. Graffiti Team
6. Graffiti Leader
7. Enforcer
8. Mafia
9. Turfer
10. Event Leader
11. Warlord
12. O.G
13. Under Deputy
14. Deputy Leader
15. Leader

Some Goals:

- Most active gang in the city.
- 100% Graffiti.
- 100% Turf.
- Complete my term without any warnings.
- Make this term best term for Marabunta Grande Gang.

Thank you for reading my application
My Greetings

Mohammed Error
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Jan 2, 2024
  • Information
  • 1. Your name IRL:Rabih Alshami
  • 2. Your age 17
  • 3. Time zone GMT+2
  • 4. Average online per day: 3+
  • 5. Your Discord: bilalyama(Bilal Yama#8382
  • 6. Your Nickname: BilalYama UndefeatedTakeTwo
  • 7. Your ID:11102
  • Leader Of Marabunta
    Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
    a. Passion for the Concept:
    • I have a deep passion for the concept and goals of Marabunta. The values and principles it represents align perfectly with my own, and I believe in fostering a community that embodies these ideals.
  • b. Leadership Experience:
    • I bring valuable leadership experience to the table. Having led Gangs successfully, I am confident in my ability to guide and inspire members, ensuring a positive and inclusive environment within Marabunta.
  • c. Vision for Growth:
    • I have a clear vision for the growth and development of Marabunta. My strategic approach involves implementing innovative ideas, organizing engaging events, and fostering collaborative initiatives to enhance the overall experience for members.

      Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization:
      a. Encourage Character Depth:
    • Encourage members to delve deeper into their character backgrounds and motivations. This can add layers to the RP experience, making interactions more immersive and dynamic.
  • b. Establish Consistent Storylines:
    • Work with the RP community to establish consistent and evolving storylines. This helps maintain engagement and allows for character development over time, creating a more cohesive and interconnected narrative.
  • c. Provide Ongoing Support and Training:
    • Implement training sessions or workshops to help members improve their RP skills. This can include tips on character development, improvisation, and understanding the overarching story, fostering a more skilled and invested RP community.

      Rank System:
      Turf Captain
      Event Captain
      Graffiti Captain
      Senior Goon
      Junior Goon
      Young Bunta

      Thanks for reading my application Best Regards: Bilal Undefeated :)
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Zain Veneta

Jul 23, 2023
1. Your name IRL - Robert
2. Your age - 30
3. Time zone - EST
4. Average online per day - 10-12 hours
5. Your Discord - Havik#7905
6. Your Nickname - Lance Thrust
7. Your ID - #48
Additional information -

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Marabunta is where i started. I know id be a great leader and I've been depts in gangs before. and i learned alot about what it takes to be a leader. Its alot of work and time to invest. I have leadership skills and have a strong respect for the rules allowing to get the job done right. In my time help Leading gangs and Being I facilitated squads and got the gang active when everything was seemingly quiet within headquarters. This all around gives me experience that would be essential when brought to the table. This gives me a perspective of being these different ranking organization members but also built leadership skills that prepare me to be a leader of a gang.

3.I had Implemented a well thought out test and initiation incorporating ghetto rules to better facilitate a proper and respected gang/community of the GrandRP server. This test would include a a quiz and an activity with hands on experience to get members ready for the gang. I want to create groups within the gang meant for specific tasks and expect high end results. These tasks can range from squads meant for spraying all the way up to bigger groups to participate in events. These groups would include well trained members who specialize in certain areas but are highly trained and capable to complete all other gang activities. The groups would be sorted with titles created by a ranking system. I know quite a few people of influence within the GrandRP community and this I feel also will help other organizations come together and create an all around better role play experience caused through negotiations like business and quality within events. Teaching new members under my leadership will allow members to learn from the vast knowledge I have acquired from my previous Leadership experience.

Cafer Pluxury

Alejandro Family 🇹🇷
Sep 26, 2022
Your name IRL: Sedat
Your age: 18
Time zone: GMT +3
Average online per day: 5 Hours on Weekdays And 7 Hours on weekend
Your Discord: cafer.00
Your Nickname: Cafer Alejandro
Your ID: 63090
Additional information
1. Leader of The Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
-I spend most of my time in the city in the ghetto, but I cant see other gangs active in the ghetto I want any other gangs to be the best among other gangs and the old glory days

-I will organise events in the city as much as I can do events for example I will organise events such as store rob fz raid hostage sitution and for this I have one of the best families of the game supporting me behind me and with this I will try to be the strongest gang in the city

-I know the best turfers in the city and together with these people I will make 100% turf and become the owner of the ghetto as soon as possible and together with these people we will make history in the city.

-I know that my past is dirty for the punishments I received in the past but I have learned my lesson in all of them, I understand and learnt all the rules very well I have all the information about the gang as I have been in most gangs as a deputy or under deputy I think I can successfully manage the Term.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

-I will make sure the members of my gang arent always unarmed.
-will give bonuses to everyone who actively participate in the events.
-I will rob as much as I can in the city and in this way the criminals will have the upper hand against the Leos
-I'll do as many robberies as I can in the city so the cops cant stop the crime rate.
-I'll organise a lot of of fz raids on NG so the military unit will be disrupted.
-I will be very active in the ghetto and other events for the gang to be very active.

Mr. Pablo

Alejandro Family 🇹🇷
Dec 18, 2022
Your name IRL: Sedat
Your age: 18
Time zone: GMT+3
Average online per day: 4 or 5 hours on weekdays,7 or 8 hours on weekend
Your Discord: cafer.00
Your Nickname: Clara Alejandro
Your ID: 74399
Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-I have a lot of turfer friends I know in the city and I have experience playing on turfs before for this purpose I aim to make 100% Turf and have a ghetto as soon as possible and together with these people we will write a great history in the city

-I have many many friends in the city and alejandro one of the big families of the city with me the gang will be very active and I will only invite people who know the rules and old gang members to the marabunta,and experienced people will work with me to reduce the mistakes in my gang to zero

-I have previous experience in legal and illegal orgs I know what legal orgs will do so with this information I will establish a very good superiority over them and create a very solid rp environment in the city

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

-The warehouse will always be full so no one will be without ammunition
-I'll do as many robberies as I can and teach everyone how to do a robbery
-I will distribute bonuses after every successful job I do
- I'll make sure that every event is attended by my gang

Ranking System
15 ) Leader
14 ) Deputy
13 ) Under Deputy
12 ) Event leader
11 ) Turfer
10 ) Recruiter
==High Command==
10) Alejandro
9) Punisher
8) Warlord
7) Graffiti Leader
6) Villain
5) Shooter
4) Graffiti Members
3) Rookie
2) Newbie
1) Freeze

My Goals:
%100 Turf
Best gang in city
Minumum 1 FZ raid per day

Best Regards,
Clara Alejandro.


Need a Job
Feb 12, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Andrew Johnson
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone: (GMT+1)
4. Average online per day: 5hours to 6 hours week days 9h+ weekends
5. Your Discord : miele1
6. Your Nickname: Andrew Milton
7. Your ID: 99971
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta Grande

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Reason 1. I want to become the leader of Marabunta because it is a great organization and I Believe that I can be a good fit for a Leader as of I know the Rules I know English very well and I have lots of experience in all of the Gangs.

Reason 2. I will make Marabunta the Number 1 Gang in the city, I will make it very active will go to all the events like clandestines, Store Robberies, NG Raid ETC. Also will get a very active graffiti team to do graffiti everyday

Reason 3. I can keep calm in stressful situations i can help new guys in the city with any troubles and for them to make new memories in the gang also I always treat my members as my own friends so they can talk to me any time they want.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.
I will Introduce a pretty good and fair Bonus system so that everyone will get payed fairly for their work. Will change the Ranking system the rank names and also so that people are able to get ranked up according to their work and everyone will be watched to know how active they are and what rank do they deserve. Will make the Gang do lots of robberies to make Bunta more famous. Will have meetings with the gang to let them know what their performance is what they need to improve, if anyone is breaking rules I will discuss with them what happened and try to teach him the rules so he does not brake it again, listen to some suggestions members have to say about the gang to overall make the gang the best gang on the city and more importantly make it like 1 big family

Note: Ik my punishment history is bad but please consider these as of i have learned all the rules
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