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IMPORTANT Applications for the Ballas

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James Giugo

Oct 23, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Lewis
2. Your age:15
3. Time zone: GM+1
4. Average online per day:4-5 On Weekdays More On Weekends
5. Your Disord Username: HughJass#9937
6. Your Nickname: Thomas Giugo
7. Your ID: 135
Additional information
1. Leader of...Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to be the leader of Ballas because I want to boost the level of RP within gangs and make gang life more exciting and more exciting.

I want people to take notice of Ballas and appreciate it. I will bring lots of fun to the gang as well not just seriousness because then eventually it will get boring and people will start to leave I will play music now and then muck about a bit but not in any way to get the gang in trouble just enough so that the people won't be bored constantly form being serious all the time.

I have also been Deputy Leader of Marabunta aswell in its past term which also prepares me for what to come and how to handle it all smoothly and set everything up. Also, I know all the rules so I know what and what not to do at all times. Then Ballas will have a rule-following leader!.

The HQ is in a very nice quiet and calm place most of the time which gives us some free time to have a bit of fun and we can do that without being bothered most of the time its some what calm which gives us time to have some fun when we have free time and are not busy so we can have some fun.

3. Your advice for improving roleplay in the organization

I will make sure to engage a lot more considering the location of our HQ.
In hostage situations, I will make it more interesting for us and the LEO not just get the money return the hostage and have a gunfight or leave.
I will take some risks (Personal Risks not risking a warning or a verbal) for the gang to engage in so it's more fun and exciting for the gang.
I will host events as often as I can.
Try and interact with fake cops or corrupt cops to get intel on what they're planning on doing so we are more prepared and we are more likely to win which will boost the gang's morale and make them feel proud to be a part of Ballas
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Yatharth Badmash

Don't Be a Dumb Kid
Jan 31, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Subhajit
2. 21
3. GMT+5:30
4. 8-12 hours
5. DEVIL#7900
6. AxoFear Vulcans
7. 12377

Additional information

1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

  • I came to the city a long time ago, and worked a lot in gangs and gained a lots of experience. I joined Ballas when I came to the city, at that time Ballas had a a great leader( his name was Choti Baba). I came around almost the end of our leader's phase, but learned a lot in the gang and participated in many events and earned my way up to rank 6(in a very less time). After Ballas, I joined Bloods Street Gang, while it was under another great leader's leadership (Yousif Claps). After that when the leader fell and the gang got disbanded , Bloods got a new leader, I joined back again. Once again I was in Bloods Street Gang and got Rank 11(deputy) and also supported The Gang till the Gang got disband , and even after that I joined Vagos and got the (deputy) again because the leader knew how hard working I was and how good I was at it. Due to my experience I know all the rules, how events take place and what all is to be done to avoid strikes and warnings .
  • I was never a leader of any organizations but I was an unofficial organization leader so I have the experience of leadership , I know how to handle any adverse situation and know how to deal with it. Since I became the leader of unofficial organization I've been inviting new members to help them grow and learn more and more about the city. I have been including them in our events so they can gain more experience. So I want to share my gang experience to the members that I will invite and I'm pretty sure I will lead this gang correctly
  • I want to improve the RP quality and want to make it fair for everyone by doing in gang stuff due to my creativity experience as I am an enthusiastic person and I want to lead Ballas Gang to 100% Turfs and to become the most successful gang in the city , I will give very tough competition to other Gangs.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • The first important thing to improve Roleplay level in organization is inviting people who really knows the rules. Before inviting someone to the gang, the leader or deputies should take an interview of him/her. In the interview they should ask him / her about every gang rules and how they work . if he/she doesn't know any of the rules , the leader and deputies should let him/her know about each and every rule about the gang to make the RP experience good for everyone .
  • Before going to an event, the leader have to meet his/her gang members in the Headquarter before 15 min of the event to make it easier for the leader to gear up the members and pull up to the event .
  • We should give Bonus 2-3 times in every weeks to appreciate Gang members for their works and efforts they did for their Gang to motivate them and to increase their morale.

Thank you for reading my application :)

Canberk West

Oct 27, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Canberk
2. Your age - 16
3. Time zone - GMT+3
4. Average online per day - 7-8 hours
5. Your Discord - einstein but with an iq of 60#7902
6. Your Nickname - Canberk West
7. Your ID - 720
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- I have been in this city for a long time and I have gotten experiences from pretty much every organization (leaving out a couple), I have seen how gangs work , I am surrounded by some of the best leaders this city has ever seen and I have learnt a lot from them . I have weighed the pros and cons for leading a gang and I've seen that a lot of good gangs get disbanded over the most stupid reasons and I wanna be better than those leaders. I have been trying to get chance since i knew that i was perfect for this position , I know for a fact that if I get a shot , I will not disappoint.

- The main things that gangs take part in is robbing and I see people breaking rules left and right in the ghetto everyday and I want to change that , I want to implement a warning/strike system that actually works and is actually used. Gangs already take part in little to no roleplay and most gangs just go around breaking rules themselves and then when they see someone else break a rule they report it like hypocrites. I'm not willing to have any such people in my organization (If I get the chance to do so). I'm not one of those people who break rules, and my record shows that . There is Exceptions and I know there's not much I can do to fix what I've done previously but that exceptions happened while ago. I see that orgs have to do events every 2 weeks even if they have no warnings and I believe in that , even more so that I am willing to spend money out of my own pocket to organize events every week. I want everybody to have fun and let others have fun as well, I do not enjoy a toxic atmosphere and I do not tolerate it and I will ensure that Ballas plays no part in OOC toxicity.

-The second thing would be events , especially , Clandestine . It used to be my favourite event as a new flight in the city and now it's turned into a mess and all I see is people camping for parachutes instead of actually having fun and clapping other gangs. I want to fix that , I want to be a part of that change and I give you my word ,that if I get a chance to do so , I will not back out. Then comes Store robberies , I have always loved store robberies as a gangster , there are so many ways you can roleplay them out and yet we only see people trying to win it for the money. My main motive is to make a better experience for everybody and store robberies is one of the events where I can REALLY help with that , gangs are already very low RP and with legal orgs trying to win every store robbery there is, it isnt fun at all. I will personally contact legal org leaders OOCly to ensure both orgs have fun and develop some nice roleplay strategies which can also create some funny moments , and some good content for the streamers and content creators. I know some content creators myself and I know for a fact that they would love to hop in a call with me to create an rp scenario , where its fun for everybody. Lastly I have the people and resources to make ballas one of the best gangs and as can be seen before, the same high command who dominated the streets with Bloods, will be dominating the streets with Ballas, which for most people in my team, isn't the first gang which gave them criminal experience in the city.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I have seen all sides of RP , I have seen serious rp , I have seen semi-serious rp and I have seen bad rp . all in all , I want to bring a change and make the experience fun for everyone . I feel like I don't really have to answer this question that well considering that roleplay is the main reason why I started playing in this city . I have mentioned everything I want to do above and I have more Ideas like collaborating with admins and other orgs to make a fun , Global event of sorts. I hope to get a chance at an interview.
All I want to say is , give me a shot and I will not prove you wrong .

Definite Khan

Jun 19, 2021
1. Ankit Arnav
2. 27
3. IST
4. 5hrs
5. imAnkiT#0424
6. Defi Pluxury
7. 1322
Additional information
1. Leader of : Ballas
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

>I want to become the leader of this organization because I am passionate about Ballas. I have experience in gang i know about each and every event and i know how to win the event or if i lose i know how to save my people.

>I am one of the best negotiator because this is something i have more than 3 yrs experience. So i know how to exchange hostage for robbing a store/gunstore .I also know how to do an FZ raid which most of the applicants might not know because i have a clear track record i have never been arrested in an FZ raid.

>I am Crime curator in EN1 for more than 6 months so i know how gang works and what things should be done. I am responsible for whatever Fail RP will be done by me/ my gang members and will compensate for it and try not to go to forums if things can settle ingame.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization

I have only one motive " Roleplay over Gunplay" I can assure that i will ensure the quality RP will be done from my side . If any mistake will be done i will try to compensate and solve the matter ICly. And obviously m not a forum warrior
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Feb 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL Stephen
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone ESAT
4. Average online per day 5-6 hours school days 8-10 weekends
5. Your Discord Padax#0049
6. Your Nickname Sophie Creed
7. Your ID 11483
Additional information

1. Leader of... Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I've been playing the server for a while now and really want to be a leader. I've been in a few organizations over my period of playing and I feel this makes me a strong leader for this position. I have been in a few gangs now for extended periods of time. My knowledge of the rules helps me to be able to be successful over the 30 days of being a leader and maybe even take another term.

-Being in FIB/Bloods/Marabunta/Vagos has taught me a lot about leading an Organization in the server and that has gave me a lot of confidents to achieve any goals. I know many of people would like to join me and help me along side this journey .

- I also seen how the past 2 leaders ran ballas and gave it a good rep i can do that aswell by have a good turf team to get 100% turfs next season i have alot of people up my sleeve to bring to my turf team and beat all gangs

- I want to everyone to know who we are as a gang no people to be fucked with we are going to own every spray in the ghetto and make sure no one takes it if they do they better put up a good fight.

How can I help improve RP?
- I have alot of things to improve rp but the main thing would be everyone knowing and exploring the city rule

1. Doing fun events
2. Do fun rp with corrupt cops
3. And my high Commends will write a folder for each leo org high commend
4. Doing Robberys and Hostage situations
4.we would use ( /try/me commands)

I hope you like my application and cant wait to work with you.

Jad Xiliz

Life is only as good as your mindset
Feb 5, 2022

The following players have been selected for Ballas interviews at 17:00 server time on 22th April

1. @imAnkiT#0424 - Defi Pluxury - 1322

2. @DeAudacity#1733 - Hector DeLion - 20166

The application for The Ballas Leader are now Closed

Trey Windsor

Sep 27, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Merrick Litchauer
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT -5
4. Average online per day: 5-7 hours weekdays 7-10 hours weekends
5. Your Discord: Sadward#6969
6. Your Nickname: Peter Crest
7. Your ID: 19732
Additional information

1. Leader of: Ballas Street Gang

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization:

- I want to lead the Ballas gang to get involved more with gangs and create more fun for the people in the city, I would love to lead them and have many active members on at all times of the day always participating in events and always active around the ghetto, always graffiti and other big events.

- I want to lead the Ballas gang and have a strong organization we will make sure people know their rules and that they are having fun all the time, I will make sure to give back to everyone in the gang whenever needed if that will be guns armor or anything.

- I want to lead the Ballas gang to being the #1 gang in the city, now I know this seems crazy but with the right people and motivation we can be the #1 I can work along with the members and make a strong gang and I will have all my strong thoughts and opinions to help grow the gang as-well as other members.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

- To improve the RolePlay level in the organization we will need to have simple training and high standards so that way we can make our people strong, instead of inviting new people that have not been in a gang but want to join and letting them go without any idea of how it works, we will show them around right away and get them ready for the life of being a gangster.

- We will improve the RolePlay by always having people out and around ghetto graffitiing or out robbing, and we will lead to make sure our members do NOT do risky things to get themselves in trouble in any way, we will show up with good radio communication and be prepared to fight.

- Giving back to the people who show up to events like cland, battleship, subs etc and for the people who show up will get a cut no matter if we loose or win they will always be rewarded for showing up and participating. And it’ll encourage the people to want to do this more leading us to be #1

- To better the RP and have a more fun experience we will plan and host global events for our gang and others to have a fun experience and compete for a big cash prizes.

- In my potential leadership position if I get the spot I will open and create countless opportunities so that everyone in the organization has a chance at what they want to do and will result in a better outcome for them in the future with their knowledge they will learn.
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real berko

the person i love gave me this name
Dec 19, 2021

2. Your age : 21

3. Time zone: +GMT+03:00

4. Average online per day : 8-12 hour

5. Your Discord:berko#9008

6. Your Nickname: berk hurmaci

7. Your ID :3220

Additional information
------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
1.leader of : Ballas
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----

2 .: ballas I want to be a leader because I am I committed a lot of crimes in ballas. I feel that if I become the leader of this gang, I will be able to do very good things. in both organizations as in FIB , NG , LSPD , , GOV and now it's different It's been My Crime and Myself and My Situation its good RP transformation in both family One because now palm I'm at home because now I love Date and ghetto more

3.: In my opinion

+:Supporting good RP to join all general and ghetto awakening gang members, which can help maintain good RP for other gang members .

+I will organize gang activities when I do it regularly every day : military base raid store robbery , gun shop , Battleship, turfs (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday)

+give me the best i will do ballas i believe i will make a very good gang

Noah Acahche

Aug 30, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Noah Achache
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day: 5-7 hours weekdays 7-10 hours weekends
5. Your Discord: noliky#4962
6. Your Nickname: Noah Achache
7. Your ID: 918
Leader of: Ballas Street Gang

Why I want to be the next potential leader of balls

My Personality is One of the Reasons I Wanted to Be This Gang's Potential Leader.
I'm open to almost anything, and I treat strangers with kindness and make them feel welcome. I'm strict when it comes to mistakes, but I'm also very generous when it comes to second chances. I'm able to create environments in which everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts or opinions. This characteristic will undoubtedly prepare the gang for success.

My skills
I'm good at time management and communicating with others, so I can ensure great gang attendance. I can assess an individual's shooting, management, leadership, and communication skills. These abilities will ensure that the gang achieves the best possible outcome with minimal interference.

How i can improve RP for The Ballas Street Gang
3. Suggestions for raising the RolePlay level of the organisation.
-Me and my high command should give bonuses to our gang members 2-3 times per week to thank them for their hard work and efforts for their Gang and to motivate them for their hard work during the week.
- Take part in some enjoyable activities.
-Have some fun with all legal organizations, and have some fun and interesting RP's.
-Introduce more RP for my members and strangers.

Canberk West

Oct 27, 2021
1 - Your Name: Canberk
2 - Your Age: 16
3 - Timezone: GMT+3
4 - Average Online per day: 9-10 Hours
5 - Discord Name : einstein but with an iq of 60#7902
6 - Your Nickname: Canberk West
7 - ID: 720
1. Leader of... Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.The main reason that I want to be leader of ballas is to try and bring something new to the illegal org scene. I've been in pretty much every gang and also almost every legal org.and ballas was the first ever gang I joined in the en1, how rp succeeds and fails between Law enforcement and gangs, and how gangs interact with each other whether it be in events or just around the city. I have a few ideas for events and rp situations.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3. I guess the first main point I want to focus on is RP within ballas between the gang and other gangs, as well as the rp with legal orgs in robberies/hostage situations attack on ammo runs, events, and throughout the city.I want to run the gang with as little toxicity as possible and have an environment where people can feel like a family.I also bring a turf team to the gang who are established and excellent competitors for the season.I am extremely keen on attacking fz providing more event and rp for the legal side as with no disrespect the current leaders are unable to keep the ghetto alive and there is near no rp left in the ghetto.


Nov 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL

2. Your age

3. Time zone

4. Average online per day
7+ Hours

5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname
Ash Atkin

7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be leader of Ballas because,
- I have always wanted to be leader of an organization such as Ballas and I feel as if now would be the time to do it.

- I want to give Ballas the recognition it deserves, I want to make Ballas the go-to organization to join.

- I would make it far more active than it ever has been and I feel as if I could achieve the lost potential that it has.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I would start by giving bonus's to those that are active, attending events and achieving wins for the organization, To help the members of the organization strive, to want win, to feel motivated to be active, to reward the members for accomplishing achievements for the organization.

Moe Blixky

Da General Blixky
Apr 22, 2022
1. Mo
2. 19
3. EST
4. 6-8 hours
5. Mo$#1359
6. Moe Blixky
7. 24332
Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas
2. Firstly I have been in many great organizations in server two and server one. I was a high command under the leadership of Ross Dijagalo in families gang and that gang was the greatest gang. It was very well run and we followed all the rules. As of right now I have been apart of two organizations in the ghetto and they both lack good leadership and have no organization at all. They have members in the city yet they do nothing at all as an organization. No one attends events or engages in rp in the ghetto they don't help each other. And most do not know the rules there is 0 structure. If I was the leader I would run the organization very smoothly I would pick very good high command. I am currently a member of one of the highest family in the city Top shelf. All of their members support me If I was to be leader they would all join my organization with me and help me set everything up so the New members can learn the rules quickly and enjoy real gang rp.
3. It all starts with having a good leader. Second I have a system where anyone who is recruited within the gang has to be taught by the person that recruited them for a whole week. within this week they will learn all the rules all their obligations and how to rp properly. They will also attend all events with us and we will show them that there is alot to do within the ghetto. This will severely boost the activeness within the ghetto that is missing currently because as of right now it is DEAD in here. My buddy system is the best solution there is this is the exact system I was apart of when I first came into this city and I have never once got a warning or a ban because I was taught so well under this system and If all my members are in this system they will grow and become a force within this city on their own I will be their foundation.


Nov 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL

2. Your age

3. Time zone

4. Average online per day
7+ Hours

5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname
Ash Atkin

7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be leader of Ballas because,
- I have always wanted to be leader of an organization such as Ballas and I feel as if now would be the time to do it.

- I want to give Ballas the recognition it deserves, I want to make Ballas the go-to organization to join.

- I would make it far more active than it ever has been and I feel as if I could achieve the lost potential that it has.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I would start by giving bonus's to those that are active, attending events and achieving wins for the organization, To help the members of the organization strive, to want win, to feel motivated to be active, to reward the members for accomplishing achievements for the organization.

Jad Xiliz

Life is only as good as your mindset
Feb 5, 2022

The following players have been selected for Ballas interviews at 17:00 server time on 30th April

1. @einstein but with an iq of 60#7902 - Canberk West - 720

2. @noliky#4962 - Noah Achache - 918

The application for The Ballas Leader are now Closed

Arda Hurmaci

Nov 27, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Arda Taşcı

2. Your age : 21

3. Time zone: +GMT+03:00

4. Average online per day : 6-10 hour

5. Your Discord:ARDA (KimimaroTV)#9343

6. Your Nickname: Arda Hurmaci

7. Your ID :3813

Additional information
------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
1.leader of : Leader of Ballas
------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----

2 .:

I want to be the leader of the Leader of Ballas because as someone who just hangs out with gangs there are so many wrongs and incompetents.
Now I see things that I think should be dealt with. If I become a leader, I will optimize my gang and make it a place everyone on the server will want to join.

3.: In my opinion

+:Supporting good RP to join all general and ghetto awakening gang members, which can help maintain good RP for other gang members .

+Based on my gang experience, I think there should be a gang on the server that really needs to be managed properly.I will be a leader who will continue the gang rp with no mistakes and well.

+I will organize gang activities when I do it regularly every day : military base raid store robbery , gun shop , Battleship, turfs (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday)

+give me the worst see how I do it best


Nov 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL

2. Your age

3. Time zone

4. Average online per day
7+ Hours

5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname
Xavier Neglen

7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be leader of Ballas because,
- I have always wanted to be leader of an organization such as Ballas and I feel as if now would be the time to do it.

- I want to give Ballas the recognition it deserves, I want to make Ballas the go-to organization to join.

- I would make it far more active than it ever has been and I feel as if I could achieve the lost potential that it has.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I would start by giving bonus's to those that are active, attending events and achieving wins for the organization, To help the members of the organization strive, to want win, to feel motivated to be active, to reward the members for accomplishing achievements for the organization.
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James Creed l 109617

Apr 20, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Greetings before all

Information -

1. Abhinav Rana
2. 15
3. 4:30 AM Usa est time
4. 5+ hours
5. AbhinavRP 4334
6. Natasha Vulcan
7. 20653

Additional Information -

1. Leader of no organistaions yet but a unoffical family in en1
2.Reasons that made me eager to be leader of ballas are -

Reason 1 - I want to be leader of the great ballas gang because it was my dream and ive been deputy in so many gangs yet which gave a bunch of experience about all the rp gang stuff as i was recently rank 11 in marabunta rank 9 in vagos rank 9 in bloods and ballas rank 7 in almost all gangs i hard worked and became kingpin after they so my expericence they trusted me and made me a deputy which was honorable for me and this got repeated many times and i got tired of being underleader or deputy when i thought i can be a leader and in my whole coureer i never broke any rp rules and warning anything else which can get me shamed of a failrp player and as ballas i always wanted to be a leader in ballas because it was most popular best turfers and great rp they had .

Reason 2 - what makes me more think of becoming leader of ballas is respect fame of the gang and colour itself im sure when i become the leader my hard work will make ballas on top shouted by everyone a day , and the coloured dress which we have to where purple is so amazing and beautiful , the fact that the authority and power of deputy is not misused in the gang and all of them are trusted ones and i personally find everyone there warm hearted and good people to sync with .

Reason 3 - All my experience of unofficial family in server 1 gave me most of all experience that a gang leader has because i did all events that a family can do like store robbery , highway rob , hostage situation and many more and with this experience i have a feel i can be a leader of a gang as i have suffered many things in state orgs which made me a little rageful guys and now im here off to be a leader my gameplay in not that good but i can shoot a bit well which doesnt matter as my captaincy is good and the age doesnt matter either , these were the reasons why i want be ballas leader

3. My advice for improving gameplay in my leadership would be like following a little like state organisations make rank 1 a training rank and teach them all rules or the way they will have to get off in their journey of criminals , and off any rulebreaks made by my gang members would get a strict punishment much more then strikes .

Abhinav Rana
(Natasha Vulcan 20653)

MR hood spongebob

Aug 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Indian Standard Time zone
2-4 hours
John Marston#6366
Jay Dotexe

Leader of Los Santos Ballas

Q2 ) I want to become leader of ballas because of the following reasons -

1) Improvised Role Play at all situations
* As a leader i and my gang will have to RP in all the situations . Not breaking the RP and playing with no rule break will lead to a good RP in my sight . Breaking RP would cause a lot of rule break which will be not nice and whoever breaks the RP shall be punished under my sight

2) Active All times
* As a gang we would need to show our presence all the time . By participating in clandestine , Fort Zancudo robbery and ghetto fight's . Also everyday conduct store robbery or gun shop robbery . Also wanting that all the gang members giving their 100%
and being active in graffiti everyday

3) Trying to Reach the top
* As the leader of ballas we would give our 100% and be the best gang also improvising the turfs and trying to reach 100% turf under my leadership . Being Strong will help us reach the top as soon as we can . Which will be very respectfull for the gang itself and its members

Also by becoming the leader of ballas i would be able to proove my self as a good leader and becoming the leader will help my GRP career

Q3 ) Thing i would advice improvise Role Play

1) Not breaking RP situations and not breaking rules

2) Being Ruthless and powerfull at all times

3) Trying to be active in city and being active at all events in the city daily


Luna Fellas

Jan 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Onurcan Yaygıngöl
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day : 5-13 Hours
5. Your Discord : Curliynn#4683
6. Your Nickname : Luna Fingers
7. Your ID : 11405

Additional information
1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- The first reason is that Leadership is my passion and I want to pursue my passion in Ballas, I have thousands of hours in Roleplay and I have never played as a cop or in a legal organization that's because I always wanted to be a Rebel/Bandit and promote illegal activities in the city, Being a Leader I will make sure that the members of Ballas must act professionally, follow all the rules and make sure that they participate in every event like Clandestine , Store Robbery , NG Raid , Battleship and Turf wars.

- I have been high command in many gangs and have lead many families and I have seen many gangs fall down before their term ends and I truly believe that is because of the poor communication and lack of motivation between the leader and the members, I will make sure that my communication is continuous , gentle and skillful with the members and I will always do everything in my hand to get them give their finest performance in the gang.

- I want to make Ballas the best gang in the city with the time and hard work I am willing to put in.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I am very kind hearted soft spoken and disciplined person . I take my duty very serious which makes me a good leader to lead his team throughout any phase they went in.

Thank you for reading my application and have a good day !!!

James Creed l 109617

Apr 20, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Abhinav Rana
2. 15
3. 4:30 AM Usa est time
4. 5+ hours
5. AbhinavRP 4334
6. Natasha Vulcan
7. 20653

Additional Information -

1. Leader of no organistaions yet but a unoffical family in en1
2.Reasons that made me eager to be leader of ballas are -

Reason 1 - I want to be leader of the great ballas gang because it was my dream and ive been deputy in so many gangs yet which gave a bunch of experience about all the rp gang stuff as i was recently rank 11 in marabunta rank 9 in vagos rank 9 in bloods and ballas rank 7 in almost all gangs i hard worked and became kingpin after they so my expericence they trusted me and made me a deputy which was honorable for me and this got repeated many times and i got tired of being underleader or deputy when i thought i can be a leader and in my whole coureer i never broke any rp rules and warning anything else which can get me shamed of a failrp player and as ballas i always wanted to be a leader in ballas because it was most popular best turfers and great rp they had .

Reason 2 - what makes me more think of becoming leader of ballas is respect fame of the gang and colour itself im sure when i become the leader my hard work will make ballas on top shouted by everyone a day , and the coloured dress which we have to where purple is so amazing and beautiful , the fact that the authority and power of deputy is not misused in the gang and all of them are trusted ones and i personally find everyone there warm hearted and good people to sync with .

Reason 3 - All my experience of unofficial family in server 1 gave me most of all experience that a gang leader has because i did all events that a family can do like store robbery , highway rob , hostage situation and many more and with this experience i have a feel i can be a leader of a gang as i have suffered many things in state orgs which made me a little rageful guys and now im here off to be a leader my gameplay in not that good but i can shoot a bit well which doesnt matter as my captaincy is good and the age doesnt matter either , these were the reasons why i want be ballas leader

3. My advice for improving gameplay in my leadership would be like following a little like state organisations make rank 1 a training rank and teach them all rules or the way they will have to get off in their journey of criminals , and off any rulebreaks made by my gang members would get a strict punishment much more then strikes .

Abhinav Rana
(Natasha Vulcan 20653)
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