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IMPORTANT Applications for the Families

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Jan 31, 2022
The following players have been selected for Families interviews at 16.00 server time on 18th August.

Pandu Pluxury #2175 - Pandu Pluxury-16060
DarkGamerX#4326 - Khalid Balkour - 21246
Maor.#0094 - Tomi Meller - 28610

The application for The Families Leader are now Closed.​
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Micheal Pluxury

Jun 28, 2022
1. Khalid Balkour
2. 18
3. GMT
4. 9-12 Hours
5. DarkGamerX#4326
6. Khalid Balkour
7. 21246
Additional information
1. Leader of Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
My first reason is that I would like to improve the state of criminal RP, it is ok so far but it can always be improved and I could have more impact in the criminal section as I would recruit people who have experience in the server so that they know how to RP and know the rules which will help the criminal RP to improve. I would bring much more RP interactions to other criminal organizations

The second reason is I have been apart of all criminal organizations and I have a lot of experience throughout the server. Therefore I believe I could bring experience and skilled members into Families that could improve the whole organization and criminal section overall. I want to make a comfortable experience for all criminals and by being the leader of the organization I can make that happen.

My third reason is that majority of gangs think its about just "clapping" everyone but I will make sure it is much more than that and proper RP is done, In my experience as Vice in many organizations I have dealt with many store/gun store robberies and hostage situation and know how the RP works I can provide much more RP to legal organizations and implement some features as I have a lot of illegal experience
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I would improve roleplay by holding meetings and allowing everyone in the gang to participate in events. I would do /me and /dos when robbing people. I will make sure all of the members uphold a standard of roleplay or there will receive a strike and if they do it constantly they will be kicked. I will invite people who have a good knowledge of the server and reinforce the roles for others. My advice for advancing the level of Roleplay in the city is trying to teach and guide the newer players through the correct processes and help examine where they can improve. Guide new players through grand and give them a good experience

Controlaa Sixteen

May 8, 2021
- Name : Rasan Vermin
- Age : 16
- Time Zone : GMT
- ᴀᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ Online / per Day : 6-10
- Your Discord : C V#0001
- Your NickName : . Controlaa Thrust
- Your ID : 348
( || )Additional information

Leader Of The Families Gang

(Why Do u want to be a leader of this specific Organization ? ( List at least of three reason with explanation )

- First of all, since I arrived to the city, the crime was part of me. I've joined to Families gang and it was part of my life. I used to be high rank in the gang and did everything I can to the gang by investing all of my time to the gang as a member in the gang, so when I will be the leader

- I want to make sure that if i get the organization that it will not spread any toxicity to anyone inside the organization or anyone outside of the organization because i personaly dont like when there is toxicity in the organizations or in general so i will make sure that it will not happen.

-Since my first day in city I have been involved with gangs. I have lived and died in ghetto, my utter dedication towards illegal organization has taught me illegal RP and I have also understood the terms and rules of the city in a proper way. I, in the most generous way believe that I am perfectly fit for the leadership role of the families gang.

( ||| ) Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization

I have personally noticed that Gangs has eventually become all about Turfs and less about Clands/Ghetto Fights/and robberies.

I would advice all the organizations to indulge more into RP, I have personally noticed how no gang ever tries to hit NGs Ammo run or encashment as well. I would want to mantain good terms with the other organization leaders and do such events where LEOs stands as a strong pillar. To make things short, I simply want to improve the relation Illegal Org leaders have among each other. I want to promote collaboration among the gangs to instigate more dominance in the city..

I hope my application reaches the curator in good health. Looking forward to hear from you guys.

Select for moderation...



Lexo Vercetti

Respect Everyone
Jul 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Iman Banerjee
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - Minimum 8 hours
5. Your Discord - Iman#7167
6. Your Nickname - Laka Kirigaya
7. Your ID - 42070


1. Leader of The Familie


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

• Because after getting experience in 3 gangs and many legal organizations as high command or Normal officer now its time to use my experience in a gang and make it better than before and lead the ghetto , and also i have many friend specially experienced friends who knows the rules of server so i know i can manage the gang well.

• i want to be leader of The families Specifically because i know this gang has some special talent in it only thing we need is a good Leader to lead them in a right way and make it better than before

• and last i want to become leader of this organization Becuase i know how a organization works Legal/Illegal so i know i can unleash the full potential of this gang, and also i know the rules and also i know how the forum works, i was not good to use forum before but now i learned it .

• And i am calm minded and know to face any situation and i know i can give and edge to my RIVALS

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Interview -
I saw in many gangs they dont even ask questions for interview and recruit someone and that can lead to disband gang, i will make a interview script with RP terms , GHETTO rules, EVENT rules and general rules

Graffiti -
Graffiti is one of the main earning source for gang members , more Graffiti = more money = more members :)
i suggest 24/7 graffiti and i will make a separate rank for graffiti

Events -
I will make the gang more interesting by doing Events like Fz Raid , Store robbery , daily battleship , turf , hostage situation and make sure that everyone who attends the event know the rules for the event then we will never get in trouble!!

I will try to give out prizes/bonus to the members who will do good in the events and also to the members if who give us time improving

Training and helping -
I will focus on training and helping my members to improve so they will also have fun in the city specially rules of events and also turfing and graffiti

Rules and internal rules -

i will prepare some rules like not to be abusive and many more( i have all noted and i dont want to provide here) that will follow the state rules and make the RP of the gang better than before

Logs -

i will make it sure that every high command and also me ( if become the leade) will manage a log in any software like discord , Notepad anything and also take bodycam and reserve that for 48 hours , that we will be able to check what and when happened any find bodycam
And also for Org balance and Guns means i will manage data of everything of organization

capture rule 2.23 Each participant must hold playback of the capture for 48 hours.
event rule 1.7 All participants of all events under all spheres must record POV and hold it within 48 hours

• I also intend to get more people to use rp correctly in situations to make them more entertaining and interactive for all involved, i also plan to introduce harder situations for leos and gangs to get involved in to keep the experience fresh as possible.

• And when a player joins gang he need to know/ we need teach him to treat with a hostage in any events like hostage situation and also how to treat LEOs during any event before joining that gang will not get in any kind of trouble

• and main thing is i will make IC and OOC clear within my gang

NG Major of FTO | USS Special Agent | SAHP Corporal | LSPD Academy Instructor | Marabunta High command 2 terms | Bloods Member | Vagos Member | NG Major OF FTO | NG Captain of SOF | NG Lieutenant of MP

And i know i will be able to make the gang better than before if my experienced family members , my hc and respected curators help

Thanks forReading my application

Lakaa Legend
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Nahum Zahavi

ᴱˣ ᴸᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ᴼᶠ ⱽᵃᵍᵒˢ
Aug 13, 2022

1. Your name IRL Nahum
2. Your age 16 Soon 17
3. Time zone GMT+2
4. Average online per day 6-10 hours 10 hours+ in weekends.
5. Your Discord L𝕀L N𝕒h𝕦m ツ#7406
6. Your Nickname Nahum Zahavi
7. Your ID 28113
Additional information

1. Leader of... The Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation

(1) i would like to become The Families leader Because i have experience as a gangster i am now in vagos as well. and i think i was in illegal activity enough time (2 months) to become a leader and share my knowlege and help to another citizens that want to join to Families.

now when i am hc in vagos, i saw and seeing alot of gang members that was braking the server rules, and not respects other members. if i will be the leader of Families i will take care that every Families member will not brake the ghetto rules, and will respect anyone.

(3) i have legal Experience as well in the server, so i know how gangs events is going on from the legal side, and i will take care that the Families events will happend in the right way from both sides (The legal side and The illegal side.)

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i will be careful with who i will invite to be a Families member, i will not invite any citizen that wants to be in Families, Because now in the crime side i I see alot of gang members / criminals braking the ghetto rules. And it had an effect on the RP quality as well, so i can promiss that if i will be the leader of Families the RP quality will be improved. thanks for reading hope u will have a nice day! ;)

EMS Divison Cheif of FTO, Colonel In NG (X2), FIB Special Agent 1 (X2) , SWAT Agent In LSPD (X2), Rank 9 in

Marabunta, Rank 6 in Los santos Vagos, Rank 8 In Bloods (X2). HC of Los Santos Vagos (Rank 10 Under Deputy)

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Houssam Walker

Jun 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Houssam
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : UTC +1
4. Average online per day : 5 to 10h
5. Your Discord : HoussamWalker#7270
6. Your Nickname: Houssam Wilson
7. Your ID : 30142

Additional information

1. Leader of... Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become leader of the Families for three reasons. First of all, I like the rp rules in city so I will learn everyone who don’t know the rp rules in general and also for the gang especially new comers to city they will try new wonderful experience in our gang. Also, I will try my best to be Families the most active one in city and the most dangerous gang that cops will be afraid to face it because I have a very big experience in legal organizations so I know how to deal with them also I was a deputy leader in NG before so I know how to manage warnings and avoid them and how to with curators and also i was in bloods and marabunta. Finally, I have a big energy for leadership and new ways to make the gang very active and I have a lot of friends who can join me and help me.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Make sure to all members respect the rp rules
Have contact with everyone to avoid toxicity between them
Reward people who are very active and hard workers
The most dangerous gang that cops will be afraid to face it
Maintain activity in the ghetto and events
Suggestions to curators for better Rp and better experience

Thank you for reading my application

USSS – Elite Agent | LSPD – Master sergeant | MARABUNTA – under deputy | NG – LT General / Deputy leader | FIB – Supervisor | SAHP - Corporal | Family - Deputy leader | Bloods – High command

Ronny Rich

Aug 21, 2021
1. Your name IRL Jayy
2. Your age 21
3. Time zone EST
4. Average online per day 5 to 10 hours
5. Your Discord Jayy420#7284
6. Your Nickname Ronny Blu
7. Your ID
Additional information
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) I want to be leader of Families because I have a lot of experience with Both sides (Legal/Illegal). I am ex leader of Marabunta, as well as a former deputy leader of Ballas, Marabunta and i am a current deputy leader of Vagos. I have been chief of FTO, chief of Detective, major of swat and captain of swat. I also want to be the leader of Families because I feel like I could bring numbers and strong leadership/high command.. The reason I feel like I could bring numbers is because i am a high command in my family and could bring a good amount of people that follow the rules, into the Families gang. Lastly, i would love to be leader because i feel that I would be able to take Families to new heights with me being a solid leader with tons of prior experience. I feel like i've learned more since being leader in the past, and would be so thankful if given another chance as leader!
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. First Piece of advice for improving the RolePlay Level Is to bring strong leadership and numbers to store robberies and cland, battleship, FZ Raids. Another piece of advice is to follow every ghetto rule and be the best that we can do while having fun but also following every rule. One last piece of advice i would give for improving roleplay level in my the organization is to pick the right people over the wrong people and it would make the gang so strong with having people that know the ghetto rules. you don't NEED a lot of numbers to be able to attend events, you just need the RIGHT people, that will attend the events regularly and listen to high command.

Families On Top!



Aug 1, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL- Harry
2. Your age- 17
3. Time zone GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day 7to8 hours
5. Your Discord LuciPaul#3880
6. Your Nickname Luci Rich
7. Your ID 45325

Additional information
leader Of famillies

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans. Myself like illegal stuff from beg ginger of my city journey I done all illegal stuff my favourite illegal

ii Because I want to experience I time leader of gang

iii) I will improve the gang that famillies will be the best

3.) I have been a long time from city before 1year so from that time I was gangstar and now I want to be there Leader that they can be the gangstar in city and the gang levels should be on top I wanna some process to enter in gang

Interview process
The specific gang trusted member will take interview that the other high command friend that they don’t know rule they can’t join because I see this many time and we should stop ranking up only Saturday or Sunday we will do rank up the leader will do only because I know who is active or not ak who are doing work they should get rank up and who are not they should be at there rank


After joining they will have a one hour training. Of how to do graffiti what Fz or ng raid or what to do in store robbery or any robbery and we should also focus in graffiti because they money of gang. Is 20% part of graffiti they should do graffiti I will help them with Spray cans that will be provided by gang graffiti is best thing to raise money in gang

Gang events

Gang should be active always and there should be minimum two event in a day but the gang should be active these is main motive the players should have a fun and they should get the best rp experience and after any event they will receive a small amount from gang like 10k to 20k every player will get who are in the event

Negotiations team
When we are doing and hostage type event i will chose the best three player for negotiation that they can do negotiate every time to get best money from Police or leo officers


The every each gang member should be on discord it easy to see and we can maintain everything in discord every gang member should be posting a proof of they are attending event so they can get rank up there will be a another Chanel for this in famillies disocrd

Ex Ng Head of fto
Ex Fib Hc
Ex famillies deputy
Ex Vegos high command

Ex Sahp high command


Luci Rich


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Aug 14, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Manohar
2. Your age :21
3. Time zone : UTC 5:30 (IST)
4. Average online per day : 6-9 hours
5. Your Discord : MrTyrant#7940
6. Your Nickname: Ram Pluxury
7. Your ID: 54187
Additional information
1. Leader of...

Ans : Famillies

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I Want to be a leader of this famillies to improve my RP experience, and I will give better gang experience than currently in the city.
2. I have much Gangs experience in another cities . i will put my efforts on my organization to make most active gang
3. I think with both my age and experience I am mature enough and strong enough as a leader to maintain balance and keep all issues at a minimum, I do not take any disrespect towards myself or others and my gang will also follow this.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
  • every organization need to good high command to make most active gang in city and give much rp training to new comers
  • I am see most of organization is give their frds to high command role even they don't know the rules like their showing favoritism I am never do that because i know without without proper high command make RP damage and not good for my term also
  • I Am will take essential interviews for new joiners not only same interview questions make new scenarios randomly
  • Making sure that all members meet my own standards of role play before hiring, I do not care for the best shooters I want a community that's very much a second family to me
  • I saw many of organizations high command removing new members form organization because of small mistakes that never happen in my term every one must had second chance because of new citizens don't know the rules

Elon Sharma

Jun 13, 2022
1. Your name IRL- Arjun
2. Your age- 18
3. Time zone- IST
4. Average online per day - 8+ HRS
5. Your Discord - Arjuxn7 #2564
6. Your Nickname - elon sharma
7. Your ID - 34022
Additional information
1. Leader of families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
A} i have been a part of many org but when i have just entered in game most supporting gang i have found was families they have teached me almost a lot of gang rp
B} i always prefer gang rp because illegal stuff is always my style and i have been in all gang i have tried all colours on me . i have seen leadership skills from other previous leaders and i will rectify their mistakes which they have done in past and apply their good leadership skills in my gang leadership
C} i have some good leadership skills and i am not arrogant . i feel very touched to green colour because my countries flag have the same and i like nature too and green signify nature thats why i like it more to be leader of this gang
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization?
i want to develop ranking system or train my hc to not disrespect lower rank as i have experienced this in a lot of gang lowering rank , abusing power , insulting me so for the new people who have just joined city dont face this which i have faced in my early days
i have faced problem in learning rules apply when i am new in city i dont want same with other newcomers in city they have to know basic and from basic i will take them to advance when they join gang


Nov 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL

2. Your age

3. Time zone

4. Average online per day
8+ Hours

5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname
Ashley Haze

7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of...


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be leader of Families because,
- I have been leader and high command of other organizations and I thought that I would give Families a try too.

- I want to give Families the recognition it deserves, I want to make Families the go-to organization to join when you are looking for a organization to join.

- I would make it far more active than it ever has been and I feel as if I could achieve the lost potential that it has, I feel like the recent leaders of Families
have not given it the respect that it deserves as an organization.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I would start by giving bonus's to those that are active, attending events and achieving wins for the organization, To help the members of the organization strive, to want to win, to feel motivated to be active, as an incentive towards the members for accomplishing achievements for the organization.

Behroz shah

Jun 30, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Behroz shah
2. 17
3. pakistan
4. 4hours to 6 hours
5. Behroz shah#0416
6. Behroz shah
7. 31037

Additional information

1.Leader of The families.

2.:i want to improve my rp experience
:i play very much
:when i arrived in the server 2 months ago i thought i shall go in gov. org but i met my freind rohan xoxo and we joined bloods ( that time i didn't knew the rules and got so much demorgans XD) after that i joined some more orgs but for breaking rules i got more punishments then i finally decide to read the rules. after reading all the rules i haven't broke them yet.
so know i feel confident that i can become the leader of this org. (if selected for interview xd )
i really enjoyed being in the criminal orgs and like clapping in ghetto , store rob. ,amunation store rob. , Clandestine etc events (i also participated in global
:i know the leader rules etc
: i have very much experience in gangs

point 1: remaining the difference about ooc ic.
point 2: giving a chance to new players ( who know rules )
point 3: giving high posts to deserving players
point 4: giving a kick to players who break rules ( because it would be dangerous for a criminal org. to have that players )
point 5: giving chance to everyone
point 6: Checking logs regularly ( not leting anyone steal guns armour ) ( Cheats )


Bloods I rank 8
Families I rank 10 turfer
Marabunta grande I 7 rank
Los santos Vagos I rank 6

Current deputy of the unofficial family Black Mafia

Unfortunately i don't have very much freinds so failed to be deputy :(

Axpecting the best!!
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May 7, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.Your name IRL : Divyansh Vairagade
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : UTC +5:30

4. Average online per day : 6 - 8 hours normal on vacation more then 10 + hours
5. Your Discord : Danny Cooper#3083
6. Your Nickname : Danny Cooper
7. Your ID : 21928

Additional information
1. Leader of Families


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization ?

1. I want the leadership cause I came to the city a long time ago, and worked a lot in gangs & leos and gained a lots of experience. couple of weeks ago i joined Marabunta started gaining more experience through the leader and deputies and try to lead the gang by my own leading skill like try to lead the gang in clands , battleship , store robbery , Fort Zancudo raids etc . So i got so much quick rank ups in gang for my hard work and dedication even after Marabunta disband I joined Families and got immediate high rank when Pandu Got the leadership , i try to help them through my leading skill but also its got disbanded so quick for so much rule breaks so now i thinking that i am ready enough to lead the gang from front as being a Leader .

2. Also I want the leadership cause from the starting i was in legal org ( lspd , sahp , ng , fib ) for a long time there for i know how legal orgs works , how they deal with situation so through my this experience i can dominate legal orgs , i can understand what will be there next step it will be so easy to the gang then .

3 . I want to improve the RP quality and want to make it fair for everyone by doing in gang stuff due to my creativity experience as I am an enthusiastic person and I want to lead Gang to 100% Turfs and to become the most successful gang in the city again , I will give very tough competition to other Gangs this time for sure

4. Also i want to became leader so i can interact with so many players and for that i can help new comers who just came to the city i can fully train them about gangs and other stuffs like every rules which we have follow and which thing is good as per situation to make the rp more better to everyone

3. My Advice Improving Roleplay Level
1. The first important thing to improve Roleplay level in organization is inviting people who really knows the rules. Before inviting someone to the gang, the leader or deputies should take an interview of him/her. In the interview they should ask him / her about every gang rules and how they work . if he/she doesn't know any of the rules , the leader and deputies should let him/her know about each and every rule about the gang to make the RP experience good for everyone

Before going to an event, the leader have to meet his/her gang members in the Headquarter before 15 min of the event to make it easier for the leader to gear up the members and pull up to the event at perfect time .

3 . We should give Bonus 2-3 times in every weeks to appreciate Gang members for their works and efforts they did for their Gang to motivate them and to increase their morale

4 .
I plan on having set ranks within the gang with specific responsibilities and expectations. For Example, I would have a rank called "Spray Captain" and this rank with be responsible for leading the spray team, giving members on the team tips and tricks, making sure all the spray team members are doing sprays every hour and overall managing the team of people who volunteer to go do sprays. I would then also have a rank called "Spray thug", this rank will be given to all the members of the team besides the "Captain" and they will be expected to follow the spray captain and take over as many spray locations possible .

Khalid Balkour

Jul 18, 2022
1. Micheal Coal
2. 19
3. GMT
4. 7-10 Hours
5. Micheal Coal#0225
6. Khalid Balkour
7. 19828
Additional information
1. Leader of Families
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1.First I would like to be the leader of Families is because I believe I can be a good leader from the RP experience I have been RPing for a while I know how to run a a Organization I have people willing to help out with the organization I was high ranks of many organizations and from the knowledge I have I believe I can be a great fit for the leader and I can help out the server by making it better and by the knowledge I have it can be a good place with the right people leading it and I can use that to help me out during my leadership time.

2.The second reason that I would like to be the leader of Families is that I have been playing in Grand RP for 2+ years both in the Russian Server and the American server I have been there since day one in like both of the servers and I know the rules I know how things work around here and I am willing to show that experience to others and help the server out. I am going to give new people chances to join because I have noticed that most of the organizations don't give new people to the server chances, I am willing to accept them to our organization teach them how the server works I am willing to add turf system better and everything needed to make the organization RP wise and make sure everyone is having fun and with the experience I have I am sure that I can do that. I have a way of connecting with people and from the experience that I had from other servers and organizations as a high rank I believe i am the best fit.

3.The last Reason. That I would like to become the leader of Families is because I have experience from many servers like Grand RP servers for a while I was there since day 1 and gathered experience from both servers and now I have a lot of knowledge. I am willing to show others how the server works. Since I have the experience needed I will do RP's make sure everyone in my department is involved in good RP's and I will do Robberies Hostage situations teach them how to use the radio properly and do training interviews and everything else. Like applications, I will do hostage situations to make sure everyone in my department is having fun and enjoying it. Overall I will do everything that will make the server a better place and also the people are enjoying it. I hope you can give me the chance to be the leader and help the server out.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
6. all through these types of months, I observed that proper RP is wealthy in criminal businesses of the city, but gangs lack it extraordinarily. i'd endorse gangs to create greater RP situations in-between each other, as an example two specific gangs making a economic deal or protection deal and creating greater lore within the town that way. even though alliances exist already, what i'm advising is a chunk more complex and deeper than that, if gangs play with complete on RP, even a few situations which emerge as on boards and aren’t rule breaks, will be dealt in an RP state of affairs (If a situation is a rule wreck it must pass on forums of direction). there may be constantly anxiety between gangs and gang leaders, but I suppose that anxiety should grow to be a healthy competition if gangs are inclined to practice greater RP, instead of having conflicts with every different OOC and having discussion board wars.

Jamil Yama

Jan 3, 2022
Your name IRL: Jamil
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: UTC+01:00
4. Average online per day: 8 hour
5. Your Discord: Jamil#8069
6. Your Nickname: Jamil Yama
7. Your ID: 680

Additional information
Leader of Families

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

The first reason I have experience in gangs I can take care of all the gang members and I want to get 100% turf capture

2. The second reason is that I am an old player and I know the laws of turf and gangs and I want improve the Role-Play expiranse

i will do what ever I can to help people learn the laws and also if i got it my friends and family members gonna join Families I will to focus on gang events and i will take control of it like Clandestine, Battleship, Submarine, Vehicle theft, Gang turfs and Store Robbery.

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice to improve the RP level in the organization is to involve our activities as much as we can with the other orgs.

2. I will try to give prizes and bonus who active in the gang and do good for the gang and I will give bonus 2 days in week so people get motivated.

3. I want to make sure the people Im inviting to the gang know the rules.

4. The leader of the gang must meet every period with the members of his gang and talk about the conditions of the gang and raise the ranks who active and do good for gang


Kikna Bleedem

Jul 19, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL-nick kiknavelidze
2. Your age-21
3. Time zone-GMT plus 4
4. Average online per day- 7-9hr
5. Your Discord-Kikna Bleedem #5363
6. Your Nickname-Kikna Bleedem
7. Your ID-42908
Additional information
1. Leader of Marabunta
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1.i want to take 100% of ghetto with my family members and have some fun with new people.
2. i were in so many organization as high rank but i never but not the leader so i want to try and i think i can be a good leader.
3.i have my family redrum so it will be good for my family ass well and fun

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. I will be completing term with 100% turf
2. i will make nice rp situations such as(store robbery,hostage situation,fz ghetto shooting)
3.my gang will be best in ghetto
4. we will be recruiting as much as people we can, of course if they know rules.


King Of Grand
Jun 21, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Luka Xara
2. 19
3. GMT+4
4. 6+ hours
5. Kingkang#1000
6. Xara Kaioken
7. 180
Additional information
1. Leader of Famillies

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
My Desire of Obtaining The The Families Leadership consists of a few reasons:

1. Reputation
We all can agree that the Families Organistion hasn't seen as much as light as the other Gangs, therefore meaning that the Organisation requires a Peak Which Will Guide It To It's potential, it requires a leader who's determined and will not give in to any distractions and i believe i'm the right person for that.

2. Challenge
Due to the lack of fame of the families, the leader has to have more guidance than ever before, he has to have active control, base rules that are applied to everyone aswell as equal rights in the Organisation (Meaning everyone has to be treated equally) if these rules are based and guided it will reach its fame. I'm a person who loves a challenge and I say bring it on.

3. Experience
I have been in criminal Organisations as a higher up for a long time which contributes to my skills and effort, I want to reach a new height as a leader and I believe I'll do an amazing job whilst serving there.


Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.​

1. Attend as much as events as possible to keep the Organisation from shortages.​

2. Have an Extra Turf Roster For Backup So we could be assured that the turf will go on fluidly.​

3. Revise All The Gang and general rules in order to be safe on the server Aswell as to not take a toll on the Organisation itself.​

4. Equal Trust, Equal Risk, Equal Rights.​

5. Have Rollcalls in order to check who's active and who's able to participate in Organisation Events During the Day.​


Moe Blixky

Da General Blixky
Apr 22, 2022
1. Mo
2. 19
3. EST
4. 6-8 hours
5. Mo$#2294
6. Moe Blixky
7. 24332
Additional information
1. Leader of Families
2. If I get chosen to lead Marabunta I can make the ghetto very active and not only that I can also help all the new players that are coming in to the city learn the rules and enjoy the city. I have several tactics in mind that will keep the ghetto active 24/7. I will also host events for all orgs and make sure that my members attend every event. I will also teach my members how to rp properly in the ghetto so that everyone has fun proper rp experience. I will also add a squad system in my gang that will help all the new recruits learn the rules. I have been the leader of The Ballas Gang and I finished my 30 day term successfully. My last name Blixky is very well known throughout the city If I am chosen for leader multiple big families will support me with active members.

The squad system.

The squad system is a system where you have lets say 4 recruiters that are trained by the leader they have learned all the rules they know how to properly rp go to events and have rp interactions all throughout the city not just the ghetto.
The 4 recruiters will recruit new members into the org and teach them how to maneuver and make money around the city and properly rp and learn all the rules of the server not just the ghetto. The recruiters will be following around the members for a full 2 weeks depending on the members learning speed. once the member is ready they will be ranked up to a runner and go enjoy the city.
The benefits of this system is that it is very very new player friendly and it helps the new players fully understand and grasp the rules which limits them from getting warnings and the gang from receiving strikes. ANOTHER important benefit of this system is that these squads will go around the ghetto together making the ghetto super active.

Trade of illegal goods (custom event)
This is an event that I came up with which is based off an event the admins once did in EN1. Two gangs and their leaders meet in a disclosed location to sort out a deal between their gangs for drugs or control over sprays or just a cease fire. The state orgs such as LSPD and FIB are given a tip by a rat amongst the gangs they now know the location of the meet up and go in to bust it.

The winners of the huge battle if its the gangs get to take the state officials hostage for ransom from the government and they sort out a deal with the other gang to split cash and make peace in the ghetto. if its the legal orgs they can take both org leaders captive making a strong presence within the city and while the gang org leaders are behind bars they can attack the gang HQs and do a clean wipe of their warehouse and put more members behind bars.
Overall this event would be super fun and full of rp and end in a amazing battle.

3. To be honest it all starts with the org leaders in my opinion. If the orgs have strong active org leaders that engage and teach the members how to level up in the city make connections properly rp and grind the city more rp interactions occur between players that make it fun. For example when I use to be a higher up in EN1 I use to train all my members in my squad one of those members was Ari Yaki the leader of the Yakuza she went on to become the leader of a top 10 family after her time training under me she also became a higher up within families.

Over all my experience in grand Rp is boundless I have been on the server for more then a year now and I have always been in gangs and lead gangs and created great rp within the server and helped many many other players get a better grasp within the server and enjoy it. I say my experience is boundless because I am a 9K ID in server 1 I have been a deputy in many gang orgs and I have helped leaders finish their 30 day term and get 100% turfs. Also like I stated before I helped many of the new leaders now get to where they are currently.
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Aug 25, 2022
1. Your name IRL : hammod
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT+4 dubai
4. Average online per day : 4 to 7
5. Your Discord : lookatmenow111#1588
6. Your Nickname : Small Sykes
7. Your ID : 47192

1. Leader of Families

2.1 Okay, so because I'm amazing at organizing events and everything, I want to run the Families organization. Whoever knows me knows that I'm too strict about being a higher up in gangs because I was a higher up in the majority of the gangs I joined today and did something new in this server will be recognized as a leader in an organization, and I can say that I'm so strict about leading stuff because I don't want us to sit in HQ and do nothing at all; instead, I want my people to always be on top.

2.2 We can't just sit around like the we need to win competitions and robberies and whatever we have to do no matter what it takes. Having a strong leader in an organization would be nice. Leading something would be enjoyable. We could also kill people in the ghetto. You may believe what I say.

2.3 Since I'm a cool guy who enjoys joking around with people, they appreciate it when I rise through the ranks of an organization because I take my position seriously. However, as a leader, I take my responsibilities seriously because I don't want to lose my position because followers fail to follow instructions or break the rules.

2.4 In the end, I believe it is crucial to have a suitable excessive command and crew in order to achieve satisfaction. I enjoy the organization and structure that can be found in a working group or hierarchy, in this case a gang, but for it to be possible, every member of the top command and even the lower ranks needs to be the right kind of person so that you can get the right outcomes. The same high command that ruled the streets with Vagos may be ruling the streets with Families, which for the majority of the individuals in my organization, is the first gang that provided them criminal experience in the city. I have the personnel and resources to make this show up.

3. advice for improving roleplay

1. not using friendly fire when firing in headquarters

2.learing the rules

3. refrain from hiring everyone who is completely ignorant

4.not breaching the rules because of foolish actions that lead the gang to fight

5. We shall raise the bar for our roleplaying.

6. Throughout these months, I have seen that while proper RP is abundant in the city's illegal companies, gangs severely lack it. I'd encourage gangs to engage in more role-playing situations with one another. For instance, two particular gangs may strike a financial or security agreement, which would add to the town's narrative. Although there are existing alliances, what I'm suggesting is more intricate and in-depth than that. If gangs play with full-on RP, even a few issues that arise on boards but aren't rule breaches will be handled in an RP state of things (If a situation is a rule wreck it must pass on forums of direction). There can be ongoing tension between gangs.

Tomi Meller

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Jun 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone GMT‎+3
4. Average online per day 9- 12 hr
5. Your Discord Maor.#0094
6. Your Nickname tomi meller
7. Your ID 28610

Additional information: I was deputy of bloods + high command in bunta and i play a lot in this serve i know the rules really good+ i got interview last time to families leader but because personal reason i gave up pls guve me sic chance to improve you that i can be leader of this org

1. Leader of... Families

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
First of all, I want to be a leader because as soon as I entered the city for the first time, I was very confused and had a hard time, but as soon as I entered the gang for the first time, I entered families and the people there were nice to me and explained everything to me, so I want to be in this specific gang In addition I want to give people the best feeling they can get. I choose to be a leader in Families because I want to show how a gang should really be. Second, I want the role play to be much better, which means I won't lend a hand to everyone. All kinds of breaking rules, that is, if someone shoots someone with a gun in their hand (pg) Thirdly, everything in my org will be in order, for example at 18:00, everyone is already waiting in HQ ready for BS, so I am interested in being a leader and also why do you have to give me the option to choose

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My first advice is to carefully examine the people you add to your org, for example, don't add based on whether they are your friends or not, but to see that they really know the rules well. In addition, a second piece of advice is to be cohesive and serious, therefore small children and those who don't really come to give their all will not enter For my org, whoever wants to enter will have to be organized and responsible and be at the whole event and that way it will be possible to improve the rp in addition to raising the rp level, I also want people in my gang to have fun and that we do a hostage sit and many events and that we do all this calmly while observing the server rules​
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