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IMPORTANT Applications for SAHP

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Kazuto Kirigaya

Leader of unofficial org
Mar 18, 2022
1. Name IRL: Ahamed Ammar
2. My Age: 19
3. My Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 8 to 10 hours
5. My Discord: DR. Eug#3952
6. My Nickname: Kazuto Kirigaya
7. My ID: 16473

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I have been member of every state organizations as well as i have leadership experience of being leader of NG and GOV. As i have been in legal org for over 8 months i have good LEO experience and 5 months of leadership experience so i am able to easily recognize what SAHP needs and help the org with what it needs

  • I want to become SAHP leader because i know that there are many former SAHP officers who would like to work with me and to enjoy RP as a COP that they dont get on many other state organization

  • According to the current numbers in the city i will be able to get a lot of people into the organization to bring SAHP as one of the best legal orgs

3. My advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.

  • I will be talking with all the organizations every week to keep that bond SAHP has with other ORG's

  • will be doing joint combat trainings, proper convoy trainings as well as aircraft trainings with all the other organizations

  • Hardworking members will be given promotions on weekly basis as well as be given out bonuses to keep the encouraged and to enjoy that RP

Thanks for reviewing my application
Kazuto Kirigaya

Luna Fellas

Jan 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Onur
2. Your age: 23
3. Time zone: GMT+3
4. Average online per day: 8-10 hours
5. Your Discord: Curliynn#4683
6. Your Nickname: Luna West
7. Your ID: 11405

Additional information
1. Leader of...: SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?:
1: as of late I’ve seen many issues with organizations including low activity during night time when there are still plenty of people in the city which RP situations can be created, I want to bring back a high activity rate during all times of the day with set numbers and using those to achieve higher goals. Also i was deputy 2 times in NG, and HC many times in LSPD,FIB and SAHP. i have lots of experince about state orgs.

2. I’ve noticed as I watch legal orgs work when they are outnumbered or don’t believe they can win they will leave and the RP will end there during hostage situations or other Rp scenarios this is something I want to fix I want to always find a way to complete RP to the best possible outcome even if it’s a unwinnable situation or if we are heavily outnumbered we should always try to find a way to win which will help create more quality RP

3. There has been a lot of issues about RP not being fully carried out and calling gods to interject when things don’t fully go the way they are expected rather than working with the rest of Leo’s and overcoming the situation and finding a way to work with it instead of giving up and having to have others fix it I want this to be resolved I want Leo’s to find a way to resolve issues without always having to directly have the gods intervene (unless absolutely necessary) and to do this the leader must set an example I will be that leader.!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Work better with other Leo’s better communication is key more leader meetings is a must and so is joint training this will help all orgs better there rp as there will be more rp interactions which can help the city.

2. Work on a ask questions first shoot later basis, I’ve noticed during a lot of things Leo’s will just begin shooting when it isn’t necessary this needs to stop we need to rp it out all the way and use our guns as a last resort.

3. And finally by finding ways to overcomes situations that aren’t always requiring a admin icly rather than having to have a admin fix it SAHP will do it’s best to resolve these issues in a ic manner thus creating more RP

Kind regards and thank you for your consideration
Luna West.

Amelia Harlow

For you, I was a chapter. For me, you were a book
Jun 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL Aaron
2. Your age 26
3. Time zone GMT
4. Average online per day 12+
5. Your Discord Amelia Xoxo#6633
6. Your Nickname Amelia Xoxo
7. Your ID 38745
Additional information
1. Leader of...San Andreas Highway Patrol
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I would like to become the leader of SAHP because i understand how to run this org as a leader cus when i was in SAHP Last term I Made it up the ranks easy cus i had the knowledge and skills to run a team or convoy as leader to make sure my troopers were save and out of danger.
I would like to become leader of SAHP Because Last Term i was so dedicated to this org and put so much time in to it i did like 200+ hours aweek allmost.
I would like to become leader of SAHP because i feel i could benefit as a leader to run this org cus i know what im doing and love this org i would love the chance to prove i got what it takes to run an org i love and put my time into.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
i would like to bring more team building within the org such as do prizes for most hours in day shift and most hours in night shift i do try to keep this org strong

Thomas Pluxury

Thomas Parker
Sep 17, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Debarjun Paul

2. Your age: 18

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30

4. Average online per day: 10-12 hrs

5. Your Discord: Substitute Gaming#9891

6. Your Nickname: Thomas Parker

7. Your ID: 16306

Additional Information

1. Leader of: San Andreas Highway Patrol(SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. Changing the Recruitment System of SAHP:
I was in SAHP for three terms. In each term I have seen that there are very less officers present at night as a result the crimes which are happening at night and the criminals responsible for these crime didn't get arrested and the other officers at night didn't get the backup there. So I want to recruit officers for both day and night simultaneously.

ii. Recruiting more experienced SWAT members for both the shift:
In my last three terms I have seen that there was a shortage of SWAT members for both the shift, as a result the other officers didn't get any back up from the SWAT during any emergency situation. So I want to recruit more experienced and active SWAT members who will be experienced in that field.

iii. Making more phases of exam:
In past terms, I have seen that some of the officers those who are senior trooper and above. They didn't got the training for driving cars and shooting. As a result they cannot drive any car properly and the officers became late to reach the crime seen and also they were unable to shoot the criminals. So I want to make two more training phases for all the new officers.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

i. There should be more strict rule of leaving the RP situations. Some of the officers leave the RP when they got caught by gang members. So this things should be stopped by making more strict rules.

ii. When there is a global and the other departments are calling for help, in SAHP even if they have enough units to respond some of the officers refuse to respond it. So it should be stopped and if they didn't respond, they have to give valid reason for not responding and if they fail to give they will get a warning.

iii. The third most important, I have seen that some high commands willingly or unwillingly hired family members, friends, people with interests, or helped or hindered those with insufficient experience or even lack of education in reaching high ranks. So this will be stopped by me in SAHP I will not allow anyone to hire any inexperienced people.

Signed By:
Thomas Parker

Dedha Jii

Ex-SAHP Sheriff en2
Apr 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Himanshu Dedha
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : +5:30 IST
4. Average online per day : 9-10 hours
5. Your Discord : TOXIC_BOY_#8893
6. Your Nickname : Dedha Jiii
7. Your ID : 14199

Additional information

1. Leader of SAHP - San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- As of late I’ve seen many issues with organizations including low activity during night time when there are still plenty of people in the city which RP situations can be created, I want to bring back a high activity rate during all times of the day with set numbers and using those to achieve higher goals.

- As I have not been in SAHP for a long time but I know how to / What to do in every division and know how to run them, As I have achieved many goals in the short time as I achieved to become Chief of Internal affairs which is known to have more knowledge than anyone in the organisation.

-Because I want to take this organisation onto whole new other level as this organisation is never been given much chance in events and is mostly being sided by everyone . And I have learned a lot from the past mistakes made by most of the sheriff's.
- I have seen most of the citizens think that SAHP is only ment to sell license plate and insurance , I want to change that point of view and want to tell them that we are also here for there safety, who travel across the city for there job through highway , and want to tell them what SAHP can do.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

-Work better with other Leo’s better communication is key more leader meetings is a must and so is joint training this will help all orgs better there rp as there will be more rp interactions which can help the city.

- I will make sure there is no bias / Favouritism in the org and that everyone works the for there respect.

Thank you very much for your time
Ex chief of Internal Affairs
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Oct 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL = tag smarty
2. Your age =
3. Time zone = GST +5:30
4. Average online per day = 10-14hrs
5. Your Discord = tag smarty#3228
6. Your Nickname = tag smart
7. Your ID = 56304
1. Leader of SAHP - San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

my past experience in sahp is good but i think i can make it better than right now and i will bring new rules and and i will help for citizens to join the sahp and i will do contracts with every sahp officers.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

i would love to keep the good image and legacy of SAHP in this city.
If i am chosen,
- I will host regular meetings and will actively encourage and motivate each and every member

Alpha Pluxury

Sep 25, 2022
1. Your name IRL- Deepak
2. Your age-18
3. Time zone-GMT+5
4. Average online per day-10 to 12 hours
5. Your Discord- Ivan Alpha I 63591#9353
6. Your Nickname- Ivan Alpha
7. Your ID- 63591
Additional information
1. Leader of...

2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(i) I know how to lead and can ensure that people are trained and always available to help with the insurance and licence plates. I will also aim to have more people patrolling the highways.

(ii) SAHP is usually overlooked due to its location, I aim to change that and have the org interact with the other orgs, performing joint operations with NG on the highways, LSPD and FIB in the city and ghetto with ghetto raids/patrols

iii. I have been a leader in the twin city and high command in the other city. I was Head of internal affairs and helped with the training at SAHP during Louie's term. I've also been high command in LSPD and fairly high up the ladder in FIB. I feel as if I can make SAHP great and involved with the workings of the city.

(iii) For improving the RolePlay level in the organization, I will offer players polite, adequate, and tight RP.
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Poke Chan

Peace Out
Feb 9, 2022
The following players have been selected for SAHP Leader interviews at 14:00 server time on Thursday 3rd of November.
  1. Luna West - Curliynn#4683
  2. Thomas Parker - Substitute Gaming#9891
  3. Dedha Jiii - TOXIC_BOY_#8893
Application of SAHP leader is Closed

Amelia Harlow

For you, I was a chapter. For me, you were a book
Jun 21, 2022

1. Your name IRL Aaron

2. Your age 26

3. Time zone BST

4. Average online per day 7-8 hours weekdays 6-10 hours weekends

5. Your Discord Amelia Harlow#6633

6. Your Nickname Amelia Harlow

7. Your ID 38745

Additional information

1. Leader of SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 Leadership: There's been some amazing leadership for the first term to this last one but i think i can go above and beyond and be the best leader SAHP has ever seen i know who i want for certain positions already i have everything mapped out.

2.2 Family: this last term i was in made me love SAHP so much I think of everyone from that last term as family and i want to continue that tradition of an SAHP family.

2.3 Discipline: I plan on implementing a lot of discipline but I also want people to be able to have fun while be smart about it i don't want people breaking rules and getting kicked out of the org for stupid reasons.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

3.1 Structure: I'm going to implement enough structure and discipline to where people know how to have fun while not breaking the rules.

3.2 Ranks: I'm going to give people ranks/roles based on experience if they deserve it and if they can show me there fit for that role/rank.

3.3 Corruption: I've seen plenty of corruption in SAHP last term I had a bad experience with corruption so i plan of trying to limit is a much as possible.

3.4 I want this next term to have the best roleplay experience while still having structure.

I wish SAHP the best for whoever becomes Sheriff

Regards EX LSPD Major Of Patrol 2x Terms EX NG LT Colonel 1x Term EX FIB HOD Spec Ops 1x Term EX EMS Dean Of AS
FIB Chief Of Staff 1x Term

Discipline Structure
1. Verbal Warning
2. Demotion
3. Honorary Discharge from the ORG

------------Rank Structure-----------
------------Overseer of ORG-----------
30.Sheriff [ Leader of ORG]
29.Under Sheriff [Deputy]
28.Chief Commander [ Under Deputy]
------------High Command Overseer ---------
27.Chief Of Staff [Overseer of All Departments]
26.Chief Of IA [ Overseer of Lower Departments]
25.Chief Of HR/FTO [Overseer of Training]
-----------------High Command of Departments---------------------
24.Chief Of HWP [HOD]
23.Chief Of Swat [HOD]
22.Chief Of Detective [HOD]
21.Deputy Chief Of IA [Deputy Overseer of Lower Departments]
20.Deputy Chief Of HR/FTO [Deputy Overseer of Training]
19.Deputy Chief Of HWP [DHOD]
18.Deputy Chief Of Swat [DHOD]
17.Deputy Chief Of Detective [DHOD]
15.Lieutenant Colonel
----------Non High-Command------------------
11.Master Sergeant
10.Senior Sergeant
8.Master Corporal
7.Senior Corporal
4.Senior Trooper

Thank you for your time reading my application​
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Fission Juzzo

Oct 26, 2022

1. Your name IRL Aaron

2. Your age 26

3. Time zone BST

4. Average online per day 7-8 hours weekdays 6-10 hours weekends

5. Your Discord Amelia Harlow#6633

6. Your Nickname Amelia Harlow

7. Your ID 38745

Additional information

1. Leader of SAHP

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 Leadership: There's been some amazing leadership for the first term to this last one but i think i can go above and beyond and be the best leader SAHP has ever seen i know who i want for certain positions already i have everything mapped out.

2.2 Family: this last term i was in made me love SAHP so much I think of everyone from that last term as family and i want to continue that tradition of an SAHP family.

2.3 Discipline: I plan on implementing a lot of discipline but I also want people to be able to have fun while be smart about it i don't want people breaking rules and getting kicked out of the org for stupid reasons.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

3.1 Structure: I'm going to implement enough structure and discipline to where people know how to have fun while not breaking the rules.

3.2 Ranks: I'm going to give people ranks/roles based on experience if they deserve it and if they can show me there fit for that role/rank.

3.3 Corruption: I've seen plenty of corruption in SAHP last term I had a bad experience with corruption so i plan of trying to limit is a much as possible.

3.4 I want this next term to have the best roleplay experience while still having structure.

I wish SAHP the best for whoever becomes Sheriff

Discipline Structure
1. Verbal Warning
2. Demotion
3. Honorary Discharge from the ORG

------------Rank Structure-----------
------------Overseer of ORG-----------
30.Sheriff [ Leader of ORG]
29.Under Sheriff [Deputy]
28.Chief Commander [ Under Deputy]
------------High Command Overseer ---------
27.Chief Of Staff [Overseer of All Departments]
26.Chief Of IA [ Overseer of Lower Departments]
25.Chief Of HR/FTO [Overseer of Training]
-----------------High Command of Departments---------------------
24.Chief Of HWP [HOD]
23.Chief Of Swat [HOD]
22.Chief Of Detective [HOD]
21.Deputy Chief Of IA [Deputy Overseer of Lower Departments]
20.Deputy Chief Of HR/FTO [Deputy Overseer of Training]
19.Deputy Chief Of HWP [DHOD]
18.Deputy Chief Of Swat [DHOD]
17.Deputy Chief Of Detective [DHOD]
15.Lieutenant Colonel
----------Non High-Command------------------
11.Master Sergeant
10.Senior Sergeant
8.Master Corporal
7.Senior Corporal
4.Senior Trooper

Thank you for your time reading my application​
You will be a good leader

Liza Hayashi

EX General
Jul 14, 2022
A.) Information
1. Your name IRL: Smit Shinde
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Smit_Shinde#1060
6. Your Nickname: Elon Walker
7. Your ID: 31600

Additional information
A.) Leader of SAHP

B.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List 3 reasons)

1.) I want to give the citizens of Paleto Bay an authority they can rely on. This can only come from a competent team. I have been in the FIB and SAHP orgs for 8 months now, and I’ve spent time in every available department. Additionally, I have been in LEO orgs in other cities for many years before this. I’ve never been arrested, demorganed, or reported on the forums. In my time here, I have gathered much experience. However, success cannot be achieved by a single person. My team has similar backgrounds to mine. All have extensive experience as LEOs, especially when it comes to SAHP. Our team has always been the secret to success, wherever we go. For myself and my team, SAHP is home. For the past 4 months, we have fine-tuned the protocols necessary for running the org and I believe that with that expertise and our love for SAHP, we can keep the department moving forward.

2.) I want to realign the department's priorities toward helping the new recruits. Too often, the new hires are left behind while the seasoned officers go out for patrols and special operations. Our HRT department is second to none. While they can expertly prepare each trainee for the situations they will encounter, they cannot give them the most crucial tool for a skilled officer: experience. Sending trainees out with other skilled officers to watch them in action will create more competent and confident troopers that all have the potential to become future leaders.

3.) I want to bring back pieces of SAHP's past. SAHP has had several brilliant, successful leaders, each bringing their own special flair to the department. But over time, some of the wonderful things those leaders created became lost. From training programs to unique divisions, there were many great ideas that improved the experience of civilians and officers alike. So I would like to combine the best parts of SAHP's brightest minds and honor my predecessors.

C.) What is your advice for improving roleplay in the organization?

1.) The biggest thing that will improve roleplay is handling situations ICly instead of taking everything to the forums. The moment someone mentions an OOC rule break, the RP has been broken. For example, UB driving is a common issue we deal with when in a pursuit. If someone drives a sports car off of a cliff, oftentimes you will hear the officer say, “UB driving, see you on the forums,” and the chase ends. Instead, the best solution would be to continue looking for the car and, if you find it, to give them medical attention (since they flew off a cliff) and to charge them with the appropriate offense. The forums should only be a last resort when we cannot handle things ourselves.

2.) Another way to improve RP in the org is by strengthening the Highway Patrol division. Essentially, every officer is part of Highway Patrol. After all, that's what SAHP is all about. But little-to-no RP is done on traffic stops or at crime scenes. So the Highway Patrol division can focus on creating RP at these scenes and teaching the other officers how to do it as well. Some examples of this are using the “show direction” animation at traffic stops to keep traffic moving or using the police tape (barricade) to secure the scenes of ATM robberies. Even little details such as these can help create a more immersive experience in Paleto Bay and will create a memorable image of SAHP.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Habib Anderson

Oct 30, 2022
1. Your name : Fadi
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : Central European Standard Time
4. Average online per day : 4 to 6 hours
5. Your Discord : SpooderMan#1838
6. Your Nickname : Habib Anderson
7. Your ID : 77665
Additional information
1. Leader of... SAHP
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1- I've had the pleasure of being one of the HC in SAHP for a while, seeing the potential of this org, i wanted to do more with it, create more RP situations, do more missions and create more ways to engage in Rp and improve it. Give bonuses to the people who deserve them as well as promotions.

2- As i am an all rounder (Day and night shift), i would like to balance between both, to be able to make sure the Highway is safe at all times, train everyone and make sure for everyone to be professional at their job, this might be hard but everything is possible with the correct training and encouragement. Training is one if the most important things for newcomers and with that i will make sure the officers who are in charge of training to know all the rules and help them train better, to make the org the best and have well trained officers.

3- I have a lot of ideas and changes to make in the Org, i would like to test them all and see what suits the org best. I saw a lot of flaws in the time i was in SAHP and was Proud of a lot of the officers who did the right thing. I always go by the rules and will be strict when it needed.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1- teach the officers the correct way in engaging with others, and if any mistakes are made then i would encourage everyone to come and tell me or experinced officers and how to avoid it next time.

2- encouraging everyone to ask in case they do not know about a specific thing, which i see a lot of people get scared of asking.

3- make sure everyone is using the commands /do, /me, /try because these are really important for everyone to know and use correctly which encourages other people to do more and hopefully everyone will have a pleasant Rp experience.

Yousef Habibi

Former Cheif of Staff - SAHP
Apr 14, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Yousef
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 6 hours
5. Your Discord: Itz Yousef.#0001
6. Your Nickname: Yousef Habibi
7. Your ID: 12302

Additional information
Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

  • San Andreas citizens deserves a Sheriff who can provide them protection and safety from the criminals, gangesters and anyone who threats their lives. And I think that I can do it because of my previous experience in SAHP, LSPD and FIB where I was a HC at SAHP for 5 terms and served 4 Sheriffs.
  • I would like to change how people look at SAHP: They look at SAHP as Insurance and License Plates company but I want SA citizens to look at SAHP like they are their guards who can't be defeated, and I think that I can train unbeatable officers and form S.W.A.T units which will make sure of being the best, with also making sure the highway is safe I guess that's possible.
  • I would like to move this org to another level, making the SAHP a better and safer place for all employees and make SAHP not just a normal org I want SAHP to be special org. By making a professional orgnaization with professional employees after I learnt the former SAHP's Sheriffs mistakes and I will fix it and make it the best place for everyone.
3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

As the leader of SAHP, I will ensure that all employees adhere to the server rules and treat each other with respect. To encourage increased attendance, I will implement new motivation strategies. Additionally, I will provide thorough training to new hires to facilitate their advancement within the organization. In order to maintain efficient operations, I will also ensure that patrol logs are accurately completed and seek to bring on highly qualified officers. Together, these efforts will help to create a harmonious and successful work environment.

Fission Juzzo

Oct 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Yousef
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 6 hours
5. Your Discord: Itz Yousef.#0001
6. Your Nickname: Yousef Habibi
7. Your ID: 12302

Additional information
Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

  • San Andreas citizens deserves a Sheriff who can provide them protection and safety from the criminals, gangesters and anyone who threats their lives. And I think that I can do it because of my previous experience in SAHP, LSPD and FIB where I was a HC at SAHP for 5 terms and served 4 Sheriffs.
  • I would like to change how people look at SAHP: They look at SAHP as Insurance and License Plates company but I want SA citizens to look at SAHP like they are their guards who can't be defeated, and I think that I can train unbeatable officers and form S.W.A.T units which will make sure of being the best, with also making sure the highway is safe I guess that's possible.
  • I would like to move this org to another level, making the SAHP a better and safer place for all employees and make SAHP not just a normal org I want SAHP to be special org. By making a professional orgnaization with professional employees after I learnt the former SAHP's Sheriffs mistakes and I will fix it and make it the best place for everyone.
3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

As the leader of SAHP, I will ensure that all employees adhere to the server rules and treat each other with respect. To encourage increased attendance, I will implement new motivation strategies. Additionally, I will provide thorough training to new hires to facilitate their advancement within the organization. In order to maintain efficient operations, I will also ensure that patrol logs are accurately completed and seek to bring on highly qualified officers. Together, these efforts will help to create a harmonious and successful work environment.
Looks like its a application for Swat Commander and not SAHP sheriff xDDD

Rahul Ror

Hill side Mafia join us we are unofficial org
Leader of unofficial org
Jun 22, 2022
1. Name IRL: Ahamed Ammar
2. My Age: 19
3. My Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 8 to 10 hours
5. My Discord: DR. Eug#3952
6. My Nickname: Kazuto Kirigaya
7. My ID: 16473

Additional information

1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I have been member of every state organizations as well as i have leadership experience of being leader of NG and GOV. As i have been in legal org for over 8 months i have good LEO experience and 5 months of leadership experience so i am able to easily recognize what SAHP needs and help the org with what it needs

  • I want to become SAHP leader because i know that there are many former SAHP officers who would like to work with me and to enjoy RP as a COP that they dont get on many other state organization

  • According to the current numbers in the city i will be able to get a lot of people into the organization to bring SAHP as one of the best legal orgs

3. My advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.

  • I will be talking with all the organizations every week to keep that bond SAHP has with other ORG's

  • will be doing joint combat trainings, proper convoy trainings as well as aircraft trainings with all the other organizations

  • Hardworking members will be given promotions on weekly basis as well as be given out bonuses to keep the encouraged and to enjoy that RP

Thanks for reviewing my application
Kazuto Kirigaya
kazuto deserv sahp leader

Harry Sharma

Oct 13, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Harsh
2. Your age:17
3. Time zone: UTC+05:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: harry sharma#0962
6. Your Nickname: harry sharma
7. Your ID: 41036
Additional information
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Police(SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I have good experience in legal organization like SAHP,LSPD,FIB and also been an hc in them.i am in the city for a long time now so I got enough knowledge that how legal works and what's the leader of an organization do for there city. I want to be the leader of this specific organization because I have gone through all the situation that SAHP have and also have good knowledge how illegal works and what's there mindset. as an ex SAHP officer SAHP is the main target of the gangs because it is easy to make them hostage then an LSPD or FIB officer so its my duty to take care of them and I am really good in that

- I see myself as an great leader who can manage an organization. I am also goanna give my 100% to do that and be perfect in it. i have seen some great leader in past who handle SAHP in a great way i am surely goanna follow there path and try to be good as them.

- I have seen a lot of SAHP guys which are not well trained so i will try my best to hire the best HR also as I motioned that i was in the other Leo organizations as their point of view SAHP is just an inactive organization and they only sell insurance. i know that SAHP is the organization which sells car insurance and license plate so as a leader my vision is to be the best at every point where we can and also its not only the HR division. there are a lot where we can do great like swat, detective to be honest I have never seen someone to care about these division in SAHP sometimes they are not active or not like to take the actions they can thats why i am surely goanna hire a chief who has a good knowledge, great experience and knows how to handle a specific division in any situation

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I have seen a lot of SAHP officers who got black shirted for breaking rules if I can be the leader of SAHP i will never goanna train them like this also teach them that they can't be a corrupt by their own and explain them that how it works because i have seen a lot of officers specially of SAHP officers breaking the rule for bad cop. also in store robberies, hostage situation, gun store robbery etc. in these events i prefer there should be a proper rp. in city 2 I am seeing that the rp is not been done in a proper manner police officer are not arresting someone in a proper manner some guys don't even know how to do a department call or what we can do in rp and also to use /me/try/do commands properly because they are also comes in rp and I think we can take a good advantage with that also to do a proper rp which is entertaining like criminal putting duct tape on someone's mouth or do torture and also for the police if they have an evidence that the guy is from a gang or using the specific gang vehicle they can take him and torture him too. for knowing the next plans of the gang and do a great rp
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