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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Jayden Star

Jul 7, 2022
1. Your Name IRL: kendrick auguste
2. Your Age:16
3. TIme zone: eastern stander time
4. Average Online per Day:5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: Daniel Pluxury#2241
6. Your Nickname: Daniel Pluxury
7. Your ID:8514 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2) Departments and Usage
b.) Swat- There will be application to join swat and there will be a head of swat example commanding officer of sawt and there will be multiple swat team with captains leading it and specialized actions performed by SWAT like arresting people with warrant on them and saving hostage life and capturing as transports are crucial part of specialized missions.
c.) Detectives- Detectives work will be of collecting evidence and busting max illegal items deposits to clear city from any future criminal activity and collecting evidence against gangs and families and provide it to FIB to make a case file against them. Specialized undercover work to reveal internal affairs of illegal organization's and illegal family. d.) IA- As name SAY'S they will maintain internal Affairs of the organization and Maintain each officer with the updating requirements for Leo according to IC laws and server rules and make correct punishment for each blunder made by any officer. As we expect our all officer to maintain high standards of RP.
e.) Parking Enforcement- Towing department with hiring people not acting as LSPD officer but only towing and clearing the road of the city with IC laws and focusing on main places like Hotel, Black Market, Postal, Beach Market, Hospital, Law Enforcement Headquarters, ETC.
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
3.1) Planning RP scenario- Planning different rp scenes by communicating with other PRg leader and increasing special RP other than basic RP and general RP.
3) Knowledge of server rules- To increase RP and good activity of this particular organization all members of the organization should be aware of each server rules and to do so FTD will be forced to do so and for not following, They will face consequences from IA.
4) Maintain Good relations with other organization leader- Maintains relationship with other organization leader is important so RP can be increased instead of going to forums for everything and RP interaction -Daniel Pluxury

Poke Chan

Peace Out
Feb 9, 2022
The following players are selected for the LSPD Leader Interview at 18:00 server time on Tuesday, 20th September.

1. Samuel Elkanah @Destinova#8443

2. Vladimir Divinus @ProjectMayhem #4862
3. Lucas Rafferty @Hamapesh#1403
4. Steve Loops @Tommy.#5511
5. Sam Kirigaya @Samarth007#2678
6. steviie wonder @streetkilln#5862

Applications for LSPD Leader are now CLOSED!

Zak Boloo

Jul 29, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Zak barlow
2. 17
3. GMT+1
4. 5-10 hrs a day
5. Zak bolo#0253
6. Zak bolo
7. 33546

Additional info
1. Leader of LSPD

2. I want to become leader first and most of all to get the criminals off the streets
2b. Second I want to be a leader as I have good leadership skills I know this as I lead a game of hide and seek in primary school
2c. Third I want to be leader because criminals disgust me I seen a criminal when I was playing hide and seek and he stared at me and called him a freak and he spat at me so I want to get them freaks of the streets ygm.

3. My advice if I’m being completely honest is just follow the rules don’t cock up and u will be fine if u cock up u will get a strike and if it is serious and u get me a strike ur getting kicked simples.

Have a good day safe.

Amelia Harlow

For you, I was a chapter. For me, you were a book
Jun 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL Aaron
2. Your age 26
3. Time zone GMT
4. Average online per day 12+
5. Your Discord Amelia Xoxo#6633
6. Your Nickname Amelia Xoxo
7. Your ID 38745
Additional information
1. Leader of...LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I would like to become the leader of LSPD because i understand how to run this org as a leader cus when i was in LSPD Last term I Made it up the ranks easy cus i had the knowledge and skills to run a team or convoy as leader to make sure my Team were safe and out of danger.
I would like to become leader of LSPD Because Last Term i was so dedicated to this org and put so much time in to it i did like 200+ hours aweek allmost.
I would like to become leader of LSPD because i feel i could benefit as a leader to run this org cus i know what im doing and love this org i would love the chance to prove i got what it takes to run an org i love and put my time into I Got To Rank Of Major Of Patrol
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
i would like to bring more team building within the org such as do prizes for most hours in day shift and most hours in night shift i do try to keep this org strongest org in the city LSPD ON TOP

Samuel Elkanah

May 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Nesim

2. Your age: 28

3. Time zone: GMT +3

4. Average online per day: 4-5 in city +9 online

5. Your Discord: Destinova#8443

6. Your Nickname: Samuel Elkanah

7. Your ID: 28927

Additional information
1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a) After working for a long time as LEO, I believe it is time for me to try to run my own organization. I want to become LSPD leader because I enjoy playing on the good side of the law. I believe I have the social skills that are necessary to run the organization to the top.

b) I believe that LSPD is one of the most important organizations in the city. The bar must be set very high in terms of standards, and I believe I can achieve that if I am in charge. Utmost professionalism is the goal for an organization like LSPD.

c) I have lots of experience under my belt as a LEO. I worked in GOV under Poppy, Kazuto, Rook, and Stoney. I was doing most of the administrative work on Stoney’s term. Back in Poppy’s term I started as a security guard and raised amongst the ranks with my hard work and dedication. I left before the last election; at the time I was senator of the state(HC) I also had short stints in EMS and SAHP. I worked in LSPD until the disband. I was Major of Air and got promoted to Human Resources for my hard work. I believe anyone in the organization can vouch for my dedication and experience as a LEO. Worked in LSPD for 20 days with Stevie as his Assistant Chief, currently working as Supreme Court Judge in GOV. I am very experienced in terms of law and LEO work.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

a) As I mentioned above. Professional behavior must be mandatory in the organization. Anyone who is not professional enough is going to get suspended, demoted, and retrained

b) Currently LSPD divisions are not that active. I want to change that with special training for every division so I can bring them back into action.

c) I would try my best to improve the activity of LSPD officers. I am going to make sure to hire enough people who live in various time zones to keep the activity high at any hour of the day.

Thanks for reading over my application,

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John aLi

Aug 27, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Nesim

2. Your age: 28

3. Time zone: GMT +3

4. Average online per day: 4-5 Hours

5. Your Discord: Destinova#8443

6. Your Nickname: Samuel Elkanah

7. Your ID: 28927

Additional information
1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a) After working for a long time as LEO, I believe it is time for me to try to run my own organization. I want to become LSPD leader because I enjoy playing on the good side of the law. I believe I have the social skills that are necessary to run the organization to the top.

b) I believe that LSPD is one of the most important organizations in the city. The bar must be set very high in terms of standards, and I believe I can achieve that if I am in charge. Utmost professionalism is the goal for an organization like LSPD.

c) I have lots of experience under my belt as a LEO. I worked in GOV under Poppy, Kazuto, Rook, and Stoney. I was doing most of the administrative work on Stoney’s term. Back in Poppy’s term I started as a security guard and raised amongst the ranks with my hard work and dedication. I left before the last election; at the time I was senator of the state(HC) I also had short stints in EMS and SAHP. I worked in LSPD until the disband. I was Major of Air and got promoted to Human Resources for my hard work. I believe anyone in the organization can vouch for my dedication and experience as a LEO. Worked in LSPD for 20 days with Stevie as his Assistant Chief, currently working as Supreme Court Judge in GOV. I am very experienced in terms of law and LEO work.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

a) As I mentioned above. Professional behavior must be mandatory in the organization. Anyone who is not professional enough is going to get suspended, demoted, and retrained

b) Currently LSPD divisions are not that active. I want to change that with special training for every division so I can bring them back into action.

c) I would try my best to improve the activity of LSPD officers. I am going to make sure to hire enough people who live in various time zones to keep the activity high at any hour of the day.

Thanks for reading over my application,

I support Samuel to be the next leader of LSPD. He is so professional, friendly, and hard-working.


Nov 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
9-10 Hours
5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname
Ashley Haze
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(1) I would like to be Leader of LSPD Because, I have been in legal organizations ever since I began playing the server over a year ago now, Therefore I have a lot of previous experience in organizations such as LSPD and other legal orgs such as FIB, SAHP.

(2) I have always wanted to be a leader of a legal organization such as LSPD, I have a lot of previous experience as high command within legal organizations, I have seen a fair share of leaders and have learned a list of things to do, And a list of things not to do as a leader.

(3) I think it could be beneficial to be leader of an organization like LSPD, For the community, I do think that I could serve The Organization, The community, Justice between being a good leader, Having a good team of officers by each others sides, And protection within the community, For the community to feel safer within their city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

(1) To start off, I would begin finding a good team of officers that work together and not against each other, I think it is extremely important to have a team that works together and that get along with one another, To maintain a safe and welcoming work environment.

(2) I would like to receive feedback from the community and other members alike, And also take feedback from other organizations, I think it is important to make sure that if an officer behaving out of conduct should be punished, I don't think it is good to let things like that go, I would like to make sure that my team is well maintained, And that nobody is doing anything that they shouldn't be doing.

(3) I would make sure that everyone in the organization is active and attending to events, ammo runs, anything that they are needed for, And to make sure that we have the most active and well behaving officers that we possibly can have. I think it is extremely important to have everyone in your organization that is online to be doing something beneficial toward the organization and not only toward themselves.

Thank you for reading.

Thomas Pluxury

Thomas Parker
Sep 17, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Debarjun Paul

2. Your age: 18

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30

4. Average online per day: 10-12 hrs

5. Your Discord: Substitute Gaming#9891

6. Your Nickname: Thomas Parker

7. Your ID: 16306

Additional Information

1. Leader of: Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. Changing the Recruitment System of LSPD:
I was in LSPD for two terms. In each term I have seen that there are very less officers present at night as a result the crimes which are happening at night and the criminals responsible for these crime didn't get arrested and the other officers at night didn't get the backup there. So I want to recruit officers for both day and night simultaneously.

ii. Recruit more Human Resource officers for both the shifts:
In my last term I have seen that there was a shortage of Human Resource officers in both the shifts, as a result the trainees are not getting their training and they stays in their rank for 1 months. And specially at night no HR officer are present to train the trainees those who are from night shift. As a result there was a shortage of trooper at night. So I want to recruit more HR officer for both the shifts.

iii. Making more phases of exam:
In past term, I have seen that some of the officers those who are patrol officers and above. They didn't got the training for driving cars and shooting. As a result they cannot drive any car properly and the officers became late to reach the crime seen and also they were unable to shoot the criminals. So I want to make 2 more additional training of driving and shooting.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

i. There should be more strict rule of leaving the RP situations. Some of the officers leave the RP when they got caught by gang members. So this things should be stopped by making more strict rules.

ii. When there is a hostage situation, many officers goes to negotiate but they don't know the basic rule of negotiations that hostage is the first priority and starts to give warning to leave the hostage and also pointing the guns to them. This officer should get a punishment for this behaviour.

iii. The third most important, I have seen that some high commands willingly or unwillingly hired family members, friends, people with interests, or helped or hindered those with insufficient experience or even lack of education in reaching high ranks. So this will be stopped by me in LSPD I will not allow anyone to hire any inexperienced people.

Signed By:
Thomas Parker


Oct 9, 2022
1. rush hayes
2. 18
4. 3 to 4hrs
5. Yung Ali Gaming#2960
6. Pablo Ali
7. N/A
Additional information
1. Leader of LPSD
2. I want to be leader of LSPD as I was in LSPD from the start of server 1 and have a excellent understanding of how LSPD is meant to operate. I also feel that have the correct skillsets needed in order to lead LSPD and enable it to be the best it can be. Also, I want to be leader of LSPD as I want to unlock the capabilities the org has in terms of RP situations.
3. My advice for improving roleplay within the organisation would be to ensure all officers are performing at a high standard and adhere to the rules of the city. Create good roleplay scenarios with gangs of the city by co - ordinating with the other state orgs. Ensure those with less experience are given adequate training to fulfil their duties. Ensure those who do follow the rules of the city within the org are dealt with accordingly. Ensure communication with the other state orgs are open and there is no divide between any particular


Oct 9, 2022
1. Your name IRL- rush

2. Your age- 18

3. Time zone- IST

4. Average online per day- 8-10 HOURS

5. Your Discord- Rush op#1577

6. Your Nickname- rush hayes

7. Your ID-65147

Additional information
1. Leader of LPSD
2. I want to be leader of LSPD as I was in LSPD from the start of server 1 and have a excellent understanding of how LSPD is meant to operate. I also feel that have the correct skillsets needed in order to lead LSPD and enable it to be the best it can be. Also, I want to be leader of LSPD as I want to unlock the capabilities the org has in terms of RP situations.
3. My advice for improving roleplay within the organisation would be to ensure all officers are performing at a high standard and adhere to the rules of the city. Create good roleplay scenarios with gangs of the city by co - ordinating with the other state orgs. Ensure those with less experience are given adequate training to fulfil their duties. Ensure those who do follow the rules of the city within the org are dealt with accordingly. Ensure communication with the other state orgs are open and there is no divide between any particular

Khalid Balkour

Jul 18, 2022
1. Aurimas Pukelis
2. 18
3. GMT
4. 5-8 Hours
5. DarkGamerX#4326
6. Khalid Bolkour
7. 19828

Leader of LSPD

1. Since joining LSPD under Steviie wonder and Lily blixky, I think it's fair to say that there has been a significant improvement in the way the organisation functions. I'm not saying that I have single handedly changed LSPD but there have been many things I have implemented and changed that have made LSPD the best it has been since Vincent Vega . To name a few things I have done for the organisation;
I have re-compiled the entire roster so that now, callsigns make sense, they are rank based and division based and clear to understand that the person you are talking to on the radio is from a division and what rank they hold, thus improving the RP between each other via radio comms as it outlines a clear structure for people to follow and who they should be listening to. It has also meant that with the improvements in the roster, we are more easily able to keep track of who is in the LSPD, what their ranks are, whether they have any internal warnings, when their last promotion was, who hired them, when they were hired etc. Evidence of this can be provided privately as this is confidential to the LSPD.
I saw the dress code was in a Discord channel and was hard to follow, so I created an easy to follow document and de-cluttered the discord channel to have simply just a link to the document which can be found Here. Now this means everyone can see it including the public, so they know exactly who they are talking to and who to look out for if they need to speak to someone from High Command. This improves RP because there is clarity and transparency with the LSPD and General Public and also our officers know exactly what they need to be wearing.
I have re-created the entire training procedure to include many things LSPD was missing out on. I began working on this before we were approached by the government who told us they noticed a distinct lack of officers who knew what they were doing, so again, this improved upon the RP because now our officers are more highly trained than ever and should know most things about their job, how to do it and not get in trouble with other organisations and/or admins. (Mistakes are obviously still made by officers with room for improvement all the time. No one is entirely perfect.) The training guide can be found here.
As Deputy Chief, my job is to advise the chief and act for her on her behalf with her permission, therefore I have also made some changes with the hierarchy of individuals and interviewed for the top spots within the organisation. So far, the Major of SWAT, Majors of Patrol and Major of Field Training have all been newly implemented and proven to have had significant positive changes within the organisation.
I also took on an entire new division called Task Force before my promotion to deputy, who's job is to run Hostage Negotiations, be a pro-active reaction team (meaning they are always geared up and ready to respond and patrol together) whereas SWAT are reactive and patrol with others and can partake in other divisions, which allowed Task Force to focus on Drug plantations throughout the state and chase and successfully recover stolen vehicles as their main tasks.
This allowed the likes of SWAT to be able to respond to store robberies in a more organised fashion and focus more on laying down some force and controlling the area whereas before they were running negotiations etc. which meant they were not as focussed. Task force also works with the detective division when required, to be there for backup and help with laying down some firepower if needed. Task Force is invite only and would be regarded, if i do say so myself, as the best and highest desired spot in LSPD.

2. LSPD has done so much hard work over the past few weeks, I think we would all agree that the work we have all put in has made it where it is today, so I want to be the next leader to carry this on. It would be a shame for it to be handed to someone who would have to start fresh. Our team has made LSPD what it is today and if these people had the guarantee that their jobs were safe and no drastic changes were going to be made, it would mean the LSPD will continue to be as good as it is today. Something we were missing before Gabi took over, was a strong team and it is with this that the LSPD has been so successful this time around.

3. I personally believe that the LSPD is in the best state it has been for a very long time. It is also why I wish for it to continue as it is which is why I am running for Leadership. I want it to continue and strongly believe that we are far from done making it the best LSPD we have ever seen which is the aim of myself and the entire team. I also think that the rest of High command and the entire department would stand by me in saying that we are proud of where we are at today. For a long time, it has always been the case that the other organisations would point fingers at LSPD because formerly, LSPD would be the cause of a lot of mistakes. However now, I think we are highly regarded by the other organisations and partnership with them is stronger than ever and they are slowly pulling away from the stigma left behind by others that LSPD is "trash" or "not good at their job" etc. It shows when people are leaving FIB and SAHP etc. for LSPD for a change and not the other way around.

  1. I would improve on roleplay by keeping the things we have implemented within LSPD rolling, we have contracts, training guides, code of conducts etc. which all improve the roleplay because it means people are not only tied into their jobs by large sums of money which are legally binding (previnting org hopping) but also puts people in a position when they first start out that they do not want to leave. LSPD currently has a very active team throughout the entire day and this is down to all the systems we have put in place. I would continue to improve on the roleplay by making LSPD something people want to stay a part of, something they aspire to be the best of the best in and something they want to put all their time into. It is with this that we create a happy and resoundingly successful environment which people not only have fun in but take seriously with the procedures and protocols we have put in place.
    We have worked tirelessly with FIB to bring gangs down, the government to ensure we are doing all we can legally for them and ourselves to create said contracts to hold people for longer which in turn not only resolves issues of people getting experience then leaving for FIB or others but also allows us to RPly recover losses on training but also when people have put the effort in they come to it and say "Actually, I enjoy this and want to stay" instead of hanging around bored and leaving like they used to do.
    I will implement more structure and improve on RP by making LSPD the best organisation in the whole city, thus helping the others to also be the best. I want to see the legal side of things running perfect and want nothing more than perfect harmony between all the organisations. I will make sure that people do things right the first time with little room for mistakes and errors. I aim to keep our happy and healthy organisation exactly as it is today but with some slight tinkering to perfect what we already have.

Kakashi Pluxury

I fear only god, not his creations.
Apr 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL-Vansh Saxena
2. Your age-17
3. Time zone-(UTC+5:30)
4. Average online per day= 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord-1sh#2203
6. Your Nickname-Juno Marshal
7. Your ID-15849

Additional Information:

1. I want to be the leader of LSPD (Los Santos Police Department)

2. The reson I want to be the leader of this specific department is:

i. LSPD is one of the most important department to control the criminal activity in the city. I have been in LSPD for 2 terms serving the state and learning about the state myself and I Think I am ready to become the leader of LSPD and bring some good changes.

ii. As I have been in LSPD for too long now I have seen many backsteps of LSPD which in my opinion should not be in such a big organization. I have seen Favourism and Discrimination
between the male citizens and female citizens. This is so disguised in my opinion.
iii. LSPD is a kind of organization where the new members who arrive in the city want to get a good experience of legal organization. The first organization in everyone's mind when thinking to serve the state is my organization LSPD. Each and every citizen and officer will be treated with respect. I will also make sure that all the new citizens will never be ignored and there problems will be solved as soon as possible.

iv. I have some pre-selected officers who are well experience and well mature to understand the problems of the state and the organizations. The new upcoming officers will not be just tought how to do the cop things but also to respect the citizens and follow all kind of instructions given. Even if they are new for Legal organization all the other officers including me will guide him and make him a good cop.

My Advices to improve RolePlay level in organizations are:

i. All officers will be getting a quickest strike if they dont follow a proper RolePlay even after knowing about the RP.

ii. I being the leader of LSPD will make sure that there are not such Non-RP COPs and the Internal affairs team will be working as good as a new great organization

iii. I will add a new guide for the new LSPD members so they can learn and follow the RolePlay situations.


-------REGARDS EX-Chief Of Staff LSPD------


Jessie Bird

May 6, 2022
The following players are selected for the LSPD Leader interview at 15:00 server time on Sunday, 23rd of October

1. Samuel Elkanah, Destinova#8443
2. Debarjun Paul, Substitute Gaming#9891
3. Khalid Bolkour, DarkGamerX#4326

Applications for LSPD Leader are now CLOSED!


Nov 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
9-10 Hours
5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname
Ashley Haze
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(1) I would like to be Leader of LSPD Because, I have been in legal organizations ever since I began playing the server over a year ago now, Therefore I have a lot of previous experience in organizations such as LSPD and other legal orgs such as FIB, SAHP.

(2) I have always wanted to be a leader of a legal organization such as LSPD, I have a lot of previous experience as high command within legal organizations, I have seen a fair share of leaders and have learned a list of things to do, And a list of things not to do as a leader.

(3) I think it could be beneficial to be leader of an organization like LSPD, For the community, I do think that I could serve The Organization, The community, Justice between being a good leader, Having a good team of officers by each others sides, And protection within the community, For the community to feel safer within their city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

(1) To start off, I would begin finding a good team of officers that work together and not against each other, I think it is extremely important to have a team that works together and that get along with one another, To maintain a safe and welcoming work environment.

(2) I would like to receive feedback from the community and other members alike, And also take feedback from other organizations, I think it is important to make sure that if an officer behaving out of conduct should be punished, I don't think it is good to let things like that go, I would like to make sure that my team is well maintained, And that nobody is doing anything that they shouldn't be doing.

(3) I would make sure that everyone in the organization is active and attending to events, ammo runs, anything that they are needed for, And to make sure that we have the most active and well behaving officers that we possibly can have. I think it is extremely important to have everyone in your organization that is online to be doing something beneficial toward the organization and not only toward themselves.

Thank you for reading.

Luna Fellas

Jan 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Onur
2. Your age: 23
3. Time zone: GMT+3
4. Average online per day: 8-10 hours
5. Your Discord: Curliynn#4683
6. Your Nickname: Lily Adrett
7. Your ID: 11405

Additional information
1. Leader of...: LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?:
1: as of late I’ve seen many issues with organizations including low activity during night time when there are still plenty of people in the city which RP situations can be created, I want to bring back a high activity rate during all times of the day with set numbers and using those to achieve higher goals. Also i was deputy 2 times in NG, and HC many times in LSPD,FIB and SAHP. i have lots of experince about state orgs.

2. I’ve noticed as I watch legal orgs work when they are outnumbered or don’t believe they can win they will leave and the RP will end there during hostage situations or other Rp scenarios this is something I want to fix I want to always find a way to complete RP to the best possible outcome even if it’s a unwinnable situation or if we are heavily outnumbered we should always try to find a way to win which will help create more quality RP

3. There has been a lot of issues about RP not being fully carried out and calling gods to interject when things don’t fully go the way they are expected rather than working with the rest of Leo’s and overcoming the situation and finding a way to work with it instead of giving up and having to have others fix it I want this to be resolved I want Leo’s to find a way to resolve issues without always having to directly have the gods intervene (unless absolutely necessary) and to do this the leader must set an example I will be that leader.!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Work better with other Leo’s better communication is key more leader meetings is a must and so is joint training this will help all orgs better there rp as there will be more rp interactions which can help the city.

2. Work on a ask questions first shoot later basis, I’ve noticed during a lot of things Leo’s will just begin shooting when it isn’t necessary this needs to stop we need to rp it out all the way and use our guns as a last resort.

3. And finally by finding ways to overcomes situations that aren’t always requiring a admin icly rather than having to have a admin fix it SAHP will do it’s best to resolve these issues in a ic manner thus creating more RP

Kind regards and thank you for your consideration
Lily Adrett
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Famiglia di Nemici

Jun 14, 2021
1. Your name IRL kaiden
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone PST
4. Average online per day 7-8 hours weekdays 12-14 hours weekends
5. Your Discord Lil/Yactyy#7784
6. Your Nickname Austin Elliot
7. Your ID 3099
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 Leadership: There's been some amazing leadership for the first term to this last one but i think i can go above and beyond and be the best leader LSPD has ever seen i know who i want for certain positions already i have everything mapped out.
2.2 Family: this last term made me love LSPD so much i think of everyone from that last term as family and i want to continue that tradition of an LSPD family.
2.3 Discipline: I plan on implementing a lot of discipline but i also want people to be able to have fun while be smart about it i don't want people breaking rules and getting kicked out of the org for stupid reasons.
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
3.1 Structure: I'm going to implement enough structure and discipline to where people know how to have fun while not breaking the rules.
3.2 Ranks: I'm going to give people ranks/roles based on experience if they deserve it and if they can show me there fit for that role/rank.
3.3 Corruption: ive seen plenty of corruption in LSPD last term i had a bad experience with corruption so i plan of trying to limit is a much as possible.
3.4 I want this next term to have the best roleplay experience while still having structure.
I wish LSPD the best for whoever becomes chief.
Regards Ex Commander of Patrol LSPD, Ex Captain of SWAT Alpha Team, Ex Deputy Chief of SWAT SAHP, Ex high command Bloods.
Thank you for your time reading my application


Dipak Abhishek

Nov 8, 2022
1. Name : Abhishek Kumar
2. Age : 24
3. Time zone : IST GMT+5.30
4. Online per day : 4 to 6 hours
5. Discord : Stylz#1302
6.Nickname : DipakAbhishek
7. Id : 77403
Additional information
1. Leader of... LSPD
2. My first reason is that I am very intelligent. In grand rap server i have roleplay of both normal citizen and robber.That's why I can understand what should be changed in LSPD and how LSPD should be

My second resaon is that i am a good leader. I was monitor in my school and i am a captain of my cricket team, so i know how to handle any situation, how to take decision and how to control people. Thats is second reason to make me leader of LSPD

My third reason is not best but i want to make some changes in roleplay . I played in server as citizen and criminal and i did lots of different things . Now i need some changes which makes fun for me.
3. Sorry but right now i don't have any advice for any changes in roleplay

Amelia Harlow

For you, I was a chapter. For me, you were a book
Jun 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL Aaron
2. Your age 26
3. Time zone GMT
4. Average online per day 12+
5. Your Discord Amelia Xoxo#6633
6. Your Nickname Amelia Xoxo
7. Your ID 38745
Additional information
1. Leader of...LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I would like to become the leader of LSPD because i understand how to run this org as a leader cus when i was in LSPD Last term I Made it up the ranks easy cus i had the knowledge and skills to run a team or convoy as leader to make sure my Team were safe and out of danger.
I would like to become leader of LSPD Because Last Term i was so dedicated to this org and put so much time in to it i did like 200+ hours aweek allmost.
I would like to become leader of LSPD because i feel i could benefit as a leader to run this org cus i know what im doing and love this org i would love the chance to prove i got what it takes to run an org i love and put my time into I Got To Rank Of Major Of Patrol
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
i would like to bring more team building within the org such as do prizes for most hours in day shift and most hours in night shift i do try to keep this org strongest org in the city LSPD ON TOP
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