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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Aug 31, 2022
1. Barry Shephard
2. 39
3. GMT
4. 4-5hrs Per Day
5. Hamapesh#1403
6. Lucas Rafferty
7. 54365

Additional information
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have a strong background in RP spanning 20 Years in all manner of organisations across other platforms. Since i landed in this city ive seen a lot of wrong that could easily of been made right. My experiences and wisdom would be a benefit to this position of Chief of Police in the LSPD. I naturally have a positive rapport with most people and I feel I am able to lead and listen to those around me. I like to think outside the box sometimes and i always reach the right answer for which the situation at the time calls upon.

B - I want to be a force for change and good. I want to improve on the foundations that the previous Leaders have created making sure that when my term ends and the reigns are passed on, the next person has a positive launchpad for their term/s. I want to create a positive legacy.

C - I want the LSPD to be respected and remembered for the right reasons. I want to be the person that brings change and results. I want to test myself and see if I can be that person that the people of Los Santos need in charge of the organisation entrusted to protect them.
I want the LSPD to be relied on and for it to work as a source recourse.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
A -
Pro-Active Policing, Waiting around the PD for a crime to happen isn't intuitive in nature. people need and want to see their police force out patrolling, interacting and assisting the citizens of Los Santos.
Building relationships with people can only happen if they see you out doing what you are being employed and trusted to do, upholding the law. As Chief I would be fostering, guiding and nurturing new and existing relationships with an open door policy. My Officers would also be trained to do the same. People just want to feel heard and understood. I would give them the time and patience to do this.

B - The weight bearing pillar of a respected Law Enforcement Organisation should be its relations with other Enforcement Agencies. Being able to assist or call upon assistance without the concern of conflict inter-agency is paramount.
I have seen so many internal issues that could easily of been rectified. I would like to rebuild relationships in this area with the direction of uniting for the same cause. keeping Los Santos safe.

C - New Procedures, New Ways of doing the same job. I would look at existing protocols and procedures to get an understanding of what works and what does not. I would then look at re-working the procedures to make sure they are compliant and easy to understand.
Creating new teams and departments to undertake certain parts of the job that might previously of been under-managed or utilised.
I would look at bringing a Lawyer inhouse to advise and help Law Enforcement with correct practices to protect criminals and public from improper policing or negligence.
I would like to create a Warrants team that has a sole purpose of tracking and arresting felons with Wanted Levels.

D - Every day is a learning day. Sometimes Officers/Leadership need training, re-training, encouragement and guidance no matter how long they have been on the force. I would make sure the gaps in training are limited and always addressed in a positive manner that is easily reinforced. An officer is only as good as its trainer. I would make sure that only the best Training Officers are instructed to guide others.
I would make sure that new Patrol Officers(1/2/3) are buddied with more experienced officers for a period of time to assess their abilities. Creating an infrastructure of accountability, respect and dedication.
I would make sure officers are held accountable for acting out of the boundaries of their duties.
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Sam Williams

Apr 24, 2022
1.Your IRL Name - Samarth
2.Your Age - 18
3.Time Zone - IST (+5:30)
4.Average Online Per day- 4-5 Hrs
5.Your Discord - Samarth007#2678
6.Your Nickname - Sam Kirigaya
7.Your Id -25538

Additional Information
1.Leader of - Los Santos Police Department

- I want to be leader of LSPD because :-
2.1 - LSPD was my first org which i joined in city. It is the org which shaped me today. As it was my first org i have a special attachment to it.

2.2 I started as Cadet in wraith's first term and climbed the ladder till Deputy Leader in Lilly Term Thus ik what can be improved. I also want to maintain the reputation Vincent and Lilly created for org as a great leaders

2.3 I have a quiet good experience of PD (police Department) in different cities and in los Santos.(total experience -3.5years) hence I am sure my experience will be beneficial as I know how things work.

I want to make LSPD the most respected and Honourable org …. This is my sole motivation which still binds me to run for position.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

3.1- Concept or liability and asset - according to my observation there are always a few officers which are liability (officer with less training, incomplete knowledge and unprofessional behaviour) . I have special technique to convert the liability to asset by carving their potential by specialized handcrafted training for every particular officer, due to which rules will not be broken and rp experience will be increased

3.2- Independent HR department - a hr department is the breath of any org though in the past terms it has been observed that it was not independent and this showed discrimination and favouritism. I will make a independent hr department which will directly report to me having specialized powers. Hr dept will handle internal problems, Complaint with motive to make dept a better place and hence due independent existence it will remove discrimination which will lead to justice hence officer will enjoy the rp experience

3.3- Creating and refining SOPs - I will update and refine the SOPs as old and inefficient sops was the major problem in LSPD . A new post will be created which will given the task of refining and assisting officer with the same. Good SOPs will make the rp experience more better. I will also make new bonus System which will encourage officeers.


Sam Kirigaya aka Sam Williams
Ex Deputy Leader (LSPD)

Lexo Vercetti

Respect Everyone
Jul 17, 2022
1.Your IRL Name - Iman Banerjee
2.Your Age - 17
3.Time Zone - IST (+5:30)
4.Average Online Per day- 8-9 Hrs
5.Your Discord - Iman#0069
6.Your Nickname - Laka Pluxury
7.Your Id - 42070

Additional Information
1.Leader of - Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-> I have been in all organizations in this city and experienced Pros and cons of every leaders, Organization and also i have worked as high command in many organization, and also i have leaded Marabunta grande and also i have been in LSPD in vincent vega and Lily Walter term and saw many Problems and i want to Fix those.

-> I want to be leader of the org because i have friendly relationship with other legal organizations so i am sure LSPD would be one of the most Active organization if i be leader , so i want to be leader

-> I know how any organization works and i know the city rules so i know i can make a successful term that is why i want to be leader of LSPD

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

1) Focus on every department, make best possible High commands specially HOD(Major) Who is active most of the time and supportive to his department

2) Make sure every Officers of the organization knows the city rules and are professional.

3) Internal affairs:- This is one of the main part of any organization , so Ia should be active and check officers and be strict

4) Do meeting with every High commands week if possible, discuss about their problems, take suggestions , it would make the org better than ever

5) No favouritism

6) FTO:- Fto is the Most Important part of the organization, Every Leaders Get FTOs but i saw some FTOs does not train well as result some officers who does irrelevant stuff, so i would make a training document and I would Make Sure when FTO adds any Academy Instructor they properly go through them , and proper knowledge of Laws and Rules and Radio and Status codes can produce best officers in future.

Thanks for Reading
Laka Pluxury
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Nov 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL

2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
9-10 Hours
5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname
Ashley Haze
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(1) I would like to be Leader of LSPD Because, I have been in legal organizations ever since I began playing the server over a year ago now, Therefore I have a lot of previous experience in organizations such as LSPD and other legal orgs such as FIB, SAHP.

(2) I have always wanted to be a leader of a legal organization such as LSPD, I have a lot of previous experience as high command within legal organizations, I have seen a fair share of leaders and have learned a list of things to do, And a list of things not to do as a leader.

(3) I think it could be beneficial to be leader of an organization like LSPD, For the community, I do think that I could serve The Organization, The community, Justice between being a good leader, Having a good team of officers by each others sides, And protection within the community, For the community to feel safer within their city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

(1) To start off, I would begin finding a good team of officers that work together and not against each other, I think it is extremely important to have a team that works together and that get along with one another, To maintain a safe and welcoming work environment.

(2) I would like to receive feedback from the community and other members alike, And also take feedback from other organizations, I think it is important to make sure that if an officer behaving out of conduct should be punished, I don't think it is good to let things like that go, I would like to make sure that my team is well maintained, And that nobody is doing anything that they shouldn't be doing.

(3) I would make sure that everyone in the organization is active and attending to events, ammo runs, anything that they are needed for, And to make sure that we have the most active and well behaving officers that we possibly can have. I think it is extremely important to have everyone in your organization that is online to be doing something beneficial toward the organization and not only toward themselves.

Thank you for reading.

Stevie Walker

Apr 25, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Steve
2. Your age: 32
3. Time zone: USA eastern
4. Average online per day: 5-7 Weekdays, 7-9 Weekends
5. Your Discord: streetkilln#5862
6. Your Nickname: steviie wonder
7. Your ID: 24682

Additional information

Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Reason 1:
Firstly I want to be a leader of LSPD because I feel like it would be a great pick for my first leadership in a LEO ORG in the city. I also have great experience of being in the ORG since i was a Deputy Chief in LSPD during the last term, I would be grateful and happy if I was given the chance to be a leader in the ORG.

Reason 2:
I have many months of knowledge of being a LEO in the city as I was part of many different LEO ORGS. I been in SAHP for over 2 months, i was an HC and use to be the Deputy Chief and Chief of the FTO division, I also use to be part of the Internal Affairs division and did some work within the ORG making sure everyone's is doing their jobs correctly. I was in GOV for a month my rank was USSS Elite Agent I did attended many operations and events, I was also in FIB for about a month I learned a quit a bit there like doing investigations and collecting evidence against gangs and families.

Reason 3:
With the previous reason stated above, I believe while being part in all these LEO ORGs over time I have learned and gained a good amount of experience about being a LEO in the city but not just that I have gained a good amount of experience about the LAW of the city as well, I want to put all my knowledge that I have obtained and use it to the fullest potential that I can.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

Advice 1:
I would firstly want to make sure that all my officers in LSPD stay professional and behave properly while being on duty in the city, any officers that fail to do so will be punished, they will receive a warning and re-training depending the severity of their action!

Advice 2:
I want to further improve LSPD by creating a FTO division that will have highly experienced and well trained FTOs to insure every trainee officer gets all the proper field training that is needed. I want to insure every officer understands correctly on how to be a LEO while working in LSPD in the city.

Advice 3:
I would also improve the activity and readiness of officers in LSPD, I will make sure to hire officers in different time zones of the city and create a very active internal affairs division to watch officers activity and make sure they are doing their assigned duties in the city.


Mujtaba Pluxury

Ex Leader of The Families
Aug 11, 2022
be the leader

1.Your IRL Name - Samarth
2.Your Age - 18
3.Time Zone - IST (+5:30)
4.Average Online Per day- 4-5 Hrs
5.Your Discord - Samarth007#2678
6.Your Nickname - Sam Kirigaya
7.Your Id -25538

Additional Information
1.Leader of - Los Santos Police Department

- I want to be leader of LSPD because :-
2.1 - LSPD was my first org which i joined in city. It is the org which shaped me today. As it was my first org i have a special attachment to it.

2.2 I started as Cadet in wraith's first term and climbed the ladder till Deputy Leader in Lilly Term Thus ik what can be improved. I also want to maintain the reputation Vincent and Lilly created for org as a great leaders

2.3 I have a quiet good experience of PD (police Department) in different cities and in los Santos.(total experience -3.5years) hence I am sure my experience will be beneficial as I know how things work.

I want to make LSPD the most respected and Honourable org …. This is my sole motivation which still binds me to run for position.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

3.1- Concept or liability and asset - according to my observation there are always a few officers which are liability (officer with less training, incomplete knowledge and unprofessional behaviour) . I have special technique to convert the liability to asset by carving their potential by specialized handcrafted training for every particular officer, due to which rules will not be broken and rp experience will be increased

3.2- Independent HR department - a hr department is the breath of any org though in the past terms it has been observed that it was not independent and this showed discrimination and favouritism. I will make a independent hr department which will directly report to me having specialized powers. Hr dept will handle internal problems, Complaint with motive to make dept a better place and hence due independent existence it will remove discrimination which will lead to justice hence officer will enjoy the rp experience

3.3- Creating and refining SOPs - I will update and refine the SOPs as old and inefficient sops was the major problem in LSPD . A new post will be created which will given the task of refining and assisting officer with the same. Good SOPs will make the rp experience more better. I will also make new bonus System which will encourage officeers.


Sam Kirigaya aka Sam Williams
Ex Deputy Leader (LSPD)

Mujtaba Pluxury

Ex Leader of The Families
Aug 11, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Steve
2. Your age: 32
3. Time zone: USA eastern
4. Average online per day: 5-7 Weekdays, 7-9 Weekends
5. Your Discord: streetkilln#5862
6. Your Nickname: steviie wonder
7. Your ID: 24682

Additional information

Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Reason 1:
Firstly I want to be a leader of LSPD because I feel like it would be a great pick for my first leadership in a LEO ORG in the city. I also have great experience of being in the ORG since i was a Deputy Chief in LSPD during the last term, I would be grateful and happy if I was given the chance to be a leader in the ORG.

Reason 2:
I have many months of knowledge of being a LEO in the city as I was part of many different LEO ORGS. I been in SAHP for over 2 months, i was an HC and use to be the Deputy Chief and Chief of the FTO division, I also use to be part of the Internal Affairs division and did some work within the ORG making sure everyone's is doing their jobs correctly. I was in GOV for a month my rank was USSS Elite Agent I did attended many operations and events, I was also in FIB for about a month I learned a quit a bit there like doing investigations and collecting evidence against gangs and families.

Reason 3:
With the previous reason stated above, I believe while being part in all these LEO ORGs over time I have learned and gained a good amount of experience about being a LEO in the city but not just that I have gained a good amount of experience about the LAW of the city as well, I want to put all my knowledge that I have obtained and use it to the fullest potential that I can.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

Advice 1:
I would firstly want to make sure that all my officers in LSPD stay professional and behave properly while being on duty in the city, any officers that fail to do so will be punished, they will receive a warning and re-training depending the severity of their action!

Advice 2:
I want to further improve LSPD by creating a FTO division that will have highly experienced and well trained FTOs to insure every trainee officer gets all the proper field training that is needed. I want to insure every officer understands correctly on how to be a LEO while working in LSPD in the city.

Advice 3:
I would also improve the activity and readiness of officers in LSPD, I will make sure to hire officers in different time zones of the city and create a very active internal affairs division to watch officers activity and make sure they are doing their assigned duties in the city.

would love to see him as the new leader of lspd he is a perfect fit for this role

Thomas Pluxury

Thomas Parker
Sep 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL- Debarjun Paul
2. Your age- 17
3. Time zone- GMT +5.30
4. Average online per day- 5-6 HOURS weekdays and 10-11 hours weekends
5. Your Discord- Substitute Gaming#9891
6. Your Nickname- Thomas Parker
7. Your ID- 16306
Additional information
1. Leader of...- LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i) I want to make the city clean of criminals as inspite of so many departments like SAHP, FIB etc there are so many robbery in the city and for that reason the citizen are afraid of going to their destination freely. For doing these I need a expert team.
ii) I can do the night shift as well as the day shift where I can take my team for saving the citizen in the city and stop the criminals from robbing them as well as taking them as hostage.
iii) I am playing rp for 1 year and I have an experience in SAHP so I can handle the situations easily. The gangs in the city are not afraid of any department, soI want to make LSPD a department to whom every gang will be afraid. I want to make LSPD a department who can easily handle any situation and every gang will be afraid of LSPD.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
i) I promise that I will create a FTO division with highly qualified officers to make sure that all the trainee shall get proper training and then they will join us.
ii) The reaction after getting any situation like hostage situation should be more fast. If the police are slow then the hostage will get more afraid and the demand of the gangs will be higher. I promise that the things I have told will be done by me if I get the leadership and if I failed to make them I will resign.
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Pandu Pluxury

Feel Free To Dm😉
May 5, 2022
1. Your name IRL-Shubham Singh
2. Your age-19
3. Time zone-(UTC+5:30)
4. Average online per day-3-8 hours
5. Your Discord- Pandu Pluxury #2175
6. Your Nickname- Pandu Pluxury
7. Your ID- 16060
Additional Information


I Want To Be LSPD Leader As I Have Been Serving Los Santos City As A LSPD Officer For Almost 5-6Months LSPD Was First Org I Started With As A Rookie And Worked Hard And Climbed My Way To Fto Then Major Of SWAT And Then Worked As An Chief Of Staff. Now I Think I Am Ready To Go For LSPD Leader And Bring Some Changes Which Will Defiantly Make LSPD Much Better

I Already Know Some Ex LSPD Experienced People Who Have Already Being Inside LSPD Problems And They Can Surely Solve That Problems A Single Person Cant Easily Handle Hole LSPD You Need Some People Who Have Been Gone Through Problems And Have Learned From It And I Have That Type Of People Pre-Selected Who Can Run Organization Perfectly In My Absence

Few Time Ago I Also Have Gained Experience From FIB Which I Think Can Implement The Detective Division And Make It More Better

Your Advice For Improving Roleplay Level In Organization


I Think FTO Is The Most Important Division In LSPD If New Members Will Be Getting Well Trained Than They Will Also Enjoy LSPD I Will Be Giving FTO Division One More Responsibility To Supervise LSPD New Member So That They Don't Do Any Mistake And That Would Make LSPD Enjoyable For Them

Some High Command Do FEVOURITISM And To Stop That Issue I Am Gonna Make IA And If Anyone Does Unprofessionalism Or Anytime Of Rule Break IA Will Be Directly Giving Strike. IA Will Be Directly Connected To Me If IA Spots Anyone Doing FEVOURITISM So They Have Rights To Give Strike. Personally I Have Been IA In LSPD And I Think Before Taking Any Decision Everyone Has The Right To Keep There Point

Regular Practice Sessions:-
I Will Be Assigning SWAT For Regular Tactics And Weaponry Practice For New Member Atleast Once A Weak So That They Improve Day By Day

Proper RP:-
We Will Make Sure That During The Training By FTO, Store Robbery Or Any Event We Do A Proper RP And We Will Also Make Our New Officers To Do A Proper RP And Make Most Of The Things IC.
Will Do Some Complusury Rp Commands Example /me gives person infront badge, /me takes badge from person infront while hiring or firing someone and much more.

(Ex-Chief Of Staff)
Pandu Pluxury


Aug 14, 2022

1. Your name IRL : Manohar Yaseen
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone: UTC +5:30
4. Average online per day: 7 to 9 hours
5. Your Discord : MrTyrant#7940
6. Your Nickname : Ram Pluxury
7. Your ID : 54187
Additional information
1. Leader of...


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I Want To Be Leader Of LSPD I have Much Experience In Both City 1&2 i Gained Lot OF experience how Much Needed For A leader
I had Good Communication and Leadership qualities Which Essential for A Leader
if i get chance I will provide Fun along With Good rp more then which is currently in city
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
Good FTO
s : I Will Provide Good FTOs Especially For Newcomers Who Joined Orgs Newly. My Ftos Strating training From Basics
High command; i Will Give Proper High commands Who Has Good experience and Qualities
& one division High command Never Interfere Another Division
I.A : I will give I.A ranks To who Has Much experience.

No Favoritism

freedom of speech to everyone

meeting with every employees every week

Bonuses for everyone based on work
Respecting Everyone even he was Criminal
Professional at events

i will check randomly high commands Bodycam after the hostage situation how they dealing with hostages

Nylon Pluxury

Jul 24, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Elad Toporek

2. Your age - 16

3. Time zone - GMT+3

4. Average online per day - 9+ Hours

5. Your Discord - Nylon ミ★#7397

6. Your Nickname - Joey Pluxury
7. Your ID 46817
1. Leader of LSPD


►I want to be in the LSPD because throughout some of my journey here on this server I have been in a gang but one day I decided that life wasn't for me after and LSPD officer arrested me at a store robbery and told me about the LSPD and I couldn't join at the time so I joined the NG instead but now that I see these applications are open I want to join the LSPD because of my passion for it and my past experiences.►

►Another reason I want to be in the LSPD is because I have met a lot of people from it like the ex-leader Vincent Vega and I know they are all very nice and calm people and I want to be the leader of an org that has calm and collected people►

►Another reason I want to be in the LSPD is because I have seen a lot of LSPD officers who break the rule and are just untrained and don't know what to do and that ruins the roleplay experience for everyone. So I want to join the LSPD to change all of that and make roleplay fun for everyone.►


►Being a Major in National Guard I have talked to a lot of LSPD officers and have seen that most of them are not trained well and you can't run an org when you have people who don't know the rules in it so to not have that happen I will interview and hire FTO officers myself who I think are fit for the job and I will also test every new recruit after they have received their training..►

►In the past fellow legal orgs are always arguing about little stuff and because of that all orgs are in a bad relationship and you can't have a successful org if you are not close to other orgs so I plan to get closer to them and develop a good relation ship with them. ►

►Having experience in this field I know that sometimes most leaders or higher ups don't listen to your suggestions so I will do my best to listen to the suggestions of all ranks and actually do the suggestions I can .►

►Being in this field for a long time I know that sometimes you get bored on duty because there is nothing to do. So as the new leader I will implement new activities and more stuff to do for officers.►

►Being in the NG I know that legal orgs don't really communicate with each other which is bad because communication is key when running an organization like the LSPD so to counter this I will make a meeting with other orgs once a week to talk about what is currently going on in the city and the state of each org.►
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Darren Pereira

Apr 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL:
Alston Darren Pereira
2. Your age 20
3. Time zone +5.30
4. Average online per day 5hr
5. Your Discord Master Wayne#5818
6. Your Nickname Darren Wayne
7. Your ID:- 31292
Additional information
I joined GrandRP(city) 4-6 months ago and learned a lot about the people and how the city works and the rules. I have accomplished many things during this time.It's time for me to help the new players with the rules, and the old players so that their RP experience doesn't ruin.
1. Leader of
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

It has been almost 3 months since I joined GrandRP Server and served in almost every Legal Organization (SAHP, NG, LSPD, GOV AND EMS).I will be able to assist the server in a variety of ways, from novice players who are learning how to RP to individuals who pick to breach the rules of the server. I am not biassed when it comes to employees.
It would make me happy to build a good job for LSPD and a good life for citizens. For this reason, I want to be a leader and continue without making mistakes.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I want to start with this incident that bothered me. First of all, I will not immediately give LSPD ranks to people I know. Whoever deserves it will get it. The job of giving rank to those who don't deserve it will end. I know there are people who join just for money. This job requires love, perseverance and patience.
It is important to be aware of the mistakes made. Beginners can make mistakes, of course, but they should be minimized.
Atleast have min no. of people on duty so the can respond to emergency situation.
Thank you for reading, stay happy and helpfull...​

Aryan Wade

Sep 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Aryan Wade
2. 19
3. IST (GMT +5.30)
4. 4-5 hours
5. XybeRPythoN#4061
6. Rocky Decausta
7. 39372
Additional Information.
1. Leader of LSPD
2. I want to become a leader of LSPD because I want to keep the city and the people safe. I have to stop all the robbery happening in the city.

I can handle heated situation calmly. I can take 1 meeting per week and take the improvement in the officers and everything.

I will give my best in the LSPD . And one day the city will be improved definitely ( less or no crimes).

3. My advice of improving rp in organization is to be active in the org and do not do anything outside of the rules. And one more thing do not forgive any criminal while listening his or her story. And respect.

( I am from server en 2 )


Aug 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Imran Javed Prince
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT +5
4. Average online per day : 3-4 Hours a day
5. Your Discord : Princeimu # 6045
6. Your Nickname : Princeimu
7. Your ID : 53869
Additional information
2.. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  • I have been in grand rp from more then 2months almost. I wanted to serve as a legal citizen in the city and make city peaceful. I have been in other servers before and I now how LSPD works.
  • I keep myself calm all the time in all of the situations. So even in a tough situation i could use my mind and handle the situation easily
  • I am really a good FTO. I can train many cadets easily.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • I would firstly want to make sure that all my officers in LSPD stay professional and behave properly while being on duty in the city, any officers that fail to do so will be punished, they will receive a warning and re-training depending the severity of their action!
  • I want to further improve LSPD by creating a FTO division that will have highly experienced and well trained FTOs to insure every trainee officer gets all the proper field training that is needed. I want to insure every officer understands correctly on how to be a LEO while working in LSPD in the city.
  • I would also improve the activity and readiness of officers in LSPD, I will make sure to hire officers in different time zones of the city and create a very active internal affairs division to watch officers activity and make sure they are doing their assigned duties in the city.

Steve Scepter

One Man Army
Jul 31, 2022
1. Your name IRL:Tommy

2. Your age:16

3. Time zone:EST

4. Average online per day:5 hrs

5. Your Discord:Tommy.#5511

6. Your Nickname: Steve Loops

7. Your ID: 44503

Additional information

1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. A lot of new players when they join the city want to join LSPD and with the right training they can be elite agents of the law and it would help them for future job opportunities.

2. I feel like now of days people just provoke people just to arrest them or to put it more simply "Provoking and Arrest," instead we should arrest them with probable cause and make criminals rethink their criminal life instead of having more hatred toward us and targeting us.

3. There are a lot of factors of LSPD that aren't used that much that would be much more helpful to the city and that's why LSPD isn't at its full potential because they are hardly focused on.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1. Getting good F.T.O's to train people properly so they know what they're doing instead of winging it

2. Make sure that No officers abuse their power as an LEO because we are CIVIL servants

3. Making sure that LSPD knows the difference between justice and bullying

4. Making sure that there is the good high command to be good role models for the new people in the city​

Jayden Star

Jul 7, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Steve
2. Your age: 32
3. Time zone: USA eastern
4. Average online per day: 5-7 Weekdays, 7-9 Weekends
5. Your Discord: streetkilln#5862
6. Your Nickname: steviie wonder
7. Your ID: 24682

Additional information

Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Reason 1:
Firstly I want to be a leader of LSPD because I feel like it would be a great pick for my first leadership in a LEO ORG in the city. I also have great experience of being in the ORG since i was a Deputy Chief in LSPD during the last term, I would be grateful and happy if I was given the chance to be a leader in the ORG.

Reason 2:
I have many months of knowledge of being a LEO in the city as I was part of many different LEO ORGS. I been in SAHP for over 2 months, i was an HC and use to be the Deputy Chief and Chief of the FTO division, I also use to be part of the Internal Affairs division and did some work within the ORG making sure everyone's is doing their jobs correctly. I was in GOV for a month my rank was USSS Elite Agent I did attended many operations and events, I was also in FIB for about a month I learned a quit a bit there like doing investigations and collecting evidence against gangs and families.

Reason 3:
With the previous reason stated above, I believe while being part in all these LEO ORGs over time I have learned and gained a good amount of experience about being a LEO in the city but not just that I have gained a good amount of experience about the LAW of the city as well, I want to put all my knowledge that I have obtained and use it to the fullest potential that I can.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

Advice 1:
I would firstly want to make sure that all my officers in LSPD stay professional and behave properly while being on duty in the city, any officers that fail to do so will be punished, they will receive a warning and re-training depending the severity of their action!

Advice 2:
I want to further improve LSPD by creating a FTO division that will have highly experienced and well trained FTOs to insure every trainee officer gets all the proper field training that is needed. I want to insure every officer understands correctly on how to be a LEO while working in LSPD in the city.

Advice 3:
I would also improve the activity and readiness of officers in LSPD, I will make sure to hire officers in different time zones of the city and create a very active internal affairs division to watch officers activity and make sure they are doing their assigned duties in the city.

Well I was in lspd he was great co leader (mostly did all the work in my eyes)


Sep 14, 2022
1. Videshi Boy
2. 22
3. Indian Standard Time Zone
4. 5Hrs
5. Videshi Boy #6541
6. Funky
7. 55758
Additional information
1. I take roleplay seriously and would like to implement my roleplay techniques on all my members to help this server grow and make sure that they don't break any rules to prevent warnings from being given to the organization. I see many people in different organizations not RPing and I want to make sure that everyone around me RPs properly and most importantly follows the rules.
1. Videshi Boy
2. 22
3. Indian Standard Time Zone
4. 5Hrs
5. Videshi Boy #6541
6. Funky
7. 55758
Additional information
1. I take roleplay seriously and would like to implement my roleplay techniques on all my members to help this server grow and make sure that they don't break any rules to prevent warnings from being given to the organization. I see many people in different organizations not RPing and I want to make sure that everyone around me RPs properly and most importantly follow the rules
2. 1.In English server 1 I was high command. I have strong understanding of LSPD's systems, departments, and Rp. This experience will help me be successful and make sure lspd runs smoothly I also was high command in server 2.
  • Leadership: I have been playing RP for a few months
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