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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Jacques Wolf

Nov 19, 2021
1. Your name IRL- Geovanny
2. Your age IRL- 16
3. Time Zone - PDT
4. Average online per day- 4-6 Weekdays 5-8 hours on weekends
5. Your Discord- Zombie_Monkey342#8356
6. Your Nickname- Isabell Wolf
7. Your ID- 4703
Additional information
1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
The reason I want to be the leader of this specific organization is because. I've been in LSPD almost my whole time in this city, and the other city (EN1). I've been through multiple leaders, and multiple High command positions. I've seen what they have done correctly, and what they have done incorrectly, and most importantly. What they have done to make the RolePlay more enjoyable. My plan if I get leader is to do all the things they did correctly and all they did to make Roleplay in our city more enjoyable. I've learned learned a lot of What it's like being the leader of LSPD from Cody Miles, Ragnar Hotchnar, Timothy Franco, Gabi Tosca, Cash Yip, and lastly Tania Murphy, and now I believe I'm ready to take what I've learned from all of these great leaders, and take the responsibility of being the Chief of Police.

I believe I can make a difference in the state's atmosphere and help LSPD become the best it can be. My intentions are simple, I'll increase their skills and push them beyond their limitations, I'll improve their RP, I'll improve their reputation, and I'll improve the PD's expectations in the public's eyes. I'll be exactly what PD requires. a capable leader who knows what he's doing. I have previous PD experience in this and that, and I believe that with this expertise, I will be capable of becoming the chief of police. I've served in high command as a Swat Major, Major of Patrol, Captain of Swat, and Lieutenant of Swat, as well as 7 months (OOC) dedicated to PD alone in another city.

As I previously stated, I believe I am capable of being the person I know I am capable of being. I want to teach officers of the law to be respectful, helpful, and to do their job, which is to protect citizens. I want the residents of Los Santos to feel secure in their surroundings. I'd like to fill and accomplishments for the police department and for the city to feel secure.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
My way to improve RP within the organization is that I will try to improve the RP from the officers of the law and try to maintain a high standard at all times and understand the proper use of bodycam logs on duty by doing the requirements /me and /do. I would make sure in any situation that they remain IC. I will push the officers RP to the things they conduct on or off duty. And most importantly, Make sure all of my officers enjoy their time in LSPD!

I wish LSPD the greatest of luck with or without me as leader!
This man knows PD like the back of his hand and he would be an amazing fit for the chief position!


Dec 2, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Steven Kettery
2. 32
3. EST
4. 4 - 8 hours a day
5. Tony Wize #7813
6. Tony Wize
7. 4040

2. Like to do more then grind from job to job.
1. Community: LEO is a good way to meet new people and to get to know the community better.
2. Leadership: I have over 4 year in RolePlay. I was a LT for the LSPD for over a year. Not one for bribes. Here to obtain laws. Miss the action.
3. Professional: Always look your best never know when the Mayor may show up at LSPD. Be professional at all times no matter how rude and uncompliant the suspect may be. Be sure to use Sir and Ma when speaking to someone.

3. Would suggest running active drills once a week. Such as a road course to help the officer in a 10-80 so they know when a good time to pit a car for everyone's safety. Communications to allow better negotiating skills for bank robberies and hostage situations

May Wolf

Nov 11, 2021
1. Your name IRL Tommy
2. Your age 25
3. Time zone uk
4. Average online per day 4-8
5. Your Discord Legion#5160
6. Your Nickname Ragnar Lothbrok
7. Your ID 4543
Additional information
1. Leader of.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I have prior experience as LSPD Leader in city 1, I know where I went wrong the first time and will have measures to ensure history doesn't repeat itself. I also have experience within other orgs and gangs to better my understanding of the city.

ii. LSPD is the first org I joined when I came to the city. I've been in LSPD since March of this year with the few weeks I spent in other orgs, but majority of my time was in LSPD so I know the ins and outs of the org.

iii. I have a firm belief that I can run this department the way it should be. I have taken notes from my past term and from those before me to improve the training and department as a whole.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

To improve RP for the org is simple, it all starts with training. By ensuring everyone is trained properly will automatically lead to improved roleplay for everyone. I will also work with my curator/s to set up events for both legal and illegal sides. If people at the bottom of the ladder see a good example from the top of the ladder, they will the strive to improve and climb the ladder. By setting goals within the org it can lead to motivation and willingness to learn and provide a better service to those in the city. Aim to set the bar higher for those to reach and grab it

Thank you for reading my application

Ragnar Lothbrok
Ragnar is a BEAST!

Giovanni, Jacqueline and Ragnar all symbolize PD’s golden age from when the city started up :,) great applications 🥲😎

Chris Jackson

May 22, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the LSPD Leader Interview at 17:00 Sever Time on Monday, 6th December.

1. Ragnar Lothbrok (Legion#5160)

2. Jessie Fingers (firehawk#4559)

3. Andy Lxrd (BossMan#9937)

4. Isabell Wolf (Zombie_Monkey342#8356)

Applications for LSPD Leader is now CLOSED

James Giugo

Oct 23, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the LSPD Leader Interview at 17:00 Sever Time on Monday, 6th December.

1. Ragnar Lothbrok (Legion#5160)

2. Jessie Fingers (firehawk#4559)

3. Andy Lxrd (BossMan#9937)

4. Isabell Wolf (Zombie_Monkey342#8356)

Applications for LSPD Leader is now CLOSED
I get told I can do it then in game an admin comes and asks for my irl age which I put on my post and then I get told I cant do it

Jessie Fingers

Dec 4, 2021
Dean would be perfect for this job.
1. Your name IRL Tommy
2. Your age 25
3. Time zone uk
4. Average online per day 4-8
5. Your Discord Legion#5160
6. Your Nickname Ragnar Lothbrok
7. Your ID 4543
Additional information
1. Leader of.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I have prior experience as LSPD Leader in city 1, I know where I went wrong the first time and will have measures to ensure history doesn't repeat itself. I also have experience within other orgs and gangs to better my understanding of the city.

ii. LSPD is the first org I joined when I came to the city. I've been in LSPD since March of this year with the few weeks I spent in other orgs, but majority of my time was in LSPD so I know the ins and outs of the org.

iii. I have a firm belief that I can run this department the way it should be. I have taken notes from my past term and from those before me to improve the training and department as a whole.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

To improve RP for the org is simple, it all starts with training. By ensuring everyone is trained properly will automatically lead to improved roleplay for everyone. I will also work with my curator/s to set up events for both legal and illegal sides. If people at the bottom of the ladder see a good example from the top of the ladder, they will the strive to improve and climb the ladder. By setting goals within the org it can lead to motivation and willingness to learn and provide a better service to those in the city. Aim to set the bar higher for those to reach and grab it

Thank you for reading my application

Ragnar Lothbrok
Didn’t see Ragnar applied. This man would be the best for the position.


Oct 13, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the LSPD Leader Interview at 17:00 Sever Time on Monday, 6th December.

1. Ragnar Lothbrok (Legion#5160)

2. Jessie Fingers (firehawk#4559)

3. Andy Lxrd (BossMan#9937)

4. Isabell Wolf (Zombie_Monkey342#8356)

Applications for LSPD Leader is now CLOSED
who got accepted for chief

MR hood spongebob

Aug 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Leeroy Singh
Indian Standard Time Zone
3-5 hours
NG | Jay Richman#9200
Jay Richman

Leader Of Los Santos Police Department

I want to become cheif of LSPD because i have great experience of LEO that how things works at different organizations also i have be working as an LEO for 3 months (OOC) seeing how everything works also i have been playing grand rp for 5 months (OOC) which helped me to gain more knowledge about the city how things works as working in different organization my city knowledge might help LSPD to become one of the most organized organization in the city also as LSPD i will be hiring non corrupt officer which wont steal and betray instead work for their organization very hard day by day also if they work hard from their side definitley will get promotion from my side also hiring good guys and giving them a chance to prove themself also getting a good high command so that LSPD keeps co operating
with other organization

I would suggest always responding for other organization also keeping the city maintained by going on patrol also stopping criminals from taking hostages maximum participation from our side as in my leadership events like store robberies also saving citizens from criminals from disturbing them and telling them to go on a correct path and help the citizens instead creating menace around the city

EX - 1st Sergeant , EX - SS Agent , EX - Deputy 3rd class SAHP

Eduardinho Focacciaso

Sep 16, 2021
1. Your name IRL Eduardo
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone CET
4. Average online per day 5-8 Hours (or more, not less)
5. Your Discord Eduardo1#8435
6. Your Nickname Eddie Nigletium
7. Your ID 128
Additional information
1. Leader of... LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1 - I have been a leader of Bloods before and countless times a high command in a huge variety of different state orgs. I know what to do and what not too, I’m being a leader, I know how to act to deny any situations where a warning is issued, and I’m gonna take my Bloods leadership knowledge and use it for my time as the potential leader of LSPD. Unfortunately during my leadership of Bloods I did not manage to gain a term over 30 days as wished due to some rule breaks by my members and problems done by myself and my management. I know why this happened and I know how to defy it. I am certain that I will choose the right management for high commands and officers within the LSPD that are known as good RPers and are able to keep they’re rp standards on top. I have both my deputies and some majors in mind and ready for the fast as soon as now, which I know will not fail.

2 - My experience… I have been the deputy leader of LSPD before and I have been major of patrol and SWAT earlier. I believe that I do know how to act as the highest in command and I will cooperate with admins and curators as much as possible something that I didn’t succeed with as much as I would like in Bloods.

3 - No rule breaks… I will allow no rule breaks to go through in my organizations and I will do my best to make sure that I and my management do not commit them. I will make sure that my officers do not do lazy-RP and that they will actually have fun RPing in my organization, helping the servers members have fun as a whole. I hope that the prisoners being apprehended will be happy by how much the officer in question RPed, dealing with them. I will happen to oftener host global events to make sure that the other organizations always have fun and have something to do. While this, it is also good to have a win mentality to make sue that my organization stays on top in terms of beating down criminality and ensuring the safety of all the members of state.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
To only hire those who follow your RP standards and keep the interviews wrapped up for people who are actually interested in RPing in our organization.

Nonetheless I realized your looking for a LSPD with activity, namely something I can ensure

(I was the leader of Bloods but i am certain that LSPD will be better and easier to run for the RP sake, please judge this fairly as you would.)
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Boss Gaming

May 27, 2021

1. Your name IRL: Ahaan Jain

2. Your age: 27

3. Time zone: India Standard Time (IST) (GMT+5:30)

4. Average online per day: 6hours

5. Your Discord: BAD_BEAST#4252

6. Your Nickname: AJ Richman

7. Your ID: 1122

Additional information:

1. Leader of

Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

a) To start off the first reason i would like to join LSPD is because i possess something that many others do not, experience, work, and on-duty hours as law enforcement officers. Starting around May, i was a police officer for about one month, which provided me with a lot of experience going through the ranks of trainee all the way to a senior officer. After this, for about 40 days I worked in the SAHP Police department, which gave me a fortunate opportunity to cover the spectrum of both Police Organizations. After seeing my hard work, I was reached out to for a job offer to become the Lieutenant of FTO, within the LSPD. I have since come to rise through the ranks, to my current position as Deputy Chief of Police. I've come to realize the types of people you meet, and with countless successful interviews and applications I've reviewed, its given me amazing peoples skills. I have the ability to adapt to the situations and i possess leadership qualities, as seen i was running a vital part of the department. This gives me an edge over my rivals, and enhances my ability to perform my duties as an LSPD Officer.

b) I have been in LSPD, SS, and most recently FIB. The way that the FIB is structured is exactly how I would like to see the LSPD ran. We all still have fun, but when it comes to business everyone is serious. When someone needs help at DOC, we have a unit there immediately, if another officer needs help, we rush to help them. I would like to see the LSPD more active in general, and not just coming to events for the bonus.

c) I want to become leader of the LSPD because I have a strong and confident plan to roll out through the department when i become chief. These plans include managing call signs, adding in a strict strike system, as well as placing people in positions such as sergeant to effectively and confidently run and pursue a strong career path for new recruits, as well as trained veterans. In addition to this, I can expectantly run the department to the highest standard and will be able to optimize and speedily run all important aspects of LSPD including the divisions like Detectives, Swat, Fto and Patrol Division. With these plans, I can be rest assured the department will run according to plan, while maintaining high RP, and fun.

d) I want to be the leader of the LSPD because of my strong work ethic. As goes along with my statements, you can easily ask anyone who's personally worked with me, that I am an amazing and hard worker when it comes down to the task, and a person who pushes to get things done, the minute they are requested to be done. With this strong and confident work style and mindset, things will never be left on the back burner, and I will step up the task with all my effort, 100% of the time. When the department will be in my hands, you can be eased that everything will be taken care of, and any issue that presents will be solved instantly at gallant speeds.

e) My last reason is because I truly believe I can run one of the best LSPD's the city has seen. I have met many people throughout my time in the first city, and I believe that with their help LSPD will truly be on TOP. We will welcome new recruits with open arms, and show them what it truly means to protect Los Santos.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization

My advices to improve role-play would include strategies to make common server rules, known abroad across the officers in and out. I would start immediately by testing and evaluating people who hold high command and supervising ranks about their knowledge about the server rules, to make sure the people at the top know what they are doing, and to be rest assured they can make good and accurate decisions in recruitment, and other activities that affect the department. After this is done, I would confirm and approve an effective system to hire and recruit new people. Such a system would include a basic knowledge test that everyone must undergo during an interview, as well as a second Rp test in order to move on from Cadet to trainee, that tests more in-depth rules, that would be learned and applied during the cadet phase. To pass the Cadet phase, I myself organized a different and unique plan for academy training sessions, that would not only make it easier for cadets, but easier for the Ftos in charge of the academy. Also to increase the level of roleplay is to truly embrace being a protector of Los Santos. Toxicity is not needed anywhere in the city. If someone asks my officers a questions I want them to answer as kindly and as accurately as possible. I want officers to actually respond to police calls, and not just ignore a citizen in need. Verbal communication should also be stressed when arresting any suspect or getting them into DOC.

I hope for the best for the future of the LSPD

Thanks for giving your precious time to read my application

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Ronny Rich

Aug 21, 2021
1. Your name IRL Jayden Caley
2. Your age 20
3. Time zone EST
4. Average online per day 5 to10 hours
5. Your Discord Jayy King #8139
6. Your Nickname Jayy King
7. Your ID 762
Additional information
1. Leader of... LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) the very first reason I want to become leader of LSPD is because I want to make the city of los santos a good and clean environment. 2nd reason I want to be LSPD leader is because I want to get the best group of guys even if they don’t have a ton of experience just somewhere they can come and like there job and learn new things. 3rd and final reason is I want to lead LSPD to new levels. thanks for your time and the opportunity.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. My advice for improving role playing level is to make sure that the city of los santos is clean from all criminals.

James Giugo

Oct 23, 2021
3. GMT+1
4. 6 Hours A Day More on Weekends
5. BossMan#9937
6.James Lxrd
Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department "LSPD"
I would like to become the leader of LSPD because I feel I have outstanding leadership skills and I feel I have what it takes to be in charge of a legal organization. I also have lots of experience in other organizations and I know the rules and how to handle situations. With my past experience I feel that I know everything I need to in order to run LSPD smoothly and keep everyone in line I also feel that the legal side of organizations is a-lot more fun and enjoyable.

2. I would like to be the leader of this organization because, the organization has been disbanded quite a lot recently and I feel that if I was the leader of LSPD I would have a big impact on the organization and how it is ran. I feel like its my duty to help protect and server this city and train others to do the same. I have a-lot of experience such as being an FTO before it was disbanded the first time and I was in NG before that got disbanded and I was in USSS working for the government.

A) I feel that PD needs a strong leader to strive through all the tough times such as being disbanded and it is my duty to make sure that wont happen again as their leader. I wouldn't be overwhelmed or stressed out with all the work that is needed of being the leader of LSPD as I have worked there in my pass and I know how it all works along with my other experience.

B) I will also make sure nothing bad happens to the department and they if it does I promise to do my best to make sure that LSPD doesn't get disbanded again. From my past experience in other organizations I have an idea in my head exactly how LSPD will be ran and it ensures everyone gets fair treatment, no-one gets free handouts on ranks. If I do notice that happens through logs I will ask the person who ranked them up why they ranked them up and if they have no explanation then I will put that person down to their original rank.

3. I would improve roleplay in the organization by ensuring that everyone knows all the rules and how to follow them. I would also make sure everyone is trained properly and knows how to do everything. If I see anyone breaking character or any rules I would make sure they are re-trained properly and make sure it doesn't happen again. If it does happen again they would then be fired from the organization. I also strongly go against Fail RP and I will make sure that everyone knows the RP rules before joining. I will ensure everyone understands the server rules, and that they cant just shoot someone on sight at anytime.

A) I would keep professional at all times and try to keep situations calm. I would be strict when needed but also fun at times but not as if I would do anything I'm not supposed to do or wouldn't do normally. I want to prevent the organization from being disbanded again and I wish to be the one to do so and lead the way for LSPD to become great again. If a new officer asks me a question that they didn't get told in training I wouldn't just walk away I would politely answer them and ask if they need any other help same with a normal citizen. If it was a question there meant to know in training then I would have them be re-trained. I would think of an effective strategy on how to train people and I would implement a series of questions FTOS'S and high commands have to ask people to join. Before they ask them the questions they would have to make a application on google forms and if it gets accepted then they can get an interview by and FTO or a higher rank. I would ensure all training is done in depth and that nothing is missed from what weapons to what you can and cant do or what you need to do in certain situations. There would be a document for the higher ranks or FTO's to access to show and tell the trainees for their training.

B) I feel that the ranking system in LSPD was too easy to climb the ranks when I was last in it and I want to confirm that the ranking system if I become the leader of LSPD will be much harder to climb and no-one will get free rank ups. When I say much harder to climb up the ranks I don't mean it will be impossible I mean that I will be keeping an eye on people and their contributions to the department. I will recognise those who do contribute to the department and they will be receiving rank ups and additional bonus's from me personally for the good work they have done. No-one will be ignored in LSPD I will be as active as possible and I will make sure everyone gets noticed for there part they play in LSPD.

C) I also believe that people are saying bad things about LSPD recently because of it being disbanded so often. I hope to become the leader so we can all work together and strive to get our respect as a legal organization back from the public and other organizations. Anyone disrespecting other organizations will be punished and have a strike put on them. 3 strikes and they are kicked from the organization. The reason its not a blacklist is because I believe everyone deserves a second chance to prove themselves and what they can become as a whole. If they get another 3 strikes if t hey join back then it will be a blacklist from the LSPD department.

D) I have a-lot of confidence in becoming the leader of LSPD and I have a lot of confidence of what the department of LSPD can become again. Like I said earlier if you disrespect any other organization it will be a strike for them. That's not the only way they can get a strike, the other ways are the following: Messing around in serious situations, Not listening to higher up orders when being told multiple times, Breaking RP/Character, and many more.

E) The department will be ran at a slow pace at the start so nothing bad happens but once we get everything set up we will be on our way. Also any issues that occur in the department will be solved and dealt with as fast as possible but also professionally. If it has anything to do with any of the members in LSPD sanctions will occur and be handed out when needed like said earlier. No-one gets a soft spot even if you know a higher up there is no way of getting out of sanctions unless the people it happens between solve it between themselves and don't get other LSPD members involved like higher ups. If that does happen then sanctions will be given out.

Jacques Wolf

Nov 19, 2021
1. Your name IRL- Kieran

2. Your age- 16

3. Time zone- GMT

4. Average online per day-4-5 hours Minimum Weekdays | Weekends 7-8 hours

5. Your Discord- SAdOZZY#4278

6. Your Nickname- Jacques Wolf

7. Your ID- 3156


1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

(1) I had a goal in mind for some time now, to achieve something far greater than other chiefs of the department… The respect that they deserve as I was in the department from droppa’s term to James Gordons’s term in city 2. Cody Miles term to the end of Cash Yip term in city 1 and I believe with 7-8 months of prior experience that I can run this department with ease.

(2) I realized my mistakes in the past and thank god I did! I am thankful I made the mistake and that I learned from it. I don't want to run this department the way most people want to run a department, a successful LSPD isn't due to your courage acts but by the officers and yourself to run the department smoothly and that LSPD needs a good strong leader who had the time and effort to run the LSPD.

(3) As I said before hand, I have prior experiences in LEOS for 7-8 months and most of that time were in the LSPD (my home) and would also like to add that I was a Deputy commissioner during Timothy’s Term and that I also was a Major of SWAT, Major of FTO, and LT of Patrol. During my time as a Deputy Commissioner, I learned how difficult it is to actually lead such an org and the more time I have been a deputy the more I realized that I can handle the pressure and struggles that chiefs have to face! I want to make the LSPD active and want to make the citizens of Los Santos safe and feel protected by the law enforcement.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in the organization

My way to improve the RP is that I will make the interview script more focused on the rules for officers to control and maintain RP. I will keep their RP standards high and help them maintain it as I will keep a close eye on every member of the org. My plan is simple, Instead of sitting around doing nothing. I will give out bonuses for officers who patrol and do their job right and they get prizes so then they will actually do their job and do what PD does best.

David Pluxury

You see, but you do not observe!
Jun 19, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the LSPD Leader Interview at 16:00 Sever Time on Sunday, 26th December.

1. Jacques Wolf (SAdOZZY#4278)

2. AJ Richman (BAD_BEAST#4252)

3. Jay Richman (DogeSoldier#9200)

Applications for LSPD Leader is now CLOSED !


Sep 13, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Sanyam Gupta
3 to 4 hrs
Dominic Torreto

Leader of LSPD

i want to be the leader of LSPD as :
1. i am a Corporal in LSPD server 1 but i am a Chief Of FTO in SAHP in server 2 and also i know how LSPD works as i am there for more than 2 terms
2. SAHP is active in the city 2 but LSPD is not and if a person of SAHP will join LSPD they can have a good communication as they know each other which will help both LSPD and SAHP .

Advice to improve Roleplay is that as i told above if a person will go from SAHP HC to LSPD it will enhance the relation between the SAHP and LSPD and also i think there should be very less OOC as it turns into VOID.

Dean Yip

Dec 13, 2021
1. Your name IRL | Dean
2. Your age | 16
3. Time zone | Pacific Standard Time
4. Average online per day | Between 8 and 12 hours per day
5. Your Discord | Deanz#2941
6. Your Nickname | Dean Yip
7. Your ID | 6400

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have a lot of experience being in LSPD. I have been the Major of Internal Affairs, Major of Patrol, Major of Investigation and Major of FTO I have grown into the organization a lot. I have been HC of NG,Gov,SAHP,FIB before as well.

Below I have listed my three reasons to choose for LSPD:
I want to build the organization to grow even better than it currently is.
Jacques’s term was a great term with a lot of good successes for LSPD. E.g. they grew up to 30 units in the organization at some time. However, I think there is still space for improvement. I have seen amazing things in LSPD but also noticed there are things missing. When I get leadership of LSPD I will make sure to recruit non-stop for skilled police officers. Of course, I won’t be able to do this on my own, therefore I will select people with good communication and training skills as my High Command. I will provide them with selection criteria and with a training that is made to learn on the job, as the job within LSPD is all about practical thinking and thinking in solutions rather than problems. I will select based on the qualities someone has.

I will also set a strict policy where it comes to professional behavior of the LSPD. During my time as Major of Internal Affairs I have already implemented an employment contract and a code of conduct. When I get leadership, this will be further improved by setting up documents that specify which role in the LSPD has which permissions and a document that describes what kind of organization we want to be and what standards our officers have to comply to. These documents will also make clear to everyone what they can expect if it comes to growing in the organization, currently our officers get promoted whenever HC feels like it and not based on documentation or proven skills. I will make a major change in this by providing guidelines which are to be followed when it comes to ranking. LSPD is the organization that is able to improve on all these points.

When I get leadership my third, but for sure not final change, will be the communications. I will setup a proper communication system within the LSPD and will enforce this strictly. The communication systems currently are being used wrongfully all the time. Some officers simply don’t have their radios on or are being unclear over the radios. This will be improved in their initial training as well as during mandatory trainings setup over the time of the term. Besides internal communication I would also like to improve inter-departmental communications. An example for this is having bi-daily meetings with HC of the other legal organizations and setting up a communications team with members of all legal organizations in it. This can be used to quickly communicate mission critical information over all organization radios within a matter of seconds. This change can save valuable lives of, not just our, but all officers working for the State of Los Santos.
Last but not least I want to make it clear that all these points cannot be achieved without a proper team working besides me as a leader. High Command with the proper communication and leadership skills is crucial to accomplish this.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.

I have many ideas on changing and improving roleplay within the organization. With these changes I will not just improve the roleplay in the LSPD itself, but also for the entire Grand Community. Here are three examples:

Proper procedures
I will make our officers follow proper procedures when, for example, arresting someone. The LSPD contains holding cells, an interrogation room and the ability to get someone’s mugshot. I will implement these features to be actually used before arresting the criminals of Los Santos. I will also make sure to maintain a healthy relationship with the government, with this we will be able to have more realistic court cases against the most wanted criminals of Los Santos. Making this change will cause a more realistic roleplay experience for the entire Grand Community.
Appropriate divisions
Currently the LSPD has four divisions (FTO, Detectives, SWAT,and Patrol). I have noticed that there is a lot of confusion about the tasks of the different divisions. I will implement an exact description of the tasks per division. I will make sure everyone gets their roles and that missions will require teamwork to accomplish them. All the new procedures will be transparent and overlooked by a professional Internal Affairs department.

Currently LSPD has a ranking system partially based on roles within the organization and partially based on regular ranks. To create better RP I will change the ranking system to be regular ranks. This means officers could have the rank of Sergeant, but work for two different divisions. They are both Sergeants and are both equal, however they have different tasks. This will not be noticed based on the ranks anymore. This will be purely based on the real deal.
As a leader I personally do not care about having 30 ranks filled in to just get higher paychecks, I rather have a realistic ranking system with lower paychecks and more bonusses for officers that put in time and work. Something I have been missing recently in the LSPD.
After you have read my application I am sure you will make the right decision and therefore I can’t wait to further explain the changes I have in mind. Let’s make the Los Santos Police Department a respected department again, a department that is there to support the citizens of Los Santos and the other well-respected legal organizations!

Kind regards,
Dean Yip

James Giugo

Oct 23, 2021
1. Your name IRL- Lewis
2. Your age IRL- 14
3. Time Zone - GMT_11
4. Average online per day- 5-8 Hours maybe more on weekends.
5. Your Discord- BossMan#9937
6. Your Nickname- Josh Akuma
7. Your ID- 135
Additional information
1. Leader of... Los Santos Police Department/LSPD

2. I feel that if I were to be the leader of LSPD I would have a big impact on how it is running and how the ranking system works. I also feel that LSPD has not had that many leaders that have led LSPD for longer than 30 days so I want to put an end to that and I will go on for LSPD as long as I can. I feel that since I'm a former state employee for NG, GOV, LSPD I must help protect and serve the city.

B) I feel that LSPD needs a strong leader who can push through and persevere through hard times such as not getting many members in the recruitment drive. I want to be the leader of LSPD because I want to help people enjoy the city and have a good time but at the same time as that helping out citizens and stopping crime and fighting against gangs.

C) Since I have had experience in other organizations at fairly high ranks such as Captian in LSPD I have a perfect idea of how it I going to be run and how everything will be set up. I will ensure everyone gets fair treatment and no one gets free rank ups and if I notice any free rank ups they will get demoted back down and the person who gave them a free rank up will also get a strike. I will go through logs daily to make sure no one steals from the warehouse and whatnot.

3. To improve the RP in LSPD I would ensure everyone knows all the rules such as what is IC and OOC and what its Metagaming and Powergaming. If they fail any of them then it is an automatic fail and they have to come back when they know all the questions correctly. I will ensure training is done properly by FTO's and if anyone doesn't know anything that they should know from their training I will have them re-trained by me and I will have the FTO who trained them send me the POV of the training. They can't just walk in and ask to join I would have them do a google forms application and then if that gets accepted then they can come on in and come ask for an interview IC.
I would add documents for the High Commands to use when training the cadets and rookies. They are also welcome to make their own as well if they feel like that is better for them.

B) I feel when I was in LSPD it was too easy to climb ranks and I want to make it harder so they have to work harder. When I say that I don't mean ill make it impossible it will just be a little bit harder so that people have to earn them and can't just get a rank up on their first day.
Anyone who does ask for a rank up will not get one and will have a lower chance of getting a rank up if they don't have sufficient proof why they should get a rank up. No one in PD will get ignored and rank ups will be given out to people that are working hard and doing well, showing up to events and making a difference. I will also give out bonus's when needed and appropriate not just whenever I feel like it.

C) I have also heard people saying bad things about LSPD because of it being the most disbanded organization for a while and I want to change that I want to be hearing people say good things about LSPD, not bad things and I believe that if I am the leader I can strive through and get LSPD'S reputation back up on top! I will also not tolerate any other organizations disrespecting LSPD or any LSPD members disrespecting any other organizations. I will give them a strike and if you get 3 strikes then you are kicked from LSPD. The reason its not a straight blacklist I believe that everyone deserves a second chance so then if you get another 3 strikes after joining back then it will be a blacklist from LSPD.

D) LSPD will be running at a slow pace at the start to make sure nothing happens and throws us off course and then when we get everything set up then we will be running faster and get back to pace. We will be going slow while on freeze as well to give us chance. Any problems that occur in LSPD with officers or the public citizens will be dealt with as much profession as possible and nothing will slide and I and my team will make sure it will be dealt with. If a problem between 2 officers high command or not happens sanctions will be given out unless they sort it out between themselves and I don't have to get involved.

E) I have much confidence in LSPD if I become a leader or not. I will not tolerate any misbehaving in serious situations breaking RP/Character. It will result in a strike and a re-training from an FTO or another HC/me if available. If you do not listen to High Command orders multiple times sanctions will be handed out and if someone hands out sanctions for no reason then they will receive one themself and the person they gave them to will get it taken away as they wouldn't have deserved it if they had no reason or no valid one..

I wish the best of luck for LSPD with or without me as a leader! Goodlook everyone LSPD is on top!

Da hustla

Jay da goat !
Aug 1, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Javon
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day:8 hours
5. Your Discord: wocpint#6969
6. Your Nickname: Jay Hustla
7. Your ID: 2295

1. Leader of...LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation): 1. I was in LSPD in ENG 1 & 2 and I had made it to lieutenant of FTO and was really enjoying the police work in the city and being able to do what I can to make the city safer. 2. I have previous leadership experience being the leader of a family in grand and from being a leader on a FiveM city before migrating to RAGEMP. 3. I’ve thought about applying for leader before but wasnt sure if I was prepared, but over my time of staying around the city and getting to meet new people and have time to get used to city I think I am ready now as I have seen what I must do as a leader, I’ve heard what it’s like being leader and I’ve gotten comfortable around the city to the point I feel like I could certainly handle being leader of this organization and I have plans in mind to keep the org running smoothly and not get disbanded

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
To improve roleplay if I become leader of the org I will implement a very organized and constantly updated roster for all people in the LSPD. I will also make sure that all members of my org will be required to read the city rules before applying and they will be tested on some of these questions before being accepted into the org. I will also create a updated patrol map for all officers as I know newer players in the city may not no ghetto limits and to prevent from breaking any rules and getting warnings I will make sure my officers are fully aware of where they are allowed to patrol and not. I would like to be able to host more realistic LEO events as well for example, traffic checkpoints around the city to check for warrants and possibly find illegal drugs/guns. I will also make sure to have my officers active around the city and patrolling rather than sitting around while crimes are being committed.

Deva Inc

Deva Mods
Oct 31, 2021

1. Name : Deepak Raj

2. Age : 20

3. Time zone : IST(GMT+5.30)

4. Average online per day: 7 to 8hrs

5. Your Discord : Deepak Raj#3034

6. Your Nickname : Deepak Raj

7. Your ID :430

Additional information

1. Leader of...L.S.P.D

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

(1)Hello everyone,I’ve been working with lspd for a long time now, approximately 3 months now, .Im honoured to serve this Organization as a ,I was the mainly the incharge of the DETECTIVE and it was a great success as we showed a huge number of active members, My key qualities that makes me different from others are responsible, consistent, and accountable. These qualities help people feel comfortable in approaching their leader for a variety of reasons and encourage trust in his decisions.I gathered a lot of experience for the past months now and I exactly know how to deal with stuff when it get hards,LSPD not only needs a good leader but also a team which full-fills the needs of the organisation and Im ready to provide that.

(2).Experience,One thing that sets me apart from everyone,The experience Ive with LSPD

(3).Work ethic and future mission.

My mission is to provide a maximum number of active people in the events,People should be active in the org if they are losing interest that will be under the leadership,So introducing new division, all new under cover patrol,Police guard division will be something new to the organisation,

Hosting new events, As a leader Ill give everyone a chance to suggest ideas for events.

I’ll make new ranks like chief commander.The work of commands will be checking the work of the division,The IA and Commandos will work hand in hand,Their focus will be on the work of the division,If the division failed to work properly the division will receive strikes after 3rd one the whole division will be disbanded and spot will be open again for other deserving candidate,This initiative will be taken to eliminate favouritism completely.

3 Your advice for improving roleplay level in this organization.

We already have a good legal contract system and well managed structure, What I will implement is like more detective agent work with fib, and lspd will be working together, fib being the higher authority, they will be taking charge of undercover bursts.

As a leader Ill make sure to maintain peace and harmony between all the other legal orgs.

Undercover patrolling: Undercover patrolling will be a massive success to eliminate random firing and criminal activity.
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