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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Pranjal Federal

EX- LSPD: Deputy Chief of Police
Feb 12, 2023
1. Your name IRL-
Pranjal Gupta
2. Your age- 19
3. Time zone- (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day- 6-7 hours
5. Your Discord- Evo Pluxury#0922
6. Your Nickname- Evo Pluxury
7. Your ID- 78576
Additional information
1. Leader of...

LSPD (Los Santos Police Department)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i- LSPD is the most precious and important organization in the Los Santos city for new citizens. I’m serving LSPD from so many terms. So, I know all the rules and regulations to run LSPD as a leader, so I think I’m capable now to become the leader of LSPD.

ii- As I’m in LSPD from a very long time and I can see so much corruption and backsteps in LSPD which is not to be in this type of big organization in the city. I have seen politics also in LSPD in terms of friendships, corruption etc. so it ruined my whole mood and I want to remove all these. (Except maximum 5 bad cops)

iii- As we all know LSPD is the first organization which a new player wants to join in Los Santos to get a better experience in Legal Organization because we all know to join FIB a new player needs an experience of LSPD. So, I just want to make their roleplay better in starting with my leadership term of LSPD with great rules.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

i. I will make sure that there will be quick response in my LSPD term in terms of strikes and fire if any of the officer will do mistakes in the city and not following proper rules and regulations.

ii. If I will be a LSPD leader, then I will make sure that there will be limited and acceptable bad officers in LSPD so that they will not be able to make my organization down and I will make sure that my Internal Affairs (IA) and Human Resource (HR) will be active in the city.

iii-. I will try to add new Patrolman’s guide, better ranks, and some more good cars in LSPD so that every new officer can enjoy the life of LSPD. I will host events other than official to make Roleplay more interesting. So, I think I’m capable.

Thanx for reading my application.
Evo Pluxury

Dede Choo

EX Leader of bloods
Nov 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL - dejohn
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - EST
4. Average online per day -8-10 hours
5. Your Discord - dede2wavy#7299
6. Your Nickname - dede
7. Your ID -70317
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I have a good experience in legal and illegal organization so i have a lot of experience which i can lead the lspd to a fantastic term with a lot of hard work and accomplishments its my goal if i get leader to have the best term with max numbers possible to ensure the safety to the citizens of los santos as well as help other legal orgs with anything they need help with raids,subs,ghetto patrol etc its my goal to have 1 of the most active term possible with max numbers if i get leader

i.LSPD is a kind of organization where the new members who arrive in the city want to get a good experience of legal organization. The first organization in everyone's mind when thinking to serve the state is my organization LSPD. Each and every citizen and officer will be treated with respect. I will also make sure that all the new citizens will never be ignored and there problems will be solved as soon as possible.

i. LSPD is one of the most important department to control the criminal activity in the city. I have been in LSPD for 3 terms as a High command serving the state and learning about the state myself and I Think I am ready to become the leader of LSPD and bring some good changes.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization

I Will divide the organization into few department -

i. internal affairs(IA) - this departments looks over the org to make sure everyone is doing there best and not doing any mistakes that can mess up the term

ii. HRT (human resources&training) -this department interviews people and trains them giving them the knowledge of being a police officer and checking logs and teaching what it is they have to do as a police officer.

iii. parking enforcement (PE) - This department will go around the city looking for illegally parked cars and fining as well as towing the illegally parked vehicles.

iv.black ops (BO) - This department job is to lead any speciall operations we may have like bm raid,gang raids,ghetto patrol etc this department is very important because they will no longer be a regular police officer they will go on special missions for lspd as well as other legal orgs.
- as well as making sure my employee know the basic city rules as well as org rules so there will no problems and ensure they can use proper rp commands for a better rp experience
Rank System -
30. Chief
29. Deputy Chief
28. assistant chief
27. chief of staff
26. commander
25. captain
24. junior captain
23. Senior Lieutenant
22. Senior Air Patrol Unit
21. Senior Corporal
20. Senior Private
19. Master Commander
18. Master Lieutenant
17. Master Air Patrol Unit
16. Master Corporal
15. Master Private
14. Major Commander
13. Major Lieutenant
12. Major Air Patrol Unit
11. Major Corporal
10. Major Private
9. Junior Commander
8. Junior Lieutenant
7. Junior Air Patrol Unit
6. Junior Corporal
5. Junior Private
4. Officer
3. Trainee
2. On LOA
1. Suspended

According to my experience i am the most fit and experienced to lead the lspd to a wonderful and successful term

Samuel Elkanah

May 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Nesim

2. Your age: 29

3. Time zone: GMT +3

4. Average online per day: 4-5 in city +9 online

5. Your Discord: Destinova#8443

6. Your Nickname: Samuel Elkanah

7. Your ID: 28927

Additional information
1. Leader of...

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

a) Because I was leader before and it hurts me to see what LSPD become.

b) -

c) -

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

a) As I mentioned above. Professional behavior must be mandatory in the organization. Anyone who is not professional enough is going to get suspended, demoted, and retrained

b) Currently LSPD rank system is a mess. I want to change that with special training for every division so I can bring them back into action.

c) I would try my best to improve the activity of LSPD officers. I am going to make sure to hire enough people who live in various time zones to keep the activity high at any hour of the day.

Thanks for reading over my application,


Nov 10, 2022
Name : Krish
Age : 18
Time Zone : +5:30 GMT (IST)
Daily Online - 4 to 5 hours , 6-7 on weekends.
Discord: Krish Geek#0001
Nick Name : Krish Mazoku
I'd : 70540

Leader Of The Los Santos Police Department.

Why I Want To Be Leader :

1- I want to be leader of LSPD since i have been in the city now for more than 6 months and am familiar with all the rules and regulations of the city . Moreover I have been the deputies of gang and talking about LSPD specifically, i have been assistant chief of police in the 14th term for the full term , attended all the events and also had leaded many of them successfully. Therefore i have a complete experience and knowledge of all LSPD events and how LSPD works.

2- I have also been n HC of all the orgs , HOD at FIB , captain at NG , etc . So i know that how to co-ordinate with every other organisation and what is specifically the work of the other organisation as well , so that i can join up with the specific organisation for special event s and keep the city free from crimes always.

3- Apart from experience as Leo's , i have very good experience in gangs as well. I have been under Deputy at families and vagos and also deputy leader of ballas , therefore i know that what is the mindset of the gangs , while they do and perform their events and what is their actual plan while the robberies , raids etc . I also am familiar with all the strategies that gangs use in order to make their events a success. Therefore my knowledge of the same , would help the Leo's to win over the gangs and once again keep the city safe and free from crime.

My Advices to improve role play :

1- If i get the opportunity to be selected as the leader of LSPD , i will make sure to give the decided departments to very experienced and good people and with a proper test as well . I want my every leo to work with full dedication. And most importantly, i will myself supervise the human resource department as according to me , it's the most important department for the training of new Leo's . As i have very often noticed that new Leo's don't get proper training and therefore they commit certain mistakes , which leads to strike for them and demotivates then.

2- I being the leader of LSPD will always maintain healthy relationship with every org , i have seen sometimes orgs having grudges with each other , but since we all are Leo's , we need to stand for each other therefore, in my term LSPD will always be ready to help every org whenever and wherever required.Moreover,I will tell every officer to read the penal code once and make them understand it so that unnecessary court case dont happen like before.

3- I being the leader will keep an eye on my every officer personally and will not only depend on internal affairs but myself check the logs of the officers as well and will not show favouritism with anyone. Every officer of mine will be equal in my eyes and if anyone commits mistake, will recieve the required punishment, no matter how close friend he is . At the last , if i be the leader, i will not just depend upon my deputies, i will try to supervise everything on my own and give less burden to others , which is the best quality of the leader.

I will be highly obliged if my application will be accepted. Thankyou.
best leader of all time

Manas Badmash

1. Your name IRL - Manas Satya
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 6hrs - 8hrs
5. Your Discord - Manas#0343
6. Your Nickname - Manas Badmash

7. Your ID - 3318
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I have a good experience in legal and illegal organization through which I can easily manage the LSPD.
ii. I want to be the leader so that I can make sure that the city is the most safest place and the city is crime free
iii. I will sub divide the LSPD into few department so that it's easy to tow vehicles, charge fines, stop the crime and patrol city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I Will divide the organization into few department -

i. Air Patrol Unit (APU) - This is the department that will patrol with heli and will give air support to LSPD and all other legal organization and would be used to deliver 10-15 so that they is less chance of 10-15 to get escaped from custody

ii. Detective Unit (DU) - This department would be having undercover units that will be covering over the crime happening in the city like a normal citizen but would be a LSPD officer undercover and gather more and more 10-15 and stop illegal activities.

iii. Ground Patrol Unit (GPU) - This department would be giving ground support to the LSPD and other organisations and would be towing cars and issuing fines and would have faster vehicles to catch the criminal on faster speed

iv. Human Resource and Training (HRT) - This department would be Checking over the warehouse of gang and will be checking up logs and will give training to the newcomers and the newly join citizens

v. Internal Affairs (IA) - This department would be keeping good track with other organization and members of LSPD. They will also alot strikes to person breaking rule or doing anything incorrectly.

Rank System -

30. Chief
29. Deputy Chief
28. Chief of Staff
27. Supervisor of Department
26. Head of department
25. Deputy Head of Department
24. Senior Commander
23. Senior Lieutenant
22. Senior Air Patrol Unit
21. Senior Corporal
20. Senior Private
19. Master Commander
18. Master Lieutenant
17. Master Air Patrol Unit
16. Master Corporal
15. Master Private
14. Major Commander
13. Major Lieutenant
12. Major Air Patrol Unit
11. Major Corporal
10. Major Private
9. Junior Commander
8. Junior Lieutenant
7. Junior Air Patrol Unit
6. Junior Corporal
5. Junior Private
4. Officer
3. Trainee
2. On LOA

1. Suspended

According to my experience I will be easily able to run and manage the term of LSPD
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Oct 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Tag Smart

2. Your age: 19

3. Time zone:
EST (GMT -5)

4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours

5. Your Discord: tag smart#3228

6. Your Nickname: Tag Smarty

7. Your ID: 56304

Additional information:

1. Leader of

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

as working in lspd for longtime i faced some issues in the city like low activity i know how to run lspd being a leader ,lspd is the most important org in the city and i want to make city crimefree and help citizens, and i will bring some important department for lspd to improve the org and I will do my best in making sure that every new members that get hired has a unique character and should develops based to his or her personality. They will be tested, trained and promoted base to their ability and strength, work for city.

b) I will host regular meetings and will actively encourage and motivate each and every member, i will enforced and improved the HR and Recruitment division to continue to bring up the numbers, and i will improve every department and making sure that all department are active .

c) i will help every citizens who wants join the lspd and make the city crime free and i will give regular bonuses so that every members in the org should be motivated and , i would love to keep the good image and legacy of LSPD in this city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization

Being friendly with all the leaders and hosting regular meeting with leaders.

Making all departments active and help citizens to join and work in LSPD.

HR Department - HR is the most important department in the org and Make sure Every new officers get well trained.

IA - IA Is Working on complaints about officers and make sure every officers should be Do thier good work

Ex LSPD Chief of Staff
Ex USSS Elite Agent
EX SAHP Deputy Chief

Thanks For Reading My Application

-Tag Smart


Dec 10, 2022
1 Nezar
2 22
3 1+ UTC (CET)
4 7 to 9 hours
5 NM/00#9650
6 Nezar Wolfy
7 75279

Leader of LSPD

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific Organisation? (List three reasons with explanation)
  1. LSPD is the most import organization for me since it's my first legal organization I've joined. And It's the most headed organization to new people in the city as well. I have served LSPD in 4 terms with 3 different leaders, and I believe that I learned a lot from their mistakes and also things they have done well. I've been high command in all of my term and I've been in different departments(HRT, IA, SWAT, PE, Air support) which means I got very good knowledge about them and how they work. I was head of IA, deputy head of: Air support (NG), Swat (LSPD). And my last rank was assistant chief (28) and I got it from my last term with Kakshi too.
  2. I joined the other organizations as well to learn how they rule there too. And one of the organizations I joined was government and I was very shocked that LSPD officers know very few things about the law. And some suspects getting arrested for very unlawful reasons just because the officer is either not trained well or just have a poor knowledge about the law. And I want to set an end for this and give the officers better knowledge.
  3. Favoritism is very annoying thing too. Some people was treated in an unjust way and did not get what they deserver for example ranks etc just because they do not know anyone from a high position. I want to end this too.

    Your advice for improving Role Play level in Organisation.
  4. LSPD and DOJ should work more together and officers who do not know much about the law should be taught.
  5. Toxicity , and provoking and unlawful treatment should not be tolerate, no matter what rank the person has.
  6. I will make sure everyone will be included and get what they deserve no matter what. I will be always available for anyone who wants advice help and try to get people to cause as few as possible mistakes.
  7. I will try to hire officers from different time zones to keep LSPD active all the time too.
  8. The departments will look like this:

    i. internal affairs(IA) - Will make sure everyone following the rules and will be promotion and hiring people with HRT. They will work together. They will be updating roles and the roaster all the time and doing licenses, bodycam and background checks.

    ii. HRT (human resources&training) - They will be interviewing people and train them giving them the knowledge of being a police officer and checking logs and teaching what it is they have to do as a police officer.

    iii. Petrol - This department will be giving fines and arresting people who commits crimes.

    iv.black ops (BO) - They will be doing secret and special operations they will work close with other orgs as well like FIB to catch wanted people.

    v. special weapons and tactics (swat): They are the front line of LSPD in every operation. They are well trained officers who have a good combat skills.

    vii: special task forhandler (STF): They work very close with swat they have almost the same job, but they are usually work more under presser.

    vii. Detective; They will collect evidences.

    Medal of honor I received: Marksman cross, Excellency cross, Professionalism cross (LSPD)

Thank you for reading my application
Nezar Wolfy

Ex Assistant chief
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Scorpion Yash

Dec 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Tag Smart

2. Your age: 19

3. Time zone:
EST (GMT -5)

4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours

5. Your Discord: tag smart#3228

6. Your Nickname: Tag Smarty

7. Your ID: 56304

Additional information:

1. Leader of

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation):

as working in lspd for longtime i faced some issues in the city like low activity i know how to run lspd being a leader ,lspd is the most important org in the city and i want to make city crimefree and help citizens, and i will bring some important department for lspd to improve the org and I will do my best in making sure that every new members that get hired has a unique character and should develops based to his or her personality. They will be tested, trained and promoted base to their ability and strength, work for city.

b) I will host regular meetings and will actively encourage and motivate each and every member, i will enforced and improved the HR and Recruitment division to continue to bring up the numbers, and i will improve every department and making sure that all department are active .

c) i will help every citizens who wants join the lspd and make the city crime free and i will give regular bonuses so that every members in the org should be motivated and , i would love to keep the good image and legacy of LSPD in this city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in the organization

Being friendly with all the leaders and hosting regular meeting with leaders.

Making all departments active and help citizens to join and work in LSPD.

HR Department - HR is the most important department in the org and Make sure Every new officers get well trained.

IA - IA Is Working on complaints about officers and make sure every officers should be Do thier good work

Ex LSPD Chief of Staff
Ex USSS Elite Agent
EX SAHP Deputy Chief

Thanks For Reading My Application

-Tag Smart
He is the best experienced person i have ever seen in the grand rp and i am sure that he can be the perfect leader for LSPD...He just need one chance to prove himself...


Dec 26, 2022
1. Berke aydın
2. 18
3. GMT +3
4. 2-4 hours
5. oprexea#4868
6. Alan Prost
7. 61196
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I am writing to express my strong interest in the leadership position within the Los Santos Police Department. As a seasoned law enforcement professional with a proven track record of success, I am confident in my ability to make a significant contribution to your organization.

I have lots of experience serving in various leadership roles within law enforcement agencies, including my tenure as Captain of HR at the Los Santos Police Department and my current role as Brigadier General in the National Guard. Through these experiences, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of effective law enforcement and leadership.

My experience at the Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB), where I held the positions of HR Specialist and Head of HR, further demonstrates my ability to lead HR teams and implement strategies to improve employee morale, productivity, and overall organizational effectiveness. I am particularly proud of being awarded the Marksman Cross for my hard work and dedication and being named Agent of the Week for my superior work at the FIB.

I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in all my endeavors, and I believe my background, skills, and experience make me an ideal candidate for the leadership role at the Los Santos Police Department. I am eager to bring my expertise and passion for law enforcement to your organization and am confident in my ability to make a positive impact.

2.1 İ Learned Lots Of things While İm working For Legal orgs İ was in FIB, LSPD,NG İll make sure that i gather together the LSPD And the ranking system, And im taking lawyer courses from the college im trying to learn the laws so i won't be making any mistake.
Chief Of Police
Deputy Chief
Assistant Chief
Chief of Staff
District attorney (Needs a lawyer license They will take cases against the LSPD They could work for any Department)
HOD Of Swat
Commander (HOD)
Captain (DHOD)
------------------------------------------------------------------High Command
Major Lieutenant
Master Lieutenant
Senior Lieutenant
Lieutenant Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Senior Sergeant
Master Corporal
Senior Corporal
Master Patrol Officer
Senior Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer
İntern officer (Can take weapons but he can only Fine Peoples 1 day of service as parking officer they will get promoted to patrol officer due to their academy exam note 90-100 Lieutenant 80-90 Corporal 70-80 Patrol Officer You need at least 70 to pass the exam
Trainee 2 (Training Phase 2 Completed )
Trainee (Training Phase 1 completed )
Academic Student

2.3 There will be 5 Departments
HR:Will be responsible For Training And the roster They will take interview
İA:They will prevent corruption They will make license checks And They Will search the Employee cars for illegal items They will request Bodycam From the last 10 minutes or first 10 minutes of Bodycam
Black Ops:Will make some uc bust They will participate as civilian cop They will wear hoodie and short or pants
Swat:They are going to be the most qualified employees swat leader will lead the team They will participate at operations as swat Unit
Detectives:They will collect evidence against the gangs And they will Pass the evidences to FIB to create a casefile against that gang
3.Career Summary
Captain Of HR , Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) 1xterm
1.Lt,National Guard(NG)1xterm
HR Specialist, Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB)1xterm
HOD Of HR,Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB) 1xterm
Brigadier General At (NG) 1xterm
Chief Of Staff (LSPD)1xterm[Until the disband]
Training and development
Undercover operations
Law enforcement
Awards and Honors:

[Marksman Cross], [LSPD]
[Agent Of The Week], [FIB]

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization: We gotta make sure that all of the employees getting interviewed with mostly OOC questions İ will be easygoing on the new personels Of The LSPD Every Legend starts from level 1.
Thanks For Reading it
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Nicolas Kakyoin

It takes time
May 8, 2022

1. Your name IRL

Nicolas Abuladze

2. Your age


3. Time zone

GMT + 4 / WET + 0

4. Average online per day


5. Your Discord


6. Your Nickname

Nicolas Morgan

7. Your ID


Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A. First Of all I want to be a leader of LSPD because I think that LSPD is a One of the Powerful orgs in the L.S , it always had a special place in my heart , I've always wanted to be a leader of LSPD , My first LEO experience was in LSPD , it was 1-2 years ago I think on EN 1 , I was always happy to be there my dream was always to be a leader of LSPD

B. In my Understanding I Have all valuable skills to be the Leader of LSPD , my Leadership experiences are that I was the Leader of families on EN 1 and Leader of bunta on EN 3 but now I am staying on this server forever because this is the best option my LEO HC experiences are NG LT. General , FIB Deputy director. HOD 5x , 2x DEA , 3x SPec ops , FIB COS , LSPD Colonel , SAHP HOD of spec ops LSPD SWAT HC and etc

I want to be a leader of the Ballas Because I think that I have valuable skills/Requirements, I've been going on with rp life since 2019, I remember it was Summer I was playing on Grand rp RS1 when I got to the En 1 then En 2 and then EN 3 through all those experiences I've met all the wonderful people, people which can perform in my term, people which I can trust, I have all the valuable requirements and Needs, I've been Doing a lot of things in my Rp life I've been getting all these experiences in my past, I've been a gang leader/deputy couple of times and I think that I am the most valuable person.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

A >>>improve the RolePlay - to improve the rp first we need to follow all rp rules with our organization members and everyone should be careful to do not break any rp rule,because if any organization member is breaking any RolePlay rule this organization is taking the warning by gods (admins) and if they will get a many warnings this organization will be a disbanded and no one need it.So all leader need to be careful and they need to invite the people in their organization who knows rp rules,situations and they can be trusted,this is a very important thig the leader need to truest hers organization member.

B >>>how we will be a active? - If i will be a leader LSPD will be a very active then other legal organizations,we will attend all the events and situations for example : Store Robberies,Hostage Situations,Bank protection,NG Raid and others,we will make a ghetto patrols too,we will arrest the criminals,we will attend the atm robberies and with this things LSPD and other legal organizations will work together and they will save the city.

C. HC Team - I will select the people as a HC members who has a :

>1.Good communication skills.
>2.Good experience in other legal organizations.
>3.Knows all rp rules.
>4.who will be a friendly and active.

So this people will help me in very case and the will lead their departaments.

departaments :
1)SWAT (special weapons and tactics) :
- This departament will involve in the special operations.

2)HRT (Human Resources Team) :

- This departament members will take the Interviews from a people who wants to join in the lspd and they will check the applications too.

3)IA (Internal Affairs) :

- This Departament members will check the logs and if any agent is breaking any rule.
4)Detectives :

- This Departamet will investigate the cases about the criminal activities and about the gangs,they will take the evidences about the gangs.

>So this all departaments will help to our organization in every case and i think this term will be a best.

Thank you for reading my application

Leader - EX Marabunta Leader (EN 3) / EX Families Leader (EN 1)

Rest Mentioned in application

>>>>>>>>>>Nicolas Morgan<<<<<<<<<


Alex Demonn

Feb 12, 2023
Name : Krish
Age : 18
Time Zone : +5:30 GMT (IST)
Daily Online - 4 to 5 hours , 6-7 on weekends.
Discord: Krish Geek#0001
Nick Name : Krish Mazoku
I'd : 70540

Leader Of The Los Santos Police Department.

Why I Want To Be Leader :

1- I want to be leader of LSPD since i have been in the city now for more than 6 months and am familiar with all the rules and regulations of the city . Moreover I have been the deputies of gang and talking about LSPD specifically, i have been assistant chief of police in the 14th term for the full term , attended all the events and also had leaded many of them successfully. Therefore i have a complete experience and knowledge of all LSPD events and how LSPD works.

2- I have also been n HC of all the orgs , HOD at FIB , captain at NG , etc . So i know that how to co-ordinate with every other organisation and what is specifically the work of the other organisation as well , so that i can join up with the specific organisation for special event s and keep the city free from crimes always.

3- Apart from experience as Leo's , i have very good experience in gangs as well. I have been under Deputy at families and vagos and also deputy leader of ballas , therefore i know that what is the mindset of the gangs , while they do and perform their events and what is their actual plan while the robberies , raids etc . I also am familiar with all the strategies that gangs use in order to make their events a success. Therefore my knowledge of the same , would help the Leo's to win over the gangs and once again keep the city safe and free from crime.

My Advices to improve role play :

1- If i get the opportunity to be selected as the leader of LSPD , i will make sure to give the decided departments to very experienced and good people and with a proper test as well . I want my every leo to work with full dedication. And most importantly, i will myself supervise the human resource department as according to me , it's the most important department for the training of new Leo's . As i have very often noticed that new Leo's don't get proper training and therefore they commit certain mistakes , which leads to strike for them and demotivates then.

2- I being the leader of LSPD will always maintain healthy relationship with every org , i have seen sometimes orgs having grudges with each other , but since we all are Leo's , we need to stand for each other therefore, in my term LSPD will always be ready to help every org whenever and wherever required.Moreover,I will tell every officer to read the penal code once and make them understand it so that unnecessary court case dont happen like before.

3- I being the leader will keep an eye on my every officer personally and will not only depend on internal affairs but myself check the logs of the officers as well and will not show favouritism with anyone. Every officer of mine will be equal in my eyes and if anyone commits mistake, will recieve the required punishment, no matter how close friend he is . At the last , if i be the leader, i will not just depend upon my deputies, i will try to supervise everything on my own and give less burden to others , which is the best quality of the leader.

I will be highly obliged if my application will be accepted. Thankyou.
Best experienced leader everytime.


Dec 22, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Malik Nouman
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: UTC+5
4. Average online per day: 10 hours
5. Your Discord: nomi786#6016
6. Your Nickname: Malik Richs
7. Your ID: 68429

Additional information

1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation):
Ans: I want to become a Leader of The specific LSPD Organization because I spend my lot of time in LSPD and I know very well how lspd works and 2nd reason is that i think that i improve the lspd and i give the real value to lspd in city. LSPD is important Organization in the city and i also want to become a leader of lSPD because I want to make a city with good policies and distroy the nepotism in this organisation

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization
Answer : My advice is that if i become a leader of LSPD i make sure that Everyone who is in lspd know about all server rules and regulations and i make a phase of training where we give a training of server rules in every Sunday. And I personally make sure that everybody in my organisation know about rules.

The LSPD Ranking Structure shall follow this:

Chief Of Police
Deputy Chief
Assistant Chief
Chief of Staff
Area Commander
Commander (HOD)
Captain (DHOD)
District Attorney
Major Lieutenant
Master Lieutenant
Senior Lieutenant
Lieutenant Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Senior Sergeant
Master Corporal
Senior Corporal
Master Patrol Officer
Senior Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer
Master Parking Enforcement Officer
Senior Parking Enforcement Officer
Parking Enforcement Officer
Trainee Parking Enforcement Officer
Trainer 2
Trainer 1
Last edited:


Dec 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Your name IRL: Malik Nouman
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: UTC+5
4. Average online per day: 10 hours
5. Your Discord: nomi786#6016
6. Your Nickname: Malik Richs
7. Your ID: 68429

Additional information

1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation):
Ans: I want to become a Leader of The specific LSPD Organization because I spend my lot of time in LSPD and I know very well how lspd works and 2nd reason is that i think that i improve the lspd and i give the real value to lspd in city. LSPD is important Organization in the city and i also want to become a leader of lSPD because I want to make a city with good policies and distroy the nepotism in this organisation

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization
Answer : My advice is that if i become a leader of LSPD i make sure that Everyone who is in lspd know about all server rules and regulations and i make a phase of training where we give a training of server rules in every Sunday. And I personally make sure that everybody in my organisation know about rules.

The LSPD Ranking Structure shall follow this:

Chief Of Police
Deputy Chief
Assistant Chief
Chief of Staff
Area Commander
Commander (HOD)
Captain (DHOD)
District Attorney
Major Lieutenant
Master Lieutenant
Senior Lieutenant
Lieutenant Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Senior Sergeant
Master Corporal
Senior Corporal
Master Patrol Officer
Senior Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer
Master Parking Enforcement Officer
Senior Parking Enforcement Officer
Parking Enforcement Officer
Trainee Parking Enforcement Officer
Trainer 2
Trainer 1


Dec 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. Your name IRL: Malik Nouman
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: UTC+5
4. Average online per day: 10 hours
5. Your Discord: nomi786#6016
6. Your Nickname: Malik Richs
7. Your ID: 68429

Additional information

1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation):
Ans: I want to become a Leader of The specific LSPD Organization because I spend my lot of time in LSPD and I know very well how lspd works and 2nd reason is that i think that i improve the lspd and i give the real value to lspd in city. LSPD is important Organization in the city and i also want to become a leader of lSPD because I want to make a city with good policies and distroy the nepotism in this organisation

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization
Answer : My advice is that if i become a leader of LSPD i make sure that Everyone who is in lspd know about all server rules and regulations and i make a phase of training where we give a training of server rules in every Sunday. And I personally make sure that everybody in my organisation know about rules.

The LSPD Ranking Structure shall follow this:

Chief Of Police
Deputy Chief
Assistant Chief
Chief of Staff
Area Commander
Commander (HOD)
Captain (DHOD)
District Attorney
Major Lieutenant
Master Lieutenant
Senior Lieutenant
Lieutenant Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Senior Sergeant
Master Corporal
Senior Corporal
Master Patrol Officer
Senior Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer
Master Parking Enforcement Officer
Senior Parking Enforcement Officer
Parking Enforcement Officer
Trainee Parking Enforcement Officer
Trainer 2
Trainer 1

Willian Federal

EX FIB Curator
Nov 8, 2022
1 Kundan
2 18
3 5:30+ GMT (IST)
4 6 to 8 hours
5 KSR#9999
6 Evan Pluxury
7 65542

Leader of LSPD

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific Organisation? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. My experience at the Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB), where I held the positions of DHOD of IA further demonstrates my ability to handle IA implement tactics to improve employee productivity, Motivate them and keep them happy.

2. LSPD is one of the most important departments to control criminal activity in the city. I have been in LSPD for 3 terms serving the state and learning about the state myself and I Think I am ready to become the leader of LSPD and bring some good changes.

3.One of my goals is to make an organisation with no verbal warning or IC. My Organisation will be built on the idea of Respect and treating others the same no matter of rank, experience, age, ect everyone should be treated the same.

Your advice for improving Role Play level in Organisation.

1.All officers will be getting an Instant strike if they don't follow a proper Role Play even after knowing about the RP.

2.I, being the leader of LSPD will make sure that there are no such Non-RP COPs and the Internal affairs team will be working as good as a new great organisation, And personally will check and check every member of org.

3. I will make sure there will be no Favouritism in the org and that everyone who works there gets respected and respects other LEOs too.

Thank you for reading my application
Evan Pluxury
Ex- Deputy Chief Of LSPD
good luck brother

Willian Federal

EX FIB Curator
Nov 8, 2022
1 Nezar
2 22
3 1+ UTC (CET)
4 7 to 9 hours
5 NM/00#9650
6 Nezar Wolfy
7 75279

Leader of LSPD

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific Organisation? (List three reasons with explanation)
  1. LSPD is the most import organization for me since it's my first legal organization I've joined. And It's the most headed organization to new people in the city as well. I have served LSPD in 4 terms with 3 different leaders, and I believe that I learned a lot from their mistakes and also things they have done well. I've been high command in all of my term and I've been in different departments(HRT, IA, SWAT, PE, Air support) which means I got very good knowledge about them and how they work. I was head of IA, deputy head of: Air support (NG), Swat (LSPD). And my last rank was assistant chief (28) and I got it from my last term with Kakshi too.
  2. I joined the other organizations as well to learn how they rule there too. And one of the organizations I joined was government and I was very shocked that LSPD officers know very few things about the law. And some suspects getting arrested for very unlawful reasons just because the officer is either not trained well or just have a poor knowledge about the law. And I want to set an end for this and give the officers better knowledge.
  3. Favoritism is very annoying thing too. Some people was treated in an unjust way and did not get what they deserver for example ranks etc just because they do not know anyone from a high position. I want to end this too.
  4. Your advice for improving Role Play level in Organisation.
  5. LSPD and DOJ should work more together and officers who do not know much about the law should be taught.
  6. Toxicity , and provoking and unlawful treatment should not be tolerate, no matter what rank the person has.
  7. I will make sure everyone will be included and get what they deserve no matter what. I will be always available for anyone who wants advice help and try to get people to cause as few as possible mistakes.
  8. I will try to hire officers from different time zones to keep LSPD active all the time too.
  9. The departments will look like this:

    i. internal affairs(IA) - Will make sure everyone following the rules and will be promotion and hiring people with HRT. They will work together. They will be updating roles and the roaster all the time and doing licenses, bodycam and background checks.

    ii. HRT (human resources&training) - They will be interviewing people and train them giving them the knowledge of being a police officer and checking logs and teaching what it is they have to do as a police officer.

    iii. Petrol - This department will be giving fines and arresting people who commits crimes.

    iv.black ops (BO) - They will be doing secret and special operations they will work close with other orgs as well like FIB to catch wanted people.

    v. special weapons and tactics (swat): They are the front line of LSPD in every operation. They are well trained officers who have a good combat skills.

    vii: special task forhandler (STF): They work very close with swat they have almost the same job, but they are usually work more under presser.

Thank you for reading my application
Nezar Wolfy
Ex Assistant chief
good luck ma friend


Dec 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. Your Name IRL: Malik Nouman
2. Your age: 20
3. Time Zone: UTC+5
4. Average Online per day: 10 Hours
5. Your Discord: nomi786#
6. Your NickName: Malik Richs
7. Your ID: 68429


1. Leader of
Answer: Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation):
a) I Want To Become a Leader Of LSPD Because I spend a lot of time in LSPD I know very well how LSPD works in the city.
b) The second reason I thank that I improve the LSPD in the city and I make the best team LSPD That works hard and makes LSPD the Best.
c) The third reason is that I finish nepotism in the organization I see that there is much nepotism in the organizations so why is my plan to finish nepotism and give chance to a real hard worker

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization
Answer: My advice is that if I become a leader of LSPD I make sure that Everyone who is in LSPD knows about all server rules and regulations and I make a phase of training where we give training on server rules every Sunday. And I personally make sure that everybody in my organization knows about the rules.

The LSPD Ranking Structure shall follow this:

Chief Of Police
Deputy Chief
Assistant Chief
Chief of Staff
Area Commander
Commander (HOD)
Captain (DHOD)
District Attorney
Major Lieutenant
Master Lieutenant
Senior Lieutenant
Lieutenant Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Senior Sergeant
Master Corporal
Senior Corporal
Master Patrol Officer
Senior Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer
Master Parking Enforcement Officer
Senior Parking Enforcement Officer
Parking Enforcement Officer
Trainee Parking Enforcement Officer
Trainer 2
Trainer 1


Jacob Brown

Oct 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL - Liam Bishop
2. Your age - 17
3. Time zone - Greenwich Mean Time
4. Average online per day - 3 To 6 Hours
5. Your Discord - LordJaco#8264
6. Your Nickname - Jacob_Bishop
7. Your ID - 23646
Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I would like to become the next leader of LSPD because ive seen LSPD at its greatest and ive also seen it at its worst and i would like to try and make LSPD great again. If i was to become the next leader of LSPD it would be amazing for me due to the fact it would be a new experience and a big challenge that I think i would handle well and very much enjoy. Lastly i would like to become leader because I myself have alot of ideas of how to improve LSPD and how to make it the best org it can possibly be.
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
I will ensure that all the members are very well trained and that they all meet very high standards. I will personally talk to every single member and tell them what i expect from them. I will not accept any misbehaving inside the org obviously i will allow a little messing around but i wont accept anything that interferes with the orgs work. I want this org to be great again.
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