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IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard

jimmy irish

Mar 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ronan
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT
4. Average online per day: 4 to 12hours
5. Your Discord: DarkIr1sh#2001
6. Your Nickname: Jimmy sandiego
7. Your ID: 16011
Additional information
1. I want to become Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
The reason I want to become leader of National Guard is that I have experience on what they do and I know what event they can’t attend like what they can’t do for example they can’t go to a store robbery or go and do a gang raid they can attend but there just there for help if the other org need help.

3.I am ex a colonel in the National Guard and I take my rank seriously and I don't hesitate to give people strikes if they did something wrong or drive in the city with the org cars and in uniform or sleeping at gates as long as I have proof against that person.
If I get leader of national guard i will be doing training and other stuff like getting them to task and test there gun skills and then i will decide what rank/role they will get in the org they will have to past all there test and if they know all the radio codes I will decide on what rank they get I will also get my Lt generals opinion as well. when I go on ammo runs I will ask that org to send the ammo request and we will do the ammo run in our on time. I was in Kazuto term last I learnt all the rule and codes and I know where to place the spike strips as well and I will make sure that the gate will never be blocked by National Guard gates and I will make sure that there will be someone on gates at all times. and i will make my employees welcome and they can go anytime they want as long as everyone has gates covered.
I will make this leadership a good one as I have so much plans and ideas for this term.

Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
The roleplay that I will be improving is around military experience like the size of the barrel and what ammo it takes and if the gun is not working for example i my gun is jammed. And going out and giving training out at the aircraft carrier. And give people task and I will be given each rank a task to guard the base I will have 2 people at each gate and 2 people patrolling the base and one air unit in the air and they are all going to be trained properly in that area.
thank you for reading my application. NG on top
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Ashhar Baba

Deputy Chief Of SAHP
Nov 15, 2021
1. Ashhar Ansari
2. 18
3. GMT +5:30
4. 7-8 Hours | Can Be More On Weekends
5. Jack Ragner#6570
6. Ashhar Baba
7. 11437
Additional information

1. Leader Of National Guard

2 Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A) Experience - I Have Been In National Guard For More Than 6 Months Now . I Have Been On Every Rank Starting From Private To Major ,From Leading A Small Team To Leading A Whole Department And The Whole National Guard , I Have Spent A Lot Of Time And Dedication To This Org And Made Very Good Friends . I Have Been A Part Of Mainly All Departments In National Guard And Was A Leader Of Airforce For The Past Few Terms

B) A New Change To National Guard - From the past few months national guard havent been doing that much good due to many reasons , i will be bringing a change to national guard , ng has been getting attacked every day by multiple gangs and families together , i will break this chain , under my leadership ng will be having alot of numbers and good relations with other orgs , ng would be strong enough to fight back on its own , i will be daily conducting many trainings for national guard members , training of ng departments with other legal org departments . i will be working on ammorun in such a way that no legal org gets in shortage of ammo , i know what a general can do , being active among his soldier , always trying to understand them , never leaving them behind , i will treat my soldier as my comrades rather than treating them as juniors and being bossy which recently many people have done

C) New Policies - if i become leader of national guard i will be implementing many new policies in ng ,
1) Respect - everyone in national guard no matter what rank have to respect each other a high ranking officer cant disrespect a lower ranking officer and cant boss around , in my career of ng i saw many co's and even some generals which didnt gave respect to their units . this system will be strictly implemented under my term
2) Never Leave A Comrade Behind - as a general this would be my 2nd policy this is to make sure our units are always safe
for now these would be my policies , i would be taking suggestions from my fellow comrades to implement more of these policies
3. My advises for improving role play level in National guard

1. Firstly national guard is army so i will be focusing on getting more numbers in national guard specially getting old ng members back , daily conducting mass recruitments so we always have units

2. New departments - i would be making many new departments such as Internal Affairs , Bonus Dept ,External Affairs and IAA And us marshals which were made in the past term these departments would also be staying in ng

3.Activity - as of activity everyone in national guard have to be on duty everyday for atleast 2 hours if they cant be in city due to some reason they should be putting a vacation request in email

4. i would be making sure i give fair promotions to all ng units

My Main Mission Would Be To Make Ng ON Top Once Again!
Thanks For Reading My Application

April Pierce

Jun 29, 2021
The Following Players are Invited to the National Guard Leader Interview at 18:00 Sever Time on Thursday (26/05/2022):

Shabah Verlice - ID 7279 (Shaba7.#0001)
Jimmy sandiego - ID 16011 (DarkIr1sh#2001)

Applications for National Guard are now CLOSED

Luna Fellas

Jan 16, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Onurcan Yaygıngöl
2. Your age. : 22
3. Time zone. : GMT+3
4. Average online per day : 8-11 hours
5. Your Discord. :Curliynn#4683
6. Your Nickname : Luna Fingers
7. Your ID : 11405

1:- Leader of National Guard
1:- Experience as National Guard
During my life IG i have spend almost 2-3 months in being National guard and I was Deputy Chief for 1 months, to server for people and los santos. As i have very good experience in national guard and have dept knowleadge about how system work, either doing ammo run or protection of Fort Zancudo during raid time. Apart from this, I am also ready to give my one hundred percent to NG which helps in taking national guard at another level
Example:- Due to having experience in NG it will able me tackle situation more easily, under the rules of state and leaders

2:- Areas of correction
From last month, i had work in gangs and legal organization, i noticed that some of the organization promoting/favouring thier friend and family member rather than giving chance to once who deserve. This following reason leads to affect people's mind and they leave the organization , which is affect organization indirectly. I want to be fair to everyone and provide my service at best level so people also enjoy thier job and stay motivated to work with org. Moreover, i will try to make radio very professional which will also assist in maintaining RP at high level

3;- Good Coordination
Basically, in national guard co-ordinations plays very crucial role in diffrent senarios either in global situation or any other, i will make good coordination within Ng and also to other legal orgs.Further more, during heptic situation people become confuse what to and what not which makes confution during raid and global
Example: during raid time gangs enter the base, all employes follow them and no one left on gates which give a very postive advantage to gangs to escape from FZ i will try to impose a very good co-ordination between each other

What i will do to imporve RP?

There are alots of things i will do to imporve RP, some of them are:-
1. Maintaing RP during healing by saying what you exaclty doing
2. Maintaing RP while making anyone detainee and hand over to LSPD/SAHP or FIB
3. Maintaing while searching someone and taking permission to do so
4.Implementation of diffrent section inside the NG like Medic,Special forces and air force to excute mission in efficent manner
5.New uniform will also be implemented which is more realistic.

jimmy irish

Mar 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ronan
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT
4. Average online per day: 4 to 12hours
5. Your Discord: DarkIr1sh#2001
6. Your Nickname: Jimmy kirigaya
7. Your ID: 16011
Additional information
1. I want to become Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
  1. The reason i want to become leader of National Guard is that i have experience on what they do and i know what event they can’t attend like what they can’t do for example they can’t co to a store robbery or go and do a gang raid they can attend but there just there for help if the other org need help.
  2. I was LT general in shaba term and colonel in kazuto term in the National Guard and I take my rank seriously and I don't hesitate to give people strikes if they did something wrong or drive in the city with the org cars and in uniform or sleeping at gates as long as I have proof against that person
  3. If i get leader of national guard i will be doing training and other stuff like getting them to task and test there gun skills and then i will decide what rank/role they will get in the org they will have to past all there test and if they know all the radio codes i will decide on what rank they get i will also get my Lt generals opinion as well.

Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

The roleplay that I will be improving is around military experience. And going out and giving training out at the aircraft carrier. And give people task and I will be given each rank a task to guard the base. I will have 2 people at each gate and 2 people patrolling the base and one air unit in the air and they are all going to be trained properly in that area. I will be training people how to place the spikes and where to place them and where not to place them. I will train people the right way so I will have the best term as a national guard leader.

Thanks for reading my application.


Mar 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Baker Baqa
2. Your age. : 26
3. Time zone. : Jeruslem
4. Average online per day : 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord. : ! s0 BakerBaqa#1839
6. Your Nickname : Baker Baqa
7. Your ID : 19517

1:- Leader of National Guard

1:- Experience as National Guard

During my life in NG, I have spent almost 1-2 months in being National guard and I was Major for almost 1 month, and Head of MP also for almost 1 month.

2:- Areas of correction

to reactivate the IAA section, and also establish the MP.

3;- Good Coordination

the DOC guards gonna be mixed between NG and GOV.

What I will do to improve RP?

1. the prisoners who wear black shirts gonna be under NG responsivity, and those who wear white shirts will remain under GOV responsibility.
2. establish the IAA their mission to be undercover and join all Org (legal and illegal), to investigate some cases and receive information.
3. will use jets to stop the engines of planes that carry drugs.
4. will make a new rule the NG Raid gonna be on foot from both sides (starting from the yellow area)

Kazuto Kirigaya

Leader of unofficial org
Mar 18, 2022
1. Name IRL: Ahamed Ammar
2. My Age: 19
3. My Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 8 to 10 hours
5. My Discord: DR. Eug#3952
6. My Nickname: Kazuto Kirigaya
7. My ID: 16473
Additional information

1. Leader Of National Guard

2 Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • As I have been member of NG for a while now and was General and before that I was Lt. General which means I know a lot about NG and how it works.

  • I want to become NG leader is because I know that there is Soo many people from my term who are willing to come back to NG again and will like to enjoy that military RP that they don’t get in any other organization.
  • National Guard doesn’t have real duty except ammo runs, for that ill I will try my best to implement for activities for them by talking with the curators (example: patrolling, air reconnaissance and many more).
  • According to the current numbers in the city I will be easily be able to get around 20 to 30 people into NG within the first week.

3 My advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.

I will be adding more departments so that people don’t just feel like they are part of one department.

I will also be talking with all the organizations every week to keep that bond NG has with other ORG’s.

will also be organizing meeting by gathering with all the ORG leaders and deputy leaders to talk about the current situation that all the orgs and the city are facing at all time.

Will be conducting random training that will help out the members.

Strict action will be taken against those who fail to follow the rules.

Hardworking members will be given promotions weekly and be given out bonuses to encourage them in the RP.

Thank you for Reviewing my Application
Kazuto Kirigaya


Jan 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Indian Standard time zone
3-5 hours depends
Vikram Vespucci

1 ) Leader of National Gaurd

2) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization (List three reasons with explaination )

1) I want to become leader of national gaurd because i have been in national gaurd which has helped me to gain more knowledge about the things like how everything works at NG as very high in command .

2) My NG experience might help NG to advance more and also give soldiers a deep training how the things works at NG .

3) Active at Dead hours which will help me to train soldiers more and also give them training for any branches like combat medics or rangers .

4) Active recruiting until we are full because last time as our leader didn't hire enough people which let us to problems like 4 people from NG at raid time or NG soldiers taken as hostage due to less in numbers .

5) Access to more branches under my leadership like - Millitary police , Rangers , Combat medics , Airforce .

6) Always there for other organizations if needed for ammo run or any other things and also for events like - bank robbery , Aircraft Protection

7) Trainings conducted under my leadership like - training for raid what to do when raid is there how to co-operate with each other and stop criminals while raid

8) Also promotion on spot ( sometimes ) if the soldier is given his 100% to NG as any rank even as private

3) Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) Add more branches like Military police ( not active under my NG career )
2) Soldiers giving their 100% everytime and at all events
3) Being more professional while working with NG

I would be thankful if this application gets selected

National Gaurd on Top !

Ex - Major of national Gaurd

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Tonyali Efe

Jan 26, 2022
1. Efe
2. 22 old
3. GMT+03:00
4. 9-10
5. Lee Unwin#0031
6. Efe Yesildag
7. 3633

1.Leader Of... National Guard

2.I Want To Be A Leader Because I Served With A High Rank In NG And There Was A Lot Of Discrimination While I Was Working And It Hurt Me. If I Become A Leader, There Will Be Absolutely No Discrimination, Racism And Similar Things, I Will Not Give High Ranks To My Acquaintances, They Will Be Examined, I Will Teach The Rules To Those Who Don't Know The Rules

3. I will teach all the rules to the members and listen to the members, I will fulfill their wishes, I will not do any injustice to any member

April Pierce

Jun 29, 2021
The Following players are invited to the National Guard Leader Interview at 20:00 Sever Time on Wednesday (15/06/2022):

Vikram Vespucci- ID 2058 (M1k3🩸#6366)
Jimmy sandiego - ID 16011 (DarkIr1sh#2001)

Applications for National Guard are now CLOSED


Nov 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
7+ Hours
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Ashley Haze
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(1) I want to be leader of National Guard because I want to protect the state of san andreas, I want to help the legal organizations such as FIB, SAHP, LSPD, to always have ammunition at their disposal, I have been in all the legal organizations so I know how it feels to not have ammunition due not National Guard not doing what they are supposed to.

(2) I want to make sure that we always have as many people as possible to any event that we are needed at, I want to assure that whenever legal organizations need support that we will be there to assist to the best of our ability.

(3) I want to make sure that fort zancudo is always under surveillance 24/7 so that we can always stand guard towards any attacks or obstacles that come our way, I want to make nobody wants to try to attempt to mess with the National Guard.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I would start by doing active ammo shipments daily and whenever legal organizations need them, I also would try to give out bonuses as often as possible to make others feel motivated on the line of duty, I would like to have combat practice in the arena every so often to insure that everyone has something to do and to not feel bored, I want to make multiple divisions for whatever type of life the soldiers of National Guard want to live, I want there to be a division for everyone to feel like they have something to do within National Guard regardless if it is within the air force, or within being a navy seal. To assure that everyone has a place where they feel appreciated to be apart of the National Guard.


Touqeer West

Dec 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL : Touqeer Makrani
2. Your age. : 19
3. Time zone. : IST +5:30GMT
4. Average online per day: 7-8 hrs
5. Your Discord. : Touqeer Pluxury#3477
6. Your Nickname : Touqeer Pluxury
7. Your ID : 2172
1:- Leader of National Guard


1:- Experience in National Guard
I have been in the city for almost a year, during that time I have been in many org either legal or illegal. I have been in NG for around 3 terms and as per my perspective, it's given me enough experience to become a leader of this great organization

2:- Areas of correction
2.1:- I had worked in gangs and legal organizations, i noticed that some of the organizations promoted/favored their friend and family members rather than giving chance to once who deserve it. This following reason leads to affect people's minds and they leave the organization, which affects the organization indirectly. I want to be fair to everyone and provide my service at the best level so people also enjoy their job and stay motivated to work with org. Moreover, I will try to make the radio very professional which will also assist in maintaining RP at a high level

2.2:- I have seen the current rank system in NG and as per my view it is messed up, so if I get the opportunity to become the leader of the national guard I will change the rank system not actually change but in a clean way

2.3 People of NG are working day and night to protect Fort Zancudo, so they deserve appreciation in terms of bonuses and promotion

3;- Good Coordination
Basically, in national guard co-ordinations plays a very crucial role in different scenarios either in a global situation or any other, i will make good coordination within Ng and also to other legal orgs. Furthermore, during the haptic situations, people become confused about what to do and what not which makes confusion during raids and global
For example: during raid time gangs enter the base, all employees follow them, and no one is left at the gates which gives a very positive advantage to gangs to escape from FZ I will try to impose very good coordination between each other

What I will do to improve RP?

There are lots of things I will do to improve RP, some of them are:-
1. As of now National Guard has PDA proper allotment of military id and checking health before joining
2. I have some great ideas regarding the island, I am gonna make that area for SADS training and for special operations
3. Proper training structure like IRL army, Combat, conoy, and many more things
4. Implementation of different sections inside the NG like Medic, Special forces, and air force to execute missions in an efficient manner
5. New uniform will also be implemented which is more realistic.

Touqeer Pluxury

Select for moderation


Mar 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Baker Baqa
2. Your age. : 26
3. Time zone. : Jeruslem
4. Average online per day : 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord. : ! s0 BakerBaqa#1839
6. Your Nickname : Baker Baqa
7. Your ID : 19517

1:- Leader of National Guard

1:- Experience as National Guard

During my life in NG, I have spent in total 1-2 months in being National guard and I was Major for almost 1 month, and Head of MP also for almost 1 month.

2:- Areas of correction

to reactivate the IAA section, and also establish the MP.

3;- Good Coordination

the DOC guards gonna be mixed between NG and GOV.

What I will do to improve RP?

1. the prisoners who wear black shirts gonna be under NG responsibility, and those who wear white shirts will remain under GOV responsibility.
2. establish the IAA their mission to be undercover and join all Org (legal and illegal), to investigate some cases and receive information.
3. will use jets to stop the engines of planes that carry drugs.
4. will make a new rule the NG Raid gonna be on foot from both sides (starting from the yellow area)
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Apr 19, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Sandro
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone- GMT+4
4. Average online per day. 10 hours
5. Your Discord - Carl Gallager#2259
6. Your Nickname - Carl Gallager
7. Your ID - 15360
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization
Leader of National Guard
1) I want to be leader of this organization because I have been high rank on Russian server and Eng server 2 and I know all rules that I need to know
2) I want to see myself as leader of organization
3) When I was new in city I first joined in NG it was my best time, but logs, radio codes and other was very hard to me to learn so I want to help new people who will join in NG

1) I want to make events for state and unofficial orgs for fun like hide and seek
2) I will make sure that all employees know rules, if they don't know I will teach them.
3) once a day we will have important arena 1v1s and team fights to get our shooting better and lastly great, if someone will want to stay in arena its his decision ( in arena I meant what National Guard have in their base)


Apr 19, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Touqeer Makrani
2. Your age. : 19
3. Time zone. : IST +5:30GMT
4. Average online per day: 7-8 hrs
5. Your Discord. : Touqeer Pluxury#3477
6. Your Nickname : Touqeer Pluxury
7. Your ID : 2172
1:- Leader of National Guard


1:- Experience in National Guard
I have been in the city for almost a year, during that time I have been in many org either legal or illegal. I have been in NG for around 3 terms and as per my perspective, it's given me enough experience to become a leader of this great organization

2:- Areas of correction
2.1:- I had worked in gangs and legal organizations, i noticed that some of the organizations promoted/favored their friend and family members rather than giving chance to once who deserve it. This following reason leads to affect people's minds and they leave the organization, which affects the organization indirectly. I want to be fair to everyone and provide my service at the best level so people also enjoy their job and stay motivated to work with org. Moreover, I will try to make the radio very professional which will also assist in maintaining RP at a high level

2.2:- I have seen the current rank system in NG and as per my view it is messed up, so if I get the opportunity to become the leader of the national guard I will change the rank system not actually change but in a clean way

2.3 People of NG are working day and night to protect Fort Zancudo, so they deserve appreciation in terms of bonuses and promotion

3;- Good Coordination
Basically, in national guard co-ordinations plays a very crucial role in different scenarios either in a global situation or any other, i will make good coordination within Ng and also to other legal orgs. Furthermore, during the haptic situations, people become confused about what to do and what not which makes confusion during raids and global
For example: during raid time gangs enter the base, all employees follow them, and no one is left at the gates which gives a very positive advantage to gangs to escape from FZ I will try to impose very good coordination between each other

What I will do to improve RP?

There are lots of things I will do to improve RP, some of them are:-
1. As of now National Guard has PDA proper allotment of military id and checking health before joining
2. I have some great ideas regarding the island, I am gonna make that area for SADS training and for special operations
3. Proper training structure like IRL army, Combat, conoy, and many more things
4. Implementation of different sections inside the NG like Medic, Special forces, and air force to execute missions in an efficient manner
5. New uniform will also be implemented which is more realistic.

Touqeer Pluxury

Select for moderation
What you said in starting that leaders hire their friends at HC im following you thats incorrect, because all leaders want to their org be better than others, but if someone has person with experience thats not like that

edd anas

🛸     🌎 °  🌓 •  .°•   🚀 ✯    ★ *     °    🛰  
Jun 25, 2022
1. Anas eddaoudi
2. 17
3. UTC (spain)
4. 8-9h
5. EDD_<3#6620
6.edd anas
Additional information
1. Leader of...
National Guard
2. i would like to lead NG because:

1.1. i want to be the leader because i was a Colonel in NG i was in NG for 3Terms i want to be one of the best leaders that NG ever had i want to let NG improve , NG is the best org in term of RP there is air force there is IAA there is a lot ...
1.2 i have a lot of ideas that i said some to the old leaders and and they liked it but never had time to say it to curators or other peaple that can make it true ( when we meet i will tell u some ideas ).
1.3 i will improve NG by a lot may be im gonna let it be better than FIB and other orgs evryone will like to join NG .

3. My advice's for improving Roleplay level in organization

evrybody need to fear NG . we need to be the scariest thing in this city we need to be evry where ready to strike . we need to be evrywhere (water,air,ground)...
ng will be the best org.
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