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IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

Vishal Pal

Deejaywale Babu
Feb 5, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

1. Vishal Pal
2. 29
3. IST (GMT +5:30)
4.18-20 Hours a day
5. Deejaywale Babu#8618
6. Deejaywale Babu

1. Why Do You Want To Become An Admin?
I want to become an admin because I see our server is growing very fast with a lot of new citizens and i think that the management team needed some man power and I want to be admin as I always had an extreme professional RP. I have already enjoyed so much as RP person and had experienced good admins and good server management so I feel like I want to give back to the community the RP that I had from myself. The more people we have in our server, the more rules will be broken. So its time to provide some back up to the management team from my side.

2. What Are Your Strengths?
I am extremely mature, and understand the world of RP properly. I can handle any difficult situation which mostly happens in server as i had always noticed the admins how they handled the previous situations. My Personal Strength is that I am always Active in the city, which means availablity of active admins everytime. I had the experience of continous active time of 3days. And I always value the respect of the people in front of me. I have patience to train new guys however stressful they are it will never matter. I respect and will follow the command given by senior management team members.

3. What Are Your Biggest Weaknesses?
My weakness is understanding and sympathy with people, but if find any guilty I become really strict.
Sometimes I may try to understand both the parties and compromise the case for which people may get offended. But if there is really a rule is broken then there is no sorry for them and the respective punishment will be given to rule breakers.

4. Will You Be Ready To Leave RP Life And Become An Admin?
Yes I am all set for this decision.

5. Will You Be Ready To Sell Your Business?
I dont have.
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Kang Brooks

Dec 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
2. Your age - 15
3. Time zone - central time
4. Average online per day - 3-9 hours
5. Your Discord - kang#4527
6. Your Nickname - Kang brooks
7. Your ID - 35308

Additional information

I've been in sever one for more than an year so yeah so you can count on me.

1. I wanted to become an admin for these reasons.
-I want to help maintain players interactions with others within the server IC situations and also OOC situations.
I also will do more than any other admin and listen to the problem be more help full than others.
-be reasonable with the punishments to players of the city who are breaking the server rules,
-I will help people who are new to the city with stuff like showing them where they can get a scooter stuff in that manner to get them started.
I've help administrators with people who use cheats, people who lied about situations that didn't happens all sorts of stuff.
-I've been in gangs, so I know how players try to cheat in game we had to call admins before I've had fib situations, so I know mostly about how things go down... but like I said I've been in gangs' stuff like that the Vago's too give more info I know how to roleplay pretty nice, also I'm a black intelligent young man I know every rule and specifically the turf and ghetto rules so I can help with that type of stuff.

- My time frame is stable and flexible, I'm on for most of the time, but will be on mostly when another admin are not on.
-Due to me having experience in other role play servers being an officer in another server I have experience on that type of stuff too.
-I put myself as different from the others considering I'm a very fair individual, I know how to discipline but I also keep it real.
-I believe keeping it real, telling how you feel is the best way to handle situations as everything is more clear.

3. My weakness is that I keep it real I solve problems good to the point they may not be able to take the real deal feedback you feel me.

4 Yes, I am ready to leave RP life to become an admin

5. Yes, I am ready to sell any business that I own.


Lily Royal

May 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Vijay
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT: IST
4. Average online per day:10-12hrs
5. Your Discord:LilyRoyal#7777
6. Your Nickname: Lily
7. Your ID: 3023

1. Why do you want to become an admin?
I want to become Admin cause I got bored on roleplay and want some experience as admin and the guys who are new to city they don't even maintain rp so i want to help them with the server and maintain high level rp and make this server a great RP server

2. What are your strengths?
Fast learner

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Yes sir

5. Will you be ready to sell your business?
Yes,I Am ready to sell my business (Since it is restricted to have a business as an admin)

Thank you.

Zubair Rasheed

Jul 2, 2021
1.Your Name IRL : Mohammed Zubair
2.Your Age:- 21 Years
3.Time Zone:- GMT+5:30
4.Average Online Per Day:- I will be Online around 8-10 hours.
5.Your Discord:- Zubair Shane#6949
6.Your Nickname:- Zubair Shane
7.Your ID:- 397

Additional information :-

Why do you want to become an admin?
* I am playing this server since 1 year ago grand rp server is launched now i think i can assist new people hopping into the server. I have been seen the people breaking the rules in city so. I might assist them to do proper role play in this city
* I have experience of EMS as I worked there as a Chief and I also have a more experience of working in the FIB, SAHP, NG.

2. What are your strengths?
Managing, dedication, Time management, patience.
* Following the instruction passed by my higher ups.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
Some times i will loss the patience but i will try my best to keep the patience level, that it

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Yes, build new friendships and learn further.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business?
Yes I am ready leave RP and I am ready to sell my biz.

Zubair Shane

Nathan Gonzalez

Jun 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Nathan
2. 16 (Turned 16 recently)
3. EST
4. 5-10 hours a day
5. Nathanz
6. Nathan Gonzalez
7. 34255

- I want to be a admin so I can help out with the city. I have always wanted to help out with the #1 best city in the world. I have a lot of experience in grp and I feel like I could help out with a lot of things. I know all the server rules by heart. I want to also help people, and get rid of the people ruining the fun experience. I will make sure no one feels like they aren’t having fun, I will make sure no one is abusing the powers that they have, I will make sure anyone who asks for help will receive a response they need.

- My strengths are communicating well with anyone I will never be disrespectful even if someone is disrespecting me, I am always professional with my work, I am good with teaching people how to do things as I was a FTO /FTA for the LSPD for about 1 month in another server, I am a very good typer, I can speak English very well. I also show dedication no matter what and will always dedicate my time to doing my job. I can multitask very well as that is a common thing for me anytime of the day. I have a very strong characteristic that will help out with any situation needed, I’m very outgoing and easy to get along with and I can make a bad situation turn into a good situation with a little bit of fun but making sure it stays professional.

- I would say I don’t have any great weaknesses as I believe I do everything the best I can.

- I will 1000% be ready to leave my part of RP to make sure everyone that comes to this city has the absolute best experience they can have.

- I do not have any businesses so yes

I would like to say that if I get accepted that it will truly change my life, I have dedicated a lot of my IRL time into this city and seeing how far it has come it would make me happy to be apart of the fastest growing city of all time. I want to get on and make everyone happy I will get rid of all the bad people and help the good people to the best I can, I will make sure to look over everyone with care and make sure the ones who need help get it and then the ones who have done stuff to effect the city get punished.

Thank you

- Nathan Gonzalez


Jul 15, 2021
1. Name IRL: pranith
2. Age: 17
3. Time Zone: GMT +5:30 IST
4. Average online (per day): 6+ hours
5. Discord id: Pranith Sanz#3105
6. In-game name: Pranith sanz
7. In-game id: 2582

Additional information

1. Why do you want become an admin?

  • I have been in the server for a long time and have learnt a quiet a lot of things. I have a good experience from server 1 and know all the rules and regulation.
  • I actually want to help the new players to learn the city rules.
  • I have seen a lot of people do not know what is good quality roleplay means just because of some troublesome guy. My one of the main goal is to punish those who do not follow the city rules.
  • I do respect the Grand RP team for there hard work and i also want to help and lighten the burden for them. It will be my pleasure to work with such a professional and encouraging people.
2. What are your strength?

  • I have a good leadership quality which came from my past admin experience in CrimeTown RP (whitelisted FiveM Server).
  • I have a good knowledge on java programming language and many other languages.
  • I am a fast learner which comes from hardworking habit.
  • I do have a good communication skills and fluent english.
3. What are my greatest weaknesses?

  • My weakness is that, I will be in one thing unless and until it is completed with perfection. I have a bad habit of finding perfection in everything.
  • I feel discomfort when i leave a work incomplete.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Yes, I am fine to leave RP life to become an admin.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
I don't own any business.

Eva Mirza

Feb 7, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
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Jun 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL:- K.RAVITEJA
2. Your age:-21
3. Time zone:-IST
4. Average online per day;- 7hours
5. Your Discord:-K.RAVITEJA#4986
6. Your Nickname:-Ravi Teja
7. Your ID:-3162

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
I want to become admin to secure the server from bad people and help people who really needs help in the server. I would help them with respect .i love to help citizens living in the city

2. What are your strengths?
  1. my strengths are helping people and make a fair rp around me and work hard to make everything right around me
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
  1. i had bad anger management i would get over stressed at the time who ever make false information
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
  1. yes i am ready to leave rp life to help my people living around me.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
yes iam ready to sell your business

Panda World

Dec 30, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Kody Mollen
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: CET
4. Average online per day: 8/9 hours weekend i play: 12/13 hours
5. Your Discord: $🄺🄾🄳🅈$#0237
6. Your Nickname: Kody Neon
7. Your ID 39463 btw its not that high i know but i know the rules this is my other life on my first life im ID 8070 i can play on that one in 28 days!

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?: I already play for a long time. And i think im done with the RP life i did my job so im done! So now i wanna help people in the city! I love to help new people and do events and stuff you know. I know the rules to! so thats why.

2. What are your strengths?: My strengths are that im a Super fast learner! like if i do something wrong i never do it again cus i remember the thing i need to do! And not helping people is the last thing i can do. I love to help people with isues! I play alot now so hope that i can help!

3. What are your greatest weaknesses? i only have one thats i cant speak fast! So idk if that is a problem.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?: Yes i am like a already sayt i did the things that i wanna do. So yeah im done with the RP life!

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin): Yes i know i dont have one anymore! I sold it.

𝓖𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓚𝓸𝓭𝔂

Touqeer West

Dec 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL:- Touqeer Makrani
2. Your age:- 19
3. Time zone:- IST GMT 5:30+
4. Average online per day:- 8 to 9 Hrs
5. Your Discord :- Touqeer Pluxury#3477
6. Your Nickname:- Touqeer Pluxury
7. Your ID:- 2172
Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?

Its been almost 1 year since I Grandrp, During this duration, I have been in several organizations either legal or illegal which give me the experience of state, server and ghetto rules. Moreover, I was an admin in EN2 for around 1.5/ 2 months approximately but due to inevitable mistakes, it was removed from the position of admin. But now i have read and understood each and every rule regarding server. I have also made certain mistakes that are currently reflected in my punishment history, So basically i need one chance to prove myself and I want to contribute to Grandrp server in growth.


Dedicated to work:-
I am dedicated to my work, no doubt I have written 8-9 hrs online but if the server needs me more than that i can give my 200% and do my work effortlessly

No place for Favoritism:-
As i mentioned before, i have spent almost one year in the Grandrp server, and i have many friends. So if there causes damage to Roleplay and is harmful for the server then strict action will be taken against them whether he/she is my friend or not.

Main Motto:-
My main goal is to maintain proper RP and help people to enjoy the RP. Taking off work burden from higher admin

Future Goal:-
In the future, my goal is to become a media curator

2. What are your strengths?
1:- I am a quick learner and a great listener
2:- I know the rules very well
3:- I always stay calm and behave very good with others whether i know them or not
4:-I keep everyone equal whether he/she is my friend or not ( proper justice giver)
5:- Proper time management

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
Everyone has weaknesses some of them are:
1:- sometimes makes a silly mistake
2:- lose patience some time
3:- Average shooting skill

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Yes, I am ready to leave rp to join the admin team

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted having have a business while you are an admin)
Yes, but I don't have any business. if I have I will sell it

Touqeer Pluxury

Hope you find me capable of this position.

Nathan Gonzalez

Jun 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Nathan
2. 16 (Turned 16 recently)
3. EST
4. 5-10 hours a day
5. Nathanz
6. Nathan Gonzalez
7. 34255

- I want to be a admin so I can help out with the city. I have always wanted to help out with the #1 best city in the world. I have a lot of experience in grp and I feel like I could help out with a lot of things. I know all the server rules by heart. I want to also help people, and get rid of the people ruining the fun experience. I will make sure no one feels like they aren’t having fun, I will make sure no one is abusing the powers that they have, I will make sure anyone who asks for help will receive a response they need.

- My strengths are communicating well with anyone I will never be disrespectful even if someone is disrespecting me, I am always professional with my work, I am good with teaching people how to do things as I was a FTO /FTA for the LSPD for about 1 month in another server, I am a very good typer, I can speak English very well. I also show dedication no matter what and will always dedicate my time to doing my job. I can multitask very well as that is a common thing for me anytime of the day. I have a very strong characteristic that will help out with any situation needed, I’m very outgoing and easy to get along with and I can make a bad situation turn into a good situation with a little bit of fun but making sure it stays professional.

- I would say I don’t have any great weaknesses as I believe I do everything the best I can.

- I will 1000% be ready to leave my part of RP to make sure everyone that comes to this city has the absolute best experience they can have.

- I do not have any businesses so yes

I would like to say that if I get accepted that it will truly change my life, I have dedicated a lot of my IRL time into this city and seeing how far it has come it would make me happy to be apart of the fastest growing city of all time. I want to get on and make everyone happy I will get rid of all the bad people and help the good people to the best I can, I will make sure to look over everyone with care and make sure the ones who need help get it and then the ones who have done stuff to effect the city get punished.

Thank you

- Nathan Gonzalez

Darco Pluxury

Aug 13, 2021
1. Ayan Mukherjee
2. 19
3. IST
4. 5 hours a day
5. Darco Pluxury#8418
6. Darco Baba
7. 4346
Additional information.
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
I want to become an admin because I have had so much fun and good RP due to good admins and good server management and I feel like I want to give back to the community the RP before i was removed from admin because of my mistakes which i have tried to rectify within the last 3 months. I want another chance as to become an admin
2. What are your strengths?
Good communication skills , can take wise decision
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
Sometimes lag out should not be a problem.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business?

Martin Bestia

Jun 10, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Vansh
2. Your age:18
3. Time zone:EST
4. Average online per day: 5 TO 8 HRS
5. Your Discord: banks#5753
6. Your Nickname: Martin bozo
7. Your ID: 38738

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
I want to help newbies in the server and I want people to not break server rules because I know how frustrating it is when someone combat logs or fail rps.

2. What are your strengths?
Communication skills, hard working, love helping people etc.
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I get nervous when a lot of people ask questions at the same time.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Eva Mirza

Feb 7, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
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Jul 15, 2021
1. Name IRL: pranith
2. Age: 17
3. Time Zone: GMT +5:30 IST
4. Average online (per day): 6+ hours
5. Discord id: Pranith Sanz#3105
6. In-game name: Pranith sanz
7. In-game id: 2582

Additional information

1. Why do you want become an admin?

  • I have been in the server for a long time and have learnt a quiet a lot of things. I have a good experience from server 1 and know all the rules and regulation.
  • I actually want to help the new players to learn the city rules.
  • I have seen a lot of people do not know what is good quality roleplay means just because of some troublesome guy. My one of the main goal is to punish those who do not follow the city rules.
  • I do respect the Grand RP team for there hard work and i also want to help and lighten the burden for them. It will be my pleasure to work with such a professional and encouraging people.
2. What are your strength?

  • I have a good leadership quality which came from my past admin experience in CrimeTown RP (whitelisted FiveM Server).
  • I have a good knowledge on java programming language and many other languages.
  • I am a fast learner which comes from hardworking habit.
  • I do have a good communication skills and fluent english.
3. What are my greatest weaknesses?

  • My weakness is that, I will be in one thing unless and until it is completed with perfection. I have a bad habit of finding perfection in everything.
  • I feel discomfort when i leave a work incomplete.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Yes, I am fine to leave RP life to become an admin.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
I don't own any business.

Nathan Gonzalez

Jun 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Nathan
2. 16 (Turned 16 recently)
3. EST
4. 5-10 hours a day
5. Nathanz
6. Nathan Gonzalez
7. 34255

- I want to be a admin so I can help out with the city. I have always wanted to help out with the #1 best city in the world. I have a lot of experience in grp and I feel like I could help out with a lot of things. I know all the server rules by heart. I want to also help people, and get rid of the people ruining the fun experience. I will make sure no one feels like they aren’t having fun, I will make sure no one is abusing the powers that they have, I will make sure anyone who asks for help will receive a response they need.

- My strengths are communicating well with anyone I will never be disrespectful even if someone is disrespecting me, I am always professional with my work, I am good with teaching people how to do things as I was a FTO /FTA for the LSPD for about 1 month in another server, I am a very good typer, I can speak English very well. I also show dedication no matter what and will always dedicate my time to doing my job. I can multitask very well as that is a common thing for me anytime of the day. I have a very strong characteristic that will help out with any situation needed, I’m very outgoing and easy to get along with and I can make a bad situation turn into a good situation with a little bit of fun but making sure it stays professional.

- I would say I don’t have any great weaknesses as I believe I do everything the best I can.

- I will 1000% be ready to leave my part of RP to make sure everyone that comes to this city has the absolute best experience they can have.

- I do not have any businesses so yes

I would like to say that if I get accepted that it will truly change my life, I have dedicated a lot of my IRL time into this city and seeing how far it has come it would make me happy to be apart of the fastest growing city of all time. I want to get on and make everyone happy I will get rid of all the bad people and help the good people to the best I can, I will make sure to look over everyone with care and make sure the ones who need help get it and then the ones who have done stuff to effect the city get punished.

Thank you

- Nathan Gonzalez

Ronny Rich

Aug 21, 2021
1. Your name IRL Jayy
2. Your age 21
3. Time zone EST
4. Average online per day 5 to 10 hours
5. Your Discord Jayy#8921
6. Your Nickname Jayy Blikxy
7. Your ID 762

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin? I want to become an admin because i want to help people out and make sure that they are having fun but following the rules.
2. What are your strengths? I’m a quick learner I can adapt to being an admin quick.
3. What are your greatest weaknesses? Some of my weaknesses is I stress out on certain situations but I’m really good at handling it well.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin? Yes
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin) yes

Kay Pluxury

Jan 31, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Kayd
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+12
4. Average online per day: 8 to 11 Hours (May Very More)
5. Your Discord: Kay Pluxury#9535
6. Your Nickname: Kay Pluxury
7. Your ID: 13313

Why do you want to become an administrator?
I want to become an administrator due to problems in the city. I am very respectful, I listen to others like Kerem Vuitton and understand and know most server rules (IC/OOC). I can act effectively in any situation When things/problems come my way I always solve them NO MATTER WHAT. I am a very responsible and kind hearted person so I will be good. Over my time in the city I have been co leaders so I can handle stuff very well. I am very active on this server so why not give it ago. 🙂

What are your strengths?
I am well matured for my age.
Due to my different timezone to other admins I will be online when there are less admins on. (GMT+12)
I HATE when people disrespect me or others so I will make sure everyone has respect including me.
I am a active learner so I am always ready.
I have very fluent English. (From New Zealand)

What are your biggest weaknesses?
Stuttering, sometimes when I'm stressed I stutter which most of the time I can control (Only been happening recently)

Will you be ready to leave RP life?
Yes, I would like to help other have fun in RP life!

Will you be ready to sell your business?
Yes (I Don't Have One

Ex FiveM Staff
Ex Rust Admin
Ex Technical Advisor
Lots more experiences

Thank you!!! - Kay Pluxury

Nathan Gonzalez

Jun 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Nathan
2. 16 (Turned 16 recently)
3. EST
4. 5-10 hours a day
5. Nathanz
6. Nathan Gonzalez
7. 34255

- I want to be a admin so I can help out with the city. I have always wanted to help out with the #1 best city in the world. I have a lot of experience in grp and I feel like I could help out with a lot of things. I know all the server rules by heart. I want to also help people, and get rid of the people ruining the fun experience. I will make sure no one feels like they aren’t having fun, I will make sure no one is abusing the powers that they have, I will make sure anyone who asks for help will receive a response they need.

- My strengths are communicating well with anyone I will never be disrespectful even if someone is disrespecting me, I am always professional with my work, I am good with teaching people how to do things as I was a FTO /FTA for the LSPD for about 1 month in another server, I am a very good typer, I can speak English very well. I also show dedication no matter what and will always dedicate my time to doing my job. I can multitask very well as that is a common thing for me anytime of the day. I have a very strong characteristic that will help out with any situation needed, I’m very outgoing and easy to get along with and I can make a bad situation turn into a good situation with a little bit of fun but making sure it stays professional.

- I would say I don’t have any great weaknesses as I believe I do everything the best I can.

- I will 1000% be ready to leave my part of RP to make sure everyone that comes to this city has the absolute best experience they can have.

- I do not have any businesses so yes

I would like to say that if I get accepted that it will truly change my life, I have dedicated a lot of my IRL time into this city and seeing how far it has come it would make me happy to be apart of the fastest growing city of all time. I want to get on and make everyone happy I will get rid of all the bad people and help the good people to the best I can, I will make sure to look over everyone with care and make sure the ones who need help get it and then the ones who have done stuff to effect the city get punished.

Thank you

- Nathan Gonzalez
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