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IMPORTANT Applications for Lifeinvader

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Drek Asterrr

Jul 6, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Rishi Singh Lunawat.
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours
5. Your Discord: drekasterurpapa
6. Your Nickname: Drek Aster
7. Your ID: 25946

Additional information

1. Leader of LifeInvader.

2) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I am a capable team leader with a genuine love for leading and managing groups. I have been fully committed to Lifeinvader for the last eight months, where I am currently the Head of Journalism. My deep familiarity with the company enables me to successfully negotiate its complexities. I truly think that aiming for a leadership role is the way to achieve great professional fulfillment.

This conviction is supported by my unyielding work ethic, my unrelenting dedication to maintaining professionalism, my abundance of patience, which enables me to foster growth, and my exceptional capacity to motivate and motivate my team members to perform at their highest levels.

In addition, I'm an encouraging ally in addition to being a leader. I voluntarily reach out to anyone who is struggling or in need of help, demonstrating my dedication to creating a supportive and effective work environment. I'm committed to improving productivity, teamwork, and general job satisfaction at Lifeinvader.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I've seen that several members of the advertising team are not fulfilling their duties with regard to "Looking for" advertising. I have a new strike system idea that I think will help with this problem in the long run. To increase teamwork and accountability, this approach will punish workers who regularly neglect the Looking for ad.

My group and I have a fascinating suggestion for the Journalism Team a magazine launch. This creative attempts to highlight weekly city news, a few local celebrities, and much more. I have the committed crew that this project will need. During the interview, I would love to go into additional detail about this concept.

To reduce ad downtime, I intend to grow the Ads team. We may increase our advertising efficiency overall by ensuring a more seamless and uniform ad placement process with the hire of additional people.

Thanks for reading my application.

Best Regards:
Drek Aster

Aayush Juzo

Jul 15, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Aayush
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: aayushbhargav
6. Your Nickname: Aayush Lyz
7. Your ID: 69592
Additional information

1. Leader of LifeInvader.

2) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become the Leader of this organization as i also have past experience in every org( like all gangs and all legal orgs and in LI too) and moreover i recently was the leader of the Ballas Gang and i am well aware that how to handle the org and all that stuff to do as a leader so i think i can handle the org. I know every server rule as i am playing on the server since last 2 years holding an HC position in every org. I also have past experience in LI as a journalism team and ads team employee so i know everything related to the LI.

3) Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I got Various ideas for events that will entertain the citizens of Los Santos like Car Show, Talent Show, Treasure Hunt and etc. I am committed to ensuring that all LifeInvader employees are well-versed in the implemented rules and policies. Additionally, I will ensure they receive comprehensive training to enable us to provide the highest quality service to the citizens of Los Santos and bonuses so that the employees be polite and always ready for everyone.

As we all know that the Ads team somehow struggle to involve themselves in RP so I have an amazing idea to increase RP within the Ads team also and it will help to increase the roleplay experience of the overall city and we can discuss about it later in the interview.

I've noticed that the ads team and creative team are highly active and doing a splendid job. While I have several ideas for improving the journalism department, I've observed that many employees are concerned about potential legal issues and getting sued. To address this, I plan to hire a lawyer for our team who can study each case and provide assistance. My promise is to use journalism to reveal the true nature of any organization, even if it means facing legal challenges.

My goal is to hire journalist who are fearless, passionate and dedicated towards their work.For protection of employees at the time of any terrorist activity we got vest but that is not enough I also suggest to add armour vehicle so they can stay safe in that situation and escape the scenario. To prevent missuse of that vechical I will take all precautional measure.

Thanks for reviewing my applicati
Solid Regards.
Aayush Lyz

Aditya Royal

You Can't Replace Anyone!
Jan 7, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL :
Pranav Aditya
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : Indian Standard Time (IST) (+5:30 GMT)
4. Average online per day : 8 hours
5. Your Discord : amancherlaaditya
6. Your Nickname : Aditya Royal
7. Your ID : 9057

Additional information

1. Leader of...
Life Invader.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

- I want to become the leader of Life Invader , as Life Invader is one of the most innovative organizations. Life Invader has a lot of potential to host different types of artful events. I believe that I am perfect as a leader, as i have leadership qualities and management skills as I have hosted many events in my real life university as well, which gives me a good administration abilities, and I have been working as high commands in many organizations such as lspd, sahp, gov, fib, ems, vagos, ballas, bloods.

- Life Invader has many services that are not being used effectively, and I, as a leader, will enhance these services, such as advertisements, advertising on CNN platforms, etc.. and I will be vigilant that everyone will benefit from the services.

- A hard working and experienced person is required to lead the organization in various events and different situations. Life Invader has the most potential to boost the Role play , from its crowd control team to its creative team, etc. I have a lot of ideas for increasing Role Play within the organization. I always see myself as a creative person who can do a lot. This is one of the most important reasons to go for Life Invader.

- Being the Leader of Life Invader requires leadership skills as well as communication skills to interact with different players. I have been playing grand role play for more than 2 years, and I have gained the skills to fulfill the role with all the skills required. Being the Leader comes with a lot of responsibilities, like having smooth-running ADs and introducing a lot of Role Play in the organization as well as on the server.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

- I would like to try and bring more events and news coverage back into the city. There seems to always be a steady stream of people in the city but not much for the people to do. I would like to fix that. Especially with the new Role Play measures that have been added to the city, I feel that Life Invader could play a big role in bringing more Role Play to the city. I would like to try and make that happen through these events, planned news stories/events with other organizations, as well as through random events that employees are able to find during their time in the city.

- To keep our team happy and motivated, I'll organize fun events from time to time. These events will let team members take part in exciting role-playing activities, work together, and improve their skills. By creating an exciting atmosphere, we can make the role-playing experience better for both our team and customers.

- And Lastly as I have been here for a while I have found out that the org is lacking employees on the night shift, I am looking forward to bring a solution for that.

Thank You,

Anastasia Steele

Life Is Short Wear Your Party Pants 🍻
May 18, 2023
Congratulations to the following players who have been chosen to participate in the Lifeinvader interview on Saturday, October 28, at 17:00 server time.

Brian Hawkins ( nallon ) - 72609
Drek Aster
( drekasterurpapa ) - 25946

The Lifeinvader application is now closed.

Kazuto Kirigaya

Mar 18, 2022
LifeInvader Applications are now Open

Any Off-Topic comments/vouches will result in punishment!

Show your support to the applicants by reacting.


Need a Job
Feb 12, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Andrew Johnson
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone: (GMT+1)
4. Average online per day: 5hours to 6 hours
5. Your Discord : miele1
6. Your Nickname: Andrew Silver
7. Your ID: 99971
Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

- I want to become the leader of Life invader because Life Invader is the best organization and at the same time the most challenging one. Life Invader hosts different types of events. I believe I am perfect fit for the leader of Life invader, because I have experience on Life invader know the server rules have a very good level of English and most importantly I have management and leadership skills I have been a HC in many orgs like: F.I.B, L.S.P.D, S.A.H.P, N.G, G.O.V, Bloods Gang, Ballas Gang, Marabunta.

-I see my self as a great leader as of I can keep calm in intense situation I have good communication skills. I have been playing grand role play for more than 1 year, and I have gained lots of experience and skills and most importantly I have gained lots of memories.

- Life Invader had lots of functions like editing and publishing advertisement etcetera and if I am selected as a Leader I will make sure that the members that get hired into Life invader are active people and people who know the rules and everything you need to know about Life Invader so that it will be the best term of all!!!

- Being the Leader of Life Invader requires leadership skills as well as communication skills to interact with others and I believe I got everything needed to be the next leader of Life invader. I know everything that there is about Life Invader starting on editing Ads and all the way to the more complex stuff.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

- I host more events and publish more articles about situations happening in the city. I feel like the city could do more roleplay and Life invader is the number 1 source were the most RP could be created I will make sure that Life invader does the most RP possible starting at interviewing normal citizens about troubles that they have all the way to interviewing Highly Trained S.W.A.T agents in Hostage Situations.

- To keep my members happy I will Host lots of events and give out lots of bonuses from time to time or when I see them working hard because everyone matters and no one will be left out

-Will make sure that Life invader is the most active organization out of all especially in the night I have seen people complaining why no one is editing ads but I was more shocked when I saw people complaining in the day why no one at life invader was editing their Ads

Abdul Ahad

Nov 2, 2022
1. Your Name: Abdul Ahad
2. Your Age: 19
3. Time Zone: GMT+5
4. Average Online Per Day: 8 hours
5. Your Discord: _abdul_ahad_
6. Your Nickname: Abdul Ahad
7. Your ID: 17487

Additional information
1) Leader of LifeInvader

2) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I am honored to apply for the leadership role at Lifeinvader, having served as the Head of the Ads Team and COO and currently holding the position of temp CEO. Three compelling reasons drive my aspiration:

Proven Leadership: With successful stints as the COO, I've demonstrated effective leadership, contributing to the team's achievements and organizational growth.

Comprehensive Understanding: My experiences in various roles, especially as the Ads team, provide me with a holistic understanding of Lifeinvader's operations, making me well-suited to guide the organization.

Strategic Vision: As a leader, I aim to leverage my strategic vision to enhance the overall functioning of Lifeinvader, fostering collaboration and achieving collective success.

3) Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

As such, I have nothing to improve because the last leaders improved a lot, and if we talk about role-playing, I'd like to improve it by hosting events, covering robberies, and interesting stuff going on in the city.

Thank you for considering my application.

Best Regards,
Abdul Ahad
Last edited:

Kabir Parker

Oct 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL
- Suvam Biswas
2. Your age - 22
3. Time zone - GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day - 12 - 15 hours
5. Your Discord - ninjaatmos
6. Your Nickname - Kabir Parker
7. Your ID - 21888
Additional information
1. Leader of

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Successful leadership is critical for the success of any organization, and Lifeinvader is no exception. I'm confident in my ability to thrive as a Lifeinvader leader since I understand this organization's policies, which are essential for any leader. I have also state organization experience (Ex-deputy chief of EMS). I completed 5 months in Lifeinvader and right now I'm Deputy head of ADs. Between these times I learned lots of things like, how Lifeinvader works, how HC manages Lifeinvader, and many more things. This work has enhanced my communication, cooperation, and decision-making abilities. I've promoted collaboration and innovation, which is my Lifeinvader's goal. My diverse experiences have honed my adaptability and problem-solving talents. Building on my considerable organizational experience and skills, I am well-prepared to lead and contribute to the growth of Lifeinvader.

-- I've learned the value of creativity, collaboration, and communication from my experience with Lifeinvader. Working with a diverse team has improved my leadership abilities and ability to value and respect the contributions of each team member. My professional approach is centered around three key elements: establishing clear goals, motivating the team, and fostering an environment that is polite, trustworthy, and kind.

-- I think I'm the ideal candidate to lead Lifeinvader into the future. My abilities to make strategic decisions and promote teamwork in the workplace have improved. I am sure that I have the skills and qualities necessary to lead Lifeinvader successfully. Furthermore, I'm confident that my capacity for recognizing unique candidates and quickly adjusting to shifting industry patterns will help Lifeinvader maintain its success and expansion.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I want to host Various exciting events, including a BMX race, Swimming competition, bike show, treasure hunt, auto show, and many more special and unique events, will be held. Participants will receive fantastic awards from each event. We want to appeal to a broad range of interests while making sure that everyone has a good time. Beyond amusement, our goal is to strengthen the bonds of camaraderie and solidarity among our people, which will ultimately improve their general well-being. Our goal in planning such activities is to foster diversity and unite individuals from all backgrounds. It is also our belief that cultivating a strong sense of community will benefit our folks' general well-being and happiness.

-- I'll be having a dedicated team of creative team employees available to work on urgent projects like making posters or ethers. This team will be prepared with the knowledge and abilities required to complete critical assignments on schedule, ensuring that pressing assignments are completed successfully. We will have the capacity to handle urgent demands. Even in emergency situations, we attempt to satisfy our client's expectations and deliver great service. Our committed staff can guarantee the timely completion of projects without compromising quality, because of our flexibility in responding to urgent demands. Furthermore, the extra fees for urgent requests will allow us to more efficiently deploy the funds required for this urgent work. Furthermore, additionally, I give extra bonuses to that particular employee to recognize their exceptional efforts.

-- I noticed there are 10th empty ranks called suspended. So if I became a Lifeinvader leader then I change that empty ranks. And I create some normal ranks and HC ranks. By the approval of curators, Because right now there are 120+ Lifeinvader employees. And we also need more HCs to guide them as a mentor all the time. So that no mistakes are gonna happen.

-- I hire some employees, especially for Night shift ADs. Because at night there are lots of ADs getting pending, and no one doing that ADs. And we getting complaints. So I hire 5-8 people for the night-shift.

Thanks for reading my application.

Best Regards:
Kabir Parker
Last edited:

Aayush Juzo

Jul 15, 2023

1. Your name IRL:

2. Your age:
3. Time zone:
4. Average online per day:
6-8 hours
5. Your Discord:
6. Your Nickname:
Aayush Lyz
7. Your ID:

Additional information

1. Leader of ... LifeInvader.

2) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become the Leader of this organization as i also have past experience in every org( like all gangs and all legal orgs and in LI too) and moreover i recently was the leader of the Ballas Gang and i am well aware that how to handle the org and all that stuff to do as a leader so i think i can handle the org. I know every server rule as i am playing on the server since last 2 years holding an HC position in every org. I also have past experience in LI as a journalism team and ads team employee so i know everything related to the LI.

3) Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I got Various ideas for events that will entertain the citizens of Los Santos like Car Show, Talent Show, Treasure Hunt and etc. I am committed to ensuring that all LifeInvader employees are well-versed in the implemented rules and policies. Additionally, I will ensure they receive comprehensive training to enable us to provide the highest quality service to the citizens of Los Santos and bonuses so that the employees be polite and always ready for everyone.

As we all know that the Ads team somehow struggle to involve themselves in RP so I have an amazing idea to increase RP within the Ads team also and it will help to increase the roleplay experience of the overall city and we can discuss about it later in the interview.

I've noticed that the ads team and creative team are highly active and doing a splendid job. While I have several ideas for improving the journalism department, I've observed that many employees are concerned about potential legal issues and getting sued. To address this, I plan to hire a lawyer for our team who can study each case and provide assistance. My promise is to use journalism to reveal the true nature of any organization, even if it means facing legal challenges.

My goal is to hire journalist who are fearless, passionate and dedicated towards their work.For protection of employees at the time of any terrorist activity we got vest but that is not enough I also suggest to add armour vehicle so they can stay safe in that situation and escape the scenario. To prevent missuse of that vechical I will take all precautional measure.

Thanks for reviewing my application.
Solid Regards.
Aayush Lyz

Kazuto Kirigaya

Mar 18, 2022
Applications for LifeInvader Leader are now CLOSED

The following players have been selected for LIfeInvader Leader interviews at 18:00 Server Time on (Saturday 30th of December)

Abdul Ahad
- 17487 - _abdul_ahad_

Kazuto Kirigaya

Mar 18, 2022
LifeInvader Applications are now Open

Any Off-Topic comments/vouches will result in punishment!

Show your support to the applicants by reacting.


Apr 13, 2023

1. My name IRL:
2. My age:
3. Time zone:
GMT +2
4. Average online per day:
2-4 Hours
5. My Discord:
6. My Nickname:
Rambo Broddy
7. My ID:

Additional information

1. Leader of LifeInvader

2) Why do I want to be a leader of this specific organization?
  1. Team Player and Leader: I thrive in collaborative environments, having experience working effectively within teams. I'm not just about getting the job done; I believe in bringing out the best in my friends and colleagues, making a supportive atmosphere where everyone can work with ease. My leadership style is all about leading by example and encouraging others to do their best and be motivated.
  2. Design Expertise: With a background in graphics design, I have a keen eye for what looks good. This skill is crucial for a news station like LifeInvader, where visual appeal plays a significant role in engaging the audience. I can ensure that our graphics are not only eye-catching but also provide information effectively, enhancing LifeInvader's overall presentation and credibility.
  3. Creativity: Starting leadership from scratch requires thinking outside the box and being open to new ideas. Luckily, I'm creative. I'm always brainstorming fresh concepts and approaches, always trying to explore efficient solutions to challenges. This mindset will be valuable for LifeInvader as we are always trying to provide something fresh and exciting for the people.
3) My advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:
  1. Training: I will try to provide templates, guides and help for people who are completely new to the Organization or Server.
  2. Feedback: I will try to gain as much feedback and learn from other peoples mistakes or my own, I will always be giving honest opinions on my colleagues so that they could work flawlessly.
  3. Scenarios: I will try give out ideas and scenarios we could do in the creative/newspaper section.
  4. Creativity: I will try a concept of holding an event within the organization to provide new public-event concepts.
  5. Rewards: We all know that rewards motivate work. People who truly provide their best, will be given more.
Thank you for reading my application.
Yours Truly,
Mero 😉
Last edited:

Ezekiel Hawkins

Feb 4, 2023
1. Your name IRL:
Ezekiel Hawkins
2. Your age: 28
3. Time zone: GMT+1
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: obey420
6. Your Nickname: Ezekiel Hawkins
7. Your ID: 71392

Additional information
1. Leader of:

2) Why do I want to be a leader of this specific organization?
I would like to apply for the position of Lifeinvader leader because I have been in a high command position for 9 months. During this time, I had the opportunity to prove myself as the Ads team DHOD, later as HOD, and eventually as COO. Currently, I am the HOD of the HR department. I feel that I have all the necessary experience to lead the city's most important organization. I believe that with careful attention and guidance, the issues related to the continuity of advertisements can be resolved. Continuous bonus distributions and promotions can incentivize individuals to ensure the smooth operation of the organization.

3) Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I believe that, thanks to my predecessors, they have done a thoroughly satisfactory job in enhancing the organization's RP experience. I aim to organize a wide range of diverse and exciting events to enrich the daily lives of the city's residents. In collaboration with the creative team, I plan to prepare not only the Talent Show but also several thrilling events. In my opinion, the diversity and excitement of these events are more than enough to provide people with an outstanding RP experience.

Best Regards:
Ezekiel Hawkins


Need a Job
Feb 12, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Andrew Johnson
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone: (GMT+1)
4. Average online per day: 5hours to 6 hours weekends 9h+
5. Your Discord : miele1
6. Your Nickname: Andrew Milton
7. Your ID: 99971
Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

- I want to become the leader of Life invader because Life Invader is the best organization and at the same time the most challenging one. Life Invader hosts different types of events. I believe I am perfect fit for the leader of Life invader, because I have experience on Life invader know the server rules have a very good level of English and most importantly I have management and leadership skills I have been a HC in many orgs like: F.I.B, L.S.P.D, S.A.H.P, N.G, G.O.V, Bloods Gang, Ballas Gang, Marabunta.

-I see my self as a great leader as of I can keep calm in intense situation I have good communication skills. I have been playing grand role play for more than 1 year, and I have gained lots of experience and skills and most importantly I have gained lots of memories.

- Life Invader had lots of functions like editing and publishing advertisement etcetera and if I am selected as a Leader I will make sure that the members that get hired into Life invader are active people and people who know the rules and everything you need to know about Life Invader so that it will be the best term of all!!!

- Being the Leader of Life Invader requires leadership skills as well as communication skills to interact with others and I believe I got everything needed to be the next leader of Life invader. I know everything that there is about Life Invader starting on editing Ads and all the way to the more complex stuff.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization.

- I host more events and publish more articles about situations happening in the city. I feel like the city could do more roleplay and Life invader is the number 1 source were the most RP could be created I will make sure that Life invader does the most RP possible starting at interviewing normal citizens about troubles that they have all the way to interviewing Highly Trained S.W.A.T agents in Hostage Situations.

- To keep my members happy I will Host lots of events and give out lots of bonuses from time to time or when I see them working hard because everyone matters and no one will be left out

-Will make sure that Life invader is the most active organization out of all especially in the night I have seen people complaining why no one is editing ads but I was more shocked when I saw people complaining in the day why no one at life invader was editing their Ads

Note: IK my punishment history is bad but please consider this i have learned all the rules

Del Federal

🎃 Hello Am I Audible !!
Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
Applications for LifeInvader Leader are now CLOSED

The following players have been selected for LIfeInvader Leader interviews at 17:00 Server Time on (Thursday 01st of February)

Ezekiel Hawkins - 71392 - obey420
Rambo Broddy - 99644 - m.1.6.

Kazuto Kirigaya

Mar 18, 2022
1. Name IRL: Ahamed Ammar
2. My Age: 21
3. My Time Zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 10 to 15 hours
5. My Discord: dr.eug
6. My Nickname: Kazuto Kirigaya
7. My ID: 16473

Additional information

1. Leader of LifeInvader

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  • I have been working in LI for over a year now, during my time here i have been the leader of the org, deputy leader as well as HOD for Creative Team. due to all my previous position and as the former Deputy and Current Acting CEO of LI i know what the organization needs and what needs to be done
  • I have been member of several other organizations and also have lead multiple other organizations so i believe the ORG needs someone like me with both great experience in leading a org as well as someone who understands what this org needs right now.
  • I my self am a team player. I like to help out people in need and also I listen to what other people have to say and respect the ideas and opinions.
3. My advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.
  • I will be focusing mainly on recruiting towards Creative and Journalism Team as they are currently lacking due to less activity from current employees
  • I would like to entertain the citizens with new type of events as well as some new projects and a new TV show that i have in mind for everyone to enjoy
  • All hardworking employees will be recognized and be given promotions on weekly basis as well as bonuses to keep them encouraged.
  • I have few more plans and changes for the ORG to make the ORG a better and friendly place for everyone to stay. Cant mention all the plans i have here due to limited space but will discuss with curators.

Thanks for reviewing my application!
Kazuto Kirigaya


ex-LI Leader
Aug 14, 2023
1. Your name IRL:
Zakaria Abdul Fattah
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT +2
4. Average online per day: 4-7h
5. Your Discord: zack.f7
6. Your Nickname: Pluxury Zack
7. Your ID: 115759

Additional information
1. Leader of Lifeinvader

2) Why do I want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Passion for Innovation and Growth:
  • I am deeply passionate about driving innovation and fostering growth within organizations. LifeInvader's focus on ads, journalism, and creative endeavors presents an exciting opportunity to innovate and make a meaningful impact in multiple domains simultaneously.
Commitment to Nurturing Talent and Building Teams:
  • I believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork in achieving organizational goals. LifeInvader's diverse departments require effective leadership to bring together individuals with unique skill sets and perspectives to work towards a common vision.

    Alignment with Organizational Values and Mission:
  • I am committed to upholding these values and leading by example, ensuring that our actions and decisions are always guided by ethical principles and a commitment to delivering exceptional results. I am dedicated to advancing LifeInvader's mission and driving positive change in the industries we operate in.

    3) Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

    as the previous leader had 2 successful terms i dont see that much to improve in the org but maybe small things need to be improved which are like hosting more events to make the city active, make the journalism and the creative departments more active and recruit more people for them to cover robberies, make posters etc..
    by the end im looking forward to become a leader of this org to improve the roleplay and make it exciting for other people and the city.
Best Regards,

Brian Hawkins

Jul 11, 2023
Applications for LifeInvader Leader are now CLOSED

The following players have been selected for LIfeInvader Leader interviews at 19:00 Server Time on (Friday 05th of April)

Kazuto Kirigaya - 16473 - dr.eug
Pluxury Zack -
115759 - zack.f7

Del Federal

🎃 Hello Am I Audible !!
Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
LifeInvader Applications are now Open

Any Off-Topic comments/vouches will result in punishment!

Show your support to the applicants by reacting.

Suki Watson

Jun 12, 2023
1. Oguz
2. 17
3. GMT+03:00
4. 5-7 hours
5. immortallo
6. Suki Walker
7. 77489
Additional information

1. Leader of Lifeinvader

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I would like to be a leader of Lifeinvader because of some reasons i really like to work for people to help with there sales, traidings, news etc.. so i really good at helping people for money our team will take all the important stuff and making a really good media company that will everyone loves.

2) Every time in our lovely city there are some bad news from the city like shooting, robbing etc.. our team will decide which one of the news are important to give our lovely citizens and our lovely citizens will like our news

3) People loves to watch our interviews so our team will make a good interviews for our citizens who wants to get motivated for their future or people who wants to know about crimes so our interviews will going to be really good, exctiing and dangerous

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) Who ever wants to join our organization must follow the rules in all case and must be confident while working

2) I am here to make people happy also our employies so our working conditions are good and not stressfull

3) No toxicity in our organization

4) All employees must be profesional
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