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IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

Shiva Marneedi

Grand Roleplay
Jul 2, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Shiva
2. Your age:23
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 8 - 10+ hours
5. Your Discord: ShivaPlaysYT#0941
6. Your Nickname: Shiva Marneedii
7. Your ID:152

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?

- I want to become an admin to help people who are new arrivals. And I have been more than 90+ days in en1 , so I think I know how other players are performing.. I see the number of players growing drastically, and I see the overwhelming amount of mistakes are be done by players where I would like to tell them what mistake there are doing and I acknowledge the amount of time and effort needed to keep the community strong and deliver a great and fair service as quickly and as reliable as possible.
- Help people by letting them to do a quality RP, so they get a better playing experience on the server, punish people who don't follow the rules and help people who are getting RDM'ed, VDM'ed... etc
- I'll be not discriminate between friends and other player and wont give partial judgement/punishment.
- I'm active, I play fair, I'm nice to people who are nice to me , I would always take tickets/calls first over RP, just like picking recruits first. I always give fair punishments, depending on the situation. I will be dedicated as a admin, I take it seriously. I would love to help the server grow even more and I am always up to help people!
- after all of the above, I enjoyed a lot in the city and i fulfilled myself by showing a quality roleplay every second, i think now its time to stop showing that and helping to others to make a quality roleplay by confessing the rules and everything when they want to know

2. What are your strengths?
* I am a good listener and quick learner, Managing, commitment to the quality RP and patience
* I am patient with people and I don't lose my temper, I am a hard worker, when I tend to do something I do it
* a lot experience In game
* Following up the orders passed by higher ups and I've capable of making a quick decisions as per the higher up

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
* I can't take it if someone who didn't follow the rules and most of time I can be too forward with people but that happens rarely
I'll be more patience at every time, until the situation is cleared

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
* i would love to be act as admin, I'll play RP when I'm free from admin situations

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
* yes, i can sell my business if i have one.. so there is no issue in it

Scorpion Yash

Dec 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL :- Yash Pathak
2. Your age :- 17
3. Time zone :- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day :- 9 Hours
5. Your Discord :- Gamer Yash#0007
6. Your Nickname :- Scorpions Yash
7. Your ID :- 82607

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
=> Hey!! So, basically I am Playing in this Server from Past 4 months and I always wonder and think that how are gods created in the server and how they help A lot of peoples daily on the exact time. I also love helping people in both the game and irl.. I guess I got a adequate rp experience also I got many punishment for breaking the server rules especially in the case of power gaming and I just learnt from the mistakes I did and therefore it helped me to gain a good experience and then making me attentive to not do those mistakes again and again. As I have been doing roleplay for a long time so i just want to gain experience as a admin of the GRP. I will just make sure to give the right punishment for the rules for whatever the player breaks and can assist the players with whatever issue they got and would always make the right decision and won’t give my higher ones a chance to complain.

2. What are your strengths?
=> My Strength is that i am very patient and capable of taking right decision during the emergency situations. Besides being patient i am very polite and Friendly with everyone. Which can help me in understanding others problem more easily.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
=> To Be Honest my greatest weakness is that i became unconfident sometimes when i am alone and also sometimes i get nervous.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
=> Yes
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
=> Yes

Dark Pluxury

Dec 20, 2021
1. Your name IRL = Shashvat Jain
2. Your age = 19
3. Time zone = IST
4. Average online per day = 6 to 7 Hrs
5. Your Discord = Dark Pluxury | 7098#0001
6. Your Nickname = Dark
7. Your ID = 7098
Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
= I want to become an admin because i want to help new citizen those who coming new in the city and i want teach them how to grow up.
2. what are your strengths?
= My strength is to learn fast and i am hard working i like hard task to perform.
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
= My weakness are
1) If i listen anything about me which is wrong then i totally angry on them.
2) Sometimes i am doing silly mistake which is not acceptable to anyone
3) Sometimes i am over excited to do things which is not important to anyone.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
= Yes i am ready to leave my RP life and i try my best to become admin/god/wizard
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
= I am not having any business .

=============Thank you===========
Thank you for read my form.
Your citizen Dark Pluxury


Apr 19, 2023
1. Your name IRL
William Hamilton

2. Your age
3. Time zone
GMT +02:00

4. Average online per day
4-16 hours, Depends on what i got going on in city/irl

5. Your Discord

6. Your Nickname
Tylah Liquid

7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
seems like something fun to do, Starting to have less and less going on for me in city as well so might as well switch it up a bit and try the role as an admin

2. What are your strengths?
Probably english, the way i can handle things, easy for me to interact with people, patient

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
Honestly im unsure, when it comes to people trolling probably i could get a bit more mad but other then that i really dont know

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
yeah ive been thinkin bout it for some time and im ready

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
yah i dont got one so no worries
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LI Head of the Department
Aug 24, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Your name IRL: Renoy
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT +3
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: itzRenoy#1568
6. Your Nickname: Parker Jonas
7. Your ID: 52107

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
➣ I have given a lot of hours to this server and have also done and enjoyed everything in Role Play and would like to try something different and have been High Command in almost all the orgs. also have followed all the rules of the server and orgs. I would like to become an admin to help the server, help new members who flew into the city and punish dodgers of the server.
2. What are your strengths?
➣ I am patient, respectful, hardworking and also a good listener.
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
➣ I might have to go AFK sometimes to do some IRL stuff but not for too long.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
➣ Yes, as I have experienced and enjoyed my RP life so far.
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
➣ Yes I'm ready, as I don't have any currently.

Daddy Adi

Nov 11, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Aditya Jhunjhunwala
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: AVJ154#6424
6. Your Nickname: Aditya Carter
7. Your ID: 67761

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
➣ I have spent lots of hours and gained lots of experience working in several orgs and now I feel like its time for me to try something new and help other players to have an amazing experience in rp like mine .
2. What are your strengths?
➣I am a person who follows rules and loves maintaining discipline which is very important to enjoy rp
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
➣ I might get impatient at times and might have a few more weakness that I am unaware of
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
➣ Yes, I have spent a lot of hours in rp to gain experience and now i am willing to quit rp
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
➣ I dont have any business .


Apr 20, 2023
1. Your name IRL : abhi tewatiya
2. Your age : 25 ic. 21irl
3. Time zone : UTC/GMT +5:30 hours
4. Average online per day : 10 to 12 hours
5. Your Discord : DxTR!!Abhi#9251
6. Your Nickname : legend abhi
7. Your ID : 82541

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
i want to become an admin because i have done a lot of time in GRP over all all the servers i did all kind of RP and been to all ORGs. i want to be an admin because i know i can make the server be better and better with me in staff team i would like to be one because i like helping people and punishing the ones who don't follow the rules and breaks them i will make sure the people will get good experience because i have done a lot i have been admin in German server and i helped a lot because i have so much knowledge that will help not only players but admins as well i will watch the server and will only do my best to make it better and better.
2. What are your strengths?
I'm the kind of person who lets their work do the talking . If I am fluent in Both Samoan and English and I feel like I can use that skill to my advantage as I can help bridge the gap between people who aren’t as fluent in English and people who speak English natively. Also , as I said earlier I have this drive to help every single person in need of it and I feel that I will be useful as a staff member. Also I am a quick and engaged learner of new skills or things introduced to me.
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
My greatest weakness it some time will forgot something else , having very bad memories ,but no worries im improving my Memories
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
. Yes I will be ready.

Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Punar
2. Your age:16
3. Time zone:Indian time zone
4. Average online per day:4to6 hours
5. Your Discord: Punar0p#2132
6. Your Nickname: Punar Badmash
7. Your ID:46028

Additional Information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

Ans. I want to become a admin cause i have been ex marabunta leader and i can handle panic situation calmly without any difficulty and have experience to control people

2. What are your strengths?

Ans. My greatest strength is that i camly handle every situation no matter what

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

Ans. That i easily belive anyone and will make sure that it will less and make a control on this problem

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?

Ans. Yes,i think i have done almost everything in my rp life

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Ans. Yes

Hamdullah Suphi

Apr 17, 2023
1. Your name IRL :
2. Your age : 22
3. Time zone : GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day : 8-10 Hours
5. Your Discord : HamdullahSuphi # 5346
6. Your Nickname : Hamdullah Suphi
7. Your ID : 75742

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?

-I think im gonna be permant here . because I treat everyone fairly and I don't think I will make mistakes because I know the rules. That's why I believe that I will get along well with everyone and ensure justice.
- I love this server very much, I love the management staff and so on, they are all very good people, I want to be authorized and help.
2. What are your strengths?
-I was born in the UK so I have excellent English. So I can understand everyone. I know Turkish perfectly and I feel lucky because there are a lot of Turks on this server.
-I can show people the same love i don't look down on anyone i'm a very strict person about rules i never like to break the rules i managed 5 times server on Fivem we managed all of them positively as a result of the struggle my management team and management team disintegrated so i closed my server and came to grand rp it's been 4 months 4 I've been a grand rp player for months -I know a lot I want to be an admin and help people
-I know 2 languages (Turkish and English)
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I m always asking my self too hundred times for this question but i think i have no any weakness
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
i thought about it hundred times . i think yes
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Yes ( i have no business)


Jun 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Rob
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT +2
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord: rnqft#5651
6. Your Nickname: Eric Smith
7. Your ID: 32836

Additional information:

1. Why do you want to become an admin? Ive spent lots of hours in the server and admins have always helped me, so i want to continue their path and become an admin myself. I want to try something new, i want to help people, solve problems. I want to make the city a better place for everyone, for the new ones, or the experienced ones. Helping people always is and always will be my mission, thats why i want to become an admin.
2. What are your strengths? My biggest strenghts are: Im Trustworthy, disciplined, respectful, understanding, open minded, honest.
3. What are your greatest weaknesses? My greatest weakness could be my self criticism, i dont forgive my self if i dont make something ive done wrong right, thats why you can trust me.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin? Yes
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin) : Isnt a problem because i havent got any business.

Thank you!
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Levi Pluxury

Ex - LSPD Leader ❤️
Dec 7, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Abdul Rafay
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone:5:00
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: LegendMore#4592
6. Your Nickname :Levi Blu
7. Your ID: 76189

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?
I have been in this city for quite a while now. I almost have every kind of experience in the city both legal and illegal. I believe that I have good leadership skill and I know almost every city rule. If I become an admin I will try my best to resolve the issues of the players as soon as possible. As an admin I want to make sure that no new player faces any difficulties starting their journey in this city.
2. What are your strengths?
1. I stay calm almost in every situation.
2. I have good communication skills . I know a lot of languages.
3. I can handle stressful situations.
4. I'm a quick learner.
5. I like to help everyone.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
1: Trusting people and believing in them
2: Getting strict sometimes if I got frustrated

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Yes, I am Ready to Leave RP.
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Unfortunately, I don't have any business in RP

Franke Castle

<------{ ID : 73176 }------>
Jan 5, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Mustafa Mohammed
2. Your age : 20
3. Time zone : GMT+3
4. Average online per day:
4-8 hours
5. Your Discord:
6. Your Nickname
: Franke Castle
7. Your ID
: 73176

1. Why do you want to become an admin?
Because in the depths of my heart, I feel that I got attached to the game and learned a lot of rules about the server. I believe that I can help people with my experience about the rules, especially helping players whose rights are lost in the game.
2. What are your strengths?
I think that one of my strengths is that I can convince people through my words to understand and convey the idea to them about the laws in a better way. In addition, I am good at designing and programming things
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I guess one of my weaknesses is that I easily forget things
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

Anand ROY

Anand Roy
Nov 15, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
1. Your name IRL: Anand Kumar
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours (Weekends 8-12hours)
5. Your Discord: Anand Roy#9570
6. Your Nickname: Anand Roy
7. Your ID: 57590

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

- I want to become an admin because of my RP experience when I face any problem in RP I directly talk to the admin and they nicely solve the issue. As an admin, it's a great power to keep the bad people away and maintain the true level of RP. My main concern as an admin is only for helping people with their problems and making their RP experience better. Now I gained too much experience in en3 as a citizen and am familiar with all the server rules. For passing a long time in RP. I decided to be an admin and give this server as much help as I can with the knowledge I have and experience. I spent over a year in EN2 And En3 , so I decided to choose my way in En2 as I spend almost 8-9 hours in the city. I will be able to help players out there.

And I learn Every single Rule for the lost few days

2. What are your strengths?

- I know how to handle tough situation
- I have great communication skills
- I know three languages that can help in this
- I have so much patience to listen someone first.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

-I hate people who deceive me
-I hate toxicity.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?


5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

-I don't have Any business

Anand ROY

Anand Roy
Nov 15, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Anand Kumar
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours (Weekends 8-12hours)
5. Your Discord: Anand Roy#9570
6. Your Nickname: Anand Roy
7. Your ID: 57590

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

- I want to become an admin because of my RP experience when I face any problem in RP I directly talk to the admin and they nicely solve the issue. As an admin, it's a great power to keep the bad people away and maintain the true level of RP. My main concern as an admin is only for helping people with their problems and making their RP experience better. Now I gained too much experience in en3 as a citizen and am familiar with all the server rules. For passing a long time in RP. I decided to be an admin and give this server as much help as I can with the knowledge I have and experience. I spent over a year in EN2 And En3 , so I decided to choose my way in En2 as I spend almost 8-9 hours in the city. I will be able to help players out there.

2. What are your strengths?

- I know how to handle tough situation
- I have great communication skills
- I know three languages that can help in this
- I have so much patience to listen someone first.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

-I hate people who deceive me
-I hate toxicity.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?


5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)

-I don't have Any business

Scorpion Yash

Dec 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL :- Yash Pathak
2. Your age :- 17
3. Time zone :- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day :- 9 Hours
5. Your Discord :- Gamer Yash#0007
6. Your Nickname :- Scorpions Yash
7. Your ID :- 82607

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
=> Hey!! So, basically I am Playing in this Server from Past 4 months and I always wonder and think that how are gods created in the server and how they help A lot of peoples daily on the exact time. I also love helping people in both the game and irl.. I guess I got a adequate rp experience also I got many punishment for breaking the server rules especially in the case of power gaming and I just learnt from the mistakes I did and therefore it helped me to gain a good experience and then making me attentive to not do those mistakes again and again. As I have been doing roleplay for a long time so i just want to gain experience as a admin of the GRP. I will just make sure to give the right punishment for the rules for whatever the player breaks and can assist the players with whatever issue they got and would always make the right decision and won’t give my higher ones a chance to complain.

2. What are your strengths?
=> My Strength is that i am very patient and capable of taking right decision during the emergency situations. Besides being patient i am very polite and Friendly with everyone. Which can help me in understanding others problem more easily.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
=> To Be Honest my greatest weakness is that i became unconfident sometimes when i am alone and also sometimes i get nervous.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
=> Yes
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
=> Yes

DaZzy Federal

Nov 13, 2022
1. Your name IRL: -
Tanishq Saini
2. Your age: - 16
3. Time zone: - +5:30 GMT
4. Average online per day: - 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: - DaZzelr#8705
6. Your Nickname: - DaZzy Federal
7. Your ID: - 69685

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?

- I Have Been Playing Grand RP for a long time with 6 + Hours A Day (Previous Week I Played 70 Hours). I Have Worked In Each Gang as a Deputy in Ballas and Under Deputy in Other Gangs and I Also Worked In SAHP, NG, FIB, EMS, LSPD And Worked in Life Invader Too. Enjoyed My IC Life A Lot! Being Honest I, Did Many Rules break From Each I Learned Many Rules. I Would like to help the community as a admin and will do my 100% to help the server.
2. What are your strengths?

- My Strengths is I am a quick learner and clam in intense situation.
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
- My greatest Weakness is I am not creative and overthink some time.
4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
- Yes, I am ready to leave RP life to become an admin.
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
- Yes, don't have any business right now.

Itachi Black

Nov 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Ishaan
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-6 hours
5. Your Discord: Itachi Black#7565
6. Your Nickname: Itachi Black
7. Your ID: 74007

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?
- I want to become admin to serve the beautiful state of Los Santos and its beautiful people. I have been in city for more than 5 months and
I have seen and experienced everything which a guy can possibly see or experience in one year. I have done many crimes and stopped
many crimes as I was in the side of state some times and the side of bandit (gangs) sometimes and this time I am willing to spend my
precious time helping and teaching others who doesnt know or are new in the city.

2. What are your strengths?
- I am a good listener.
- A great learner who learns and shares its experience to others new to that field.
- Would rather choose hardwork over smart work.
- Can speak English fluently.
- Can make a good use of my past experience or my new experience in situations.

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
- Trusting people easily, even after knowing their background.
- Being too kind to people who dont care about the words that they speak.

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
- Yeah! I have done enough.
5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
- Was busy in organisation, Did get the time and money to buy a business. ( I dont own any )

Ex SAHP: Chief of Detectives
Ex SAHP: Deputy Chief of HR
Ex LSPD: Commander


Yaswanth Trigger

How Copy ?
Server Administrator
Sep 18, 2022
. Your name IRL: Yaswanth kavuri

2. Your age: 23
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hours
5. Your Discord: Yaswanthkavuri#4344
6. Your Nickname: Yaswanth Trigger
7. Your ID: 56366

Additional information
1. Why do you want to become an admin?

I think am done with doing RP from last 8 months. I learnt a lot been in gangs as well as legal orgs. As of my experience in city i know how & in which situation the most rule breaks occurs and also know the solution to prevent them and make them to engage in good RP. Also helping the new citizens how to do an RP without fail.

2. What are your strengths?
  • My greatest strength is Good decision making without confusion that helps in solving problems with no damage.
  • A good speaker so that every one can listen to me without an interuption which results the positive vibes
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
Sometimes, I’m too hard on myself. I value producing quality work, and I struggle when I fall short of my own expectations

4. Will you be ready to leave RP life to become an admin?
Yes , I am willing to leave the RP.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
Yes, I am ready btw i don't own one.

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